CHAPTER 10 (Hide and Seek)

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"And you cheated!"

Mommy said. She clearly was very angry.

"I hate cheaters!!"

Mommy said angrily.

"We're sorry Mommy Long Legs!"

Jack said. But Mommy ignored him.

"Now we're going to play one. LAST. GAME!"

Mommy said.

"It's called... Hide... and... Seek!"

Mommy said. After she said that we started running away.

"Run run RUN!"

I yelled.


Mommy started counting. We went down some stairs and we ran anywhere we found our way through, we didn't know where we were going.

"Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three...."

We heard Mommy counting.

"Two.... One...."

After she finished counting we had already lost her. We thought that we could escape until she fell from the ceiling, again. Then Jack pulled me to run back while she was chasing us. We ran and ran for a while and she didn't stop chasing us. Some time later we found another dead end but I saw another platform to go up so I grabbed Jack and rapidly I used my blue hand to pull us up. It worked, Mommy passed and she didn't see us, then I pulled down.
"That was a close one."

Jack said.


I replied. Then we continued walking until we found a room with some kind of big Oven.

"What is that?"

Jack asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"

I replied. Jack went up some stairs and I walked towards the oven, then I tried to open it but it was locked.

"I found something!"

Jack yelled.

"What did you find?"

I asked while trying to open the oven.

"Some sort of machine to fire the oven."

Jack said.

"Turn it on."

I replied.

"I can't."

Jack explained.

"What do you mean?"

I asked.

"Well I need a big gear."

Jack explained. Then I looked around and I found a gear on top of some pipes.

"I got one!"

I said. Then Jack peeked over.

"Throw it!"

Jack said.

"Are you sure?"

I asked.

"Yes! Throw it."

Jack replied. Then I nodded and I threw the gear. Jack grabbed it but he almost fell down because of the weight.

"I got it!"

Jack said while walking towards the machine.

"Done! I think you have to turn it on somehow."

Jack said.

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