CHAPTER 1 (The Box)

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It was 5:30 AM and my alarm started beeping.

"Uh... Already!? I'm tired! Ugh I don't want to

go anywhere. I gue-."

Someone knocked on the door

"What? Who's there??"


"I should see who's there."

After turning off my alarm I walked to the door and opened it.

"Huh? A box??"

I took the box and went back to my room.

"What is in here? I didn't order anything."

I opened the box and I found a letter with a red flower and some tapes.

"A letter, a red flower, and like 3 tapes. Interesting."

I opened the letter and started reading it.

"Thomas, if you are reading this, it is because you are our last chance to survive, I am Jack and I'm with Alysson. Before you get mad she offered to help me with my research. We are at the Poppy Playtime's abandoned factory. Please come and I'll explain everything, we need your help.


After reading the letter I was very confused.

"What the heck. Poppy Playtime's abandoned factory? That's an hour away from here! Should I go? Ugh! Only because he is with Alysson."

I got ready and went out, I had to go to work but Alysson, and Jack? Maybe, they were more important.

"I don't even need waze to get there. We used to go a lot when we were kids."

An hour later I arrived there.

"It is weird to remember this place..."

Let's go back 20 years to remember why it is abandoned now.

Poppy Playtime's Abandoned Factory. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now