Chapter 19: Power Down

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"We did it!" Sabbi cheered as she celebrated with Andre and Kennethn. Rana, Bryan, and Chaz had just made it to their location, a bit out of breath and sweating from the running. "What...are you guys celebrating..?" Bryan managed to spit out as he finally took a breath. "We were working on our abilities and weapons and we just came up with a sick power move!" Sabbi smiled as she ushered Andre to a certain spot in the open field. "Yeah, I think we can tell you were working on power moves..." Chaz looked over at the large indented pit that was formed into the ground, which made a clear indication of being the source of the sound from earlier. "Here, we'll show you!" Andre called out to her as he placed his large headed sword onto the ground while still holding the handle. Sabbi went a few feet behind Andre and rushed where his sword was, going onto the sword head and had Andre launch her into the air. As Sabbi began summoning multiple fire balls, Kennethn pulled out his chainsaw and slashed it into the air. After he was done, Kennethn grabbed the cord that was attached to his chainsaw and tugged on it, making the slashes he made suddenly fly around the area he slashed through and splitting the fire balls in half. This caused the fire balls to fly all over in rapid speed, spreading out in their area and hitting the ground, making the same crashing sound that Rana, Bryan, and Chaz had heard earlier. "Cool, right?!" Sabbi smiled as she landed on her feet and placed her hands on her hips. "That's pretty cool, but maybe don't make so much noise? We don't want any of the townsfolk to hear the racket going on here and think there's a fight going on or something." Rana went over to the three and smiled softly. They nodded before Rana explained that he was going to the cafe for a few hours, telling the teens to either stay in the house or remain in the field they were currently in so he knew where they would be when he came back. The group agreed and watched as Rana walked through the way Chaz, Bryan, and him originally came from. "I think we should stay here and keep making more power moves! And with Bryan and Chaz here, we can make even better ones! Maybe we can do one with all five of us! Maybe-" "Actually, I think I'm going to go back to the house, I need a break from training for a bit..." Kennethn cut Sabbi off mid sentence as he reverted from his transformation and held his plastic chainsaw close to his chest. "Alright, how about we all go back home and once we drop you off back at the house, we find a closer field to train in?" Sabbi offered Kennethn, who was quick to agree to the offer. The group went back to the house and let Kennethn stay inside to rest, leaving the rest of the group to go off and find a nearby field for training. It didn't take them long to find a spot and discuss different ideas for how to make power moves with each other. Because of Bryan and Chaz's weapons still being repaired at the blacksmiths, they can only make power moves with their mythical abilities. As they continued with their discussion on different power moves, Kennethn went to the bedroom that was initially made for the boys. He noticed the clothes that were left behind by Lulu and Malik were scattered around, the only set of clothes that weren't there were the new outfits Rana got them. Kennethn began picking up the articles of clothing and folded them before feeling a small object inside the pocket of Lulu's pants. He rummaged through the pocket before pulling out a small bottle with midnight blue liquid inside of it. He held the bottle in his hand before putting it in his own pocket and continuing to fold Lulu's clothes. By the time Kennethn had finished folding the clothes, he began hearing noises and laughter outside. He went over to the opened window and peeked outside, barely seeing his friends but could hear their laughter in the distance. It didn't take long for Kennethn to spot something ramming through the trees. As Kennethn squinted his eyes to see what exactly was causing such damage, he froze when he saw it was a mini tornado, but there was something different about it. Bolts of electricity were spewing out of the tornado, shooting down anything that was coming through its path. Kennethn rushed out of the house and began calling out to his friends. "Guys, where are you?! Get out of the woods!" Kennethn rushed past the tornado at a safe distance before seeing a figure inside of the tornado. Instead of the figure whirling within the wind, they were standing perfectly still, almost embracing the wind like it was nothing. Kennethn grew confused but was still worried that the person was in danger. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't even use his mythical abilities properly due to how much his mind was racing in panic. As he tried to use his super speed to reach his friends faster, it would stop working midway, making him fall over from the sudden pause. He tried to keep his composure, but there was no use, he couldn't even stand on his feet without toppling over a bit. Kennethn felt powerless under the current condition he was in, so he could only think of one thing to do. "Sabbi! Bryan! Guys, help!" Kennethn yelled out as loud as he could, feeling like his life was about to be taken away from him. As Kennethn continued yelling out for help, he could see his friends coming out of the woods, but saw that Andre was missing from the group. "H-Help me, please! My abilities aren't working and someone got sucked into the tornado!" Kennethn finally managed to get onto his feet and rushed to his friends, practically falling into Sabbi's arms. "Nobody got sucked into the tornado, that's Andre!" Sabbi smiled as she ushered Bryan to lower his arms, which were raised in the air and facing the small tornado. Bryan nodded and gently lowered his arms, which caused the small tornado to slowly dissipate. As the tornado began to vanish, the figure that was seen in the middle of it was revealed to be Andre. "A-Andre..? What were you doing in the tornado..?" "We were working on our power moves, remember? Bryan and I came up with an electric tornado! Bryan was creating the tornado and lifting me up while I was putting electricity into the wind and shooting bolts out!" Andre smiled as he walked over to the group. "Are you okay? You were scared for your life when you saw our tornado." "Of course I was scared, it's a tornado! I thought I was going to die!" Kennethn spat out before feeling his heart that was once racing rapidly now soothe down. "Sorry for scaring you so much, how about we call it a day with training? We can continue tomorrow." Sabbi smiled softly as she placed a hand on Kennethn's shoulder. He nodded as he followed his friends back into the house. "I'm actually pretty surprised the neighbors didn't hear all the commotion..." Chaz thought out loud as she and the others sat at the dining table together. "Yeah, maybe everyone's out right now?" Sabbi added to the thought. "That would be a weird coincidence, wouldn't it? Everyone being out at the same time?" Bryan chimed in with his input. "At least we didn't get caught by other people! If Kennethn got that scared over the tornado, imagine how others would react if they saw it!" Andre chuckled a bit as he got up from the table to get some water. Everyone continued to discuss the training they've been through except for Kennethn, who was sitting silently in his seat. He couldn't get over the emotions he was going through when he saw the tornado. The feeling of helplessness, the feeling of weakness, and the aftermath embarrassment. He couldn't believe the way that he acted in what could've been a dire situation. He got up from his seat and was making his way towards the front door. "Where are you going, Kennethn?" Sabbi looked over at him, leaning back in her chair to get a better look at Kennethn. "I'm just going out for some fresh air...I'll be right back." Kennethn gave her a reassuring smile before leaving the house. "But we were just outside..." Bryan furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Kennethn leave. "Something's bothering him...he always goes out for his walks when he's feeling down." Sabbi got up and stretched a bit. "We should go out with him, none of us know all the ways through this town and he could end up getting lost." Sabbi suggested as she grabbed her sword. "Why do we need our weapons if we're only going for a walk?" Bryan asked as he and the others got up from the table. "This mythical realm is pretty crazy so far since we've been here, at this point we need to keep our weapons on us at all times." Sabbi shrugged as she already began opening the door and making her way outside. "Hey, wait for us!" Andre called out as he grabbed his sword and rushed after Sabbi, Chaz and Bryan following behind him. Kennethn wasn't very far from the house when his friends caught up to him. "Hey Kennethn! Do you mind if we join you?" Sabbi called out to him as she and the others reached him. "I don't mind, but I wasn't going to walk far, just around the neighborhood." Kennethn smiled a bit as his friends walked alongside him. "How about we go on a little adventure to distract you from what happened earlier! That's why you're on a walk anyway, right?" Sabbi went in front of Kennethn and smiled widely. "Yeah, but I don't know about an adventure...didn't Rana tell us to stay at the house while he's working at the cafe?" "Yeah, didn't we agree that we would try to check out the other towns, we could find more information on the Crystal Calamity!" Sabbi cheered. "How come you only want to go on adventures when Rana isn't here? Is it because you know that he'll say no?" Bryan asked her as he folded his arms. "I mean...kinda." Sabbi chuckled a bit. "Hey, at least we got these new clothes to fit in!" Chaz smiled, going in front of the group and pointed out their outfits. "True, plus we won't be gone for very long!" Andre joined her before Bryan spoke up again. "We thought that last time when we found Os and his friends and we ended up getting Rana worried." Bryan sighed as Kennethn smiled, making up his mind. "Alright, let's go!" Kennethn smiled, causing everyone but Bryan to cheer. "We're really going through this again..?" Bryan grumbled, making Sabbi have an idea. "Here, give me a second!" Sabbi rushed back to the house and stayed in there for a few minutes before leaving something on the front door and running back to her group. "What was that?" Chaz asked as Sabbi went to the front of the group. "I left Rana a note telling him where we're going! That way he won't get worried about where we went!" Sabbi smiled as she began leading the group down the pathway into town square.

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