Chapter 6: Mythical Stranger

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Character Info

Lulu (Male)

Appearance: A 5'6 19 year old with shoulder length black hair usually kept out. He wears a black and red checkered flannel with the sleeves rolled up and loose gray jeans. He has a pair of black hiking boots which he likes to wear for the design, not because he hikes.

Personality: Can take things too seriously, causing him to be seen as a 'buzzkill' to many. He almost always has a resting bitch face, so sometimes it's hard to tell how he's feeling until he vocalizes it. Even though he would try to be intimidating, he's secretly a big teddy bear, caring about people he holds close to him but doesn't know how to show it.

As the figure began walking towards her, Sabbi shoved the ointment into her hoodie pocket and held up her plastic sword, preparing to transform and fight if she had to. The figure was now standing a few yards away from her, but she could now make out the features. It was a teenage boy, but he didn't look like the rest of the townsfolk. The people in the town were seen wearing either old fashioned Colonial-like dresses or suits, with the only exceptions of a small handful of elderly people wearing cloaks or robes. The boy standing in front of her had on casual clothes like her and had a large iron hammer strapped to his back. She slowly put her weapon down as the boy raised an eyebrow, titling his head to the side a bit. "You okay?" He asked, stopping a few feet away from Sabbi. "Yeah..." Sabbi replied hesitantly as she kept her guard up. "Who are you?" "I'm Lulu, you?" "Sabbi..." She trailed off as Lulu turned his attention towards the buildings of the town. "Do you know where the pharmacy is?" He asked as he turned his attention back to Sabbi. "Yeah, it's on the other side of town, but it might be hard to find since it's one of the stores that don't have a sign to label it." "Oh, do you mind helping me find it?" Sabbi thought about it for a moment before agreeing to help him. As Sabbi led Lulu to the entrance of the town, she expected to see her friends waiting there for her, but her group was gone. She got worried, thinking they went back home without her, but she quickly figured that they would've told Lucius that she would be back soon or something along those lines. She led Lulu down the pathway of the town, occasionally stopping at other shops that they found interesting. Throughout all of this, Sabbi started to learn more about Lulu, finding out that he was from the human realm too. They eventually made it to the pharmacy, Lulu picking out a few items off the shelves before paying and leaving with Sabbi. "So...if you're from the human realm, what are you doing here?" Sabbi asked Lulu as she walked with him back to the entrance of the town. "I needed to pick up some stuff for a friend." Lulu responded while looking around the other shops, making sure to observe and take mental notes of his surroundings. "Alright, is your friend from here and they're residing in the human realm?" "Pretty much, yeah. She needed some pills and stuff but I'm not really sure what exactly the pills are." Lulu shrugged as he rummaged through his shopping bag. He pulled out a bottle of pills with a scribbled label on it saying 'SD Pills'. "I don't even know what SD stands for, but I'm assuming it's-" Lulu turned to look at Sabbi before seeing she was gone. He got confused and searched all over the area around him before seeing Sabbi walking down an open alleyway leading to a part of the forest that had lights and benches for the townsfolk to relax. As Sabbi continued walking down the pathway, Lulu quickly rushed over to her side. "Where the hell are you going?" Lulu sighed, a bit irritated from Sabbi leaving him behind. "I didn't notice this pathway earlier when I was with my friends, it's so beautiful, they would love it!" Sabbi smiled as she quickened her pace once spotting a large tree that was in the center of an opening, its leaves changing to several different colors with a fading transition. The tree was covered away from the public with several normal trees, only being able to be seen when going down the pathway. In front of the tree was a podium with writing on it. Sabbi went over to the podium and began reading it out loud for Lulu to hear. "The Kaleidoscopic Tree: known for its beautiful heart shaped leaves and multicolored flows. Its leaves vary in all known colors, forecasting the frequency of the forest and its mythical ambience. Anything else about this tree is unknown, the only other thing discovered about this tree is that it can bloom spiky flowers from its branches. Only certain people that the tree deems worthy of holding its flowers are not to get pricked by the sharp petals, anyone else will get cut or poked by them." Sabbi tilted her head as she looked up at the large tree. "Strange, is the tree alive then?" Lulu asked as he moved to the other side of the tree. The leaves continued to change to one color and then fade into another. On a few branches at the top of the tree, buds of the spiky flowers were seen growing on them. The buds were a Navajo white color, its size being one of a lemon. "If these are baby flower buds, then the flower itself must be huge as hell..." Lulu mumbled to himself, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick close up picture of the tree and the flower buds. "Hey Lulu, should we get going?" Sabbi called out to him, already making her way down the pathway. "Yeah, wait for me!" Lulu called back to her as he rushed over. After some more walking and talking, Sabbi and Lulu made it back to the entrance of the town, seeing Sabbi's friend group sitting by the walkway. "Sabbi! Where the hell have you been?!" Chaz yelled as she stood up in frustration. "Calm down, I was helping Lulu get to the pharmacy!" Sabbi yelled back at her before stepping aside to show a now confused Lulu. "Lulu? Isn't that a girls name?" Kennethn asked as he looked Lulu up and down. "It is, and it's also my name, is that a problem?" he furrowed his eyebrows a bit at Kennethn's question. "No, I was just a bit surprised!" Kennethn quickly reassured Lulu as he set down a thermos he was holding. "Hey, where did you get that?" Sabbi asked Kennethn, pointing to his thermos. "Oh, this was in the fridge bag that Lucius gave us, he packed us lunch and drinks!" Kennethn smiled as he pulled out another thermos and a wrapped up sandwich from the fridge bag, handing it to Sabbi. "We had to stow away your share, Andre tried to take it since you weren't here to eat it." Chaz chuckled. "I did not! Stop telling lies about me, you asshole!" Andre hollered at her, immediately getting defensive. Chaz and Andre continued arguing back and forth while Kennethn and Bryan just sat there and watched while eating their sandwiches. "Anyways, I better get going, I need to get back home now." Lulu spoke as he turned to Sabbi. "It was nice meeting you and your friends, maybe I'll see you around sometime." Lulu began making his was back to the side of the forest that he came from before Sabbi called out to him. "Wait! How did you get here anyway? I mean to this realm?" She asked as she set her thermos and sandwich down and went to Lulu's side. "Through a realm warp machine my friend made. It might take a while for me to find it since the last time I saw it was in the middle of the forest, so I should get going now." Lulu sighed, starting to make his way through some of the trees. "I'll go with you!" Sabbi smiled and followed behind Lulu. "Why? I'm fine on my own." "Just in case you need help, or just for company!" "I mean, if you want to..." Lulu shrugged and lead Sabbi through the trees. Chaz and Andre finally stopped arguing when Bryan decided to break them up. "Wait, where's Sabbi?" Kennethn asked, now noticing that Sabbi was gone. "Damn it, not again!" Bryan groaned as he set his sandwich down. "C'mon, we need to find her, I wanna go home!" Bryan ushered the group to look around the outside of the town. By the time the group figured out which part of the forest that Sabbi went through, Lulu and her were already far away from them. Placed in the middle of an empty patch of space from the trees stood a machine similar to Lucius's, but it was in sloppy shape and poorly built. It had the same bright gray light as well, but it appeared to be much dimmer than the one from Lucius's machine. "My friend has one like this too, but it's not so...rustic." Sabbi commented as Lulu pressed something on the machine, making the gray light shine brighter but still a bit dull. "Damn...this stupid machine always takes too long to power up..." Lulu sighed as he was now forced to wait on the machine. It wasn't even a few seconds when the ground beneath them began to lightly shake. Sabbi nearly toppled over while Lulu quickly held onto the machine for balance. "What the hell was that?!" Sabbi panicked as she scanned the area. It didn't take long for large footsteps to be heard from a close distance. Trees that were once standing high were now getting kicked down and practically pulled out from their roots. Eventually, a heavyset creature pushed past the trees, growling with smoke coming from its nose. It looked like the creature was nearly 9 feet tall with its skin looking almost identical to tree bark. Its eyes were hollow with only small vines and moss growing on the sides. The creature had no mouth, but it could be heard heavily breathing. The creature towered over to two teens, its nose smoke seizing for a brief moment, before blowing heaps of smoke at them. The teens quickly turned away and covered their faces to avoid the smoke, quickly running away when the large hand of the creature began reaching out to them. "Sabbi, you go back to your friends, I'll take care of this shit!" Lulu ordered Sabbi as he stopped running, creating a safer distance between himself and the creature. "How the hell are you going to fight that thing?!" Sabbi called out to him, pulling her plastic weapon out to fight alongside him. Lulu didn't respond to her, quickly answering her question through his actions. He waited until the creature could be seen storming towards him before smashing his hand into the ground, making sure to have a firm grip onto the soil before raising his hand. The soil he touched had turned stone, now formed into a boulder from Lulu bringing his hand up. The boulder that Lulu created began to form a flat surface on the side that was facing the creature. Since the creature was going full speed, it didn't have enough time to slow down, causing it to crash into the boulder. The boulder had smashed into bits, causing the rock debris to fly and scatter around. "Sabbi, you need to stop-!" Bryan called out as he emerged from the trees with the rest of the group, only to be hit in the face by one of the rock debris. "Bryan!" Sabbi gasped as she saw her friend get knocked down, holding his nose as a small stream of blood began dribbling down his face from the impact. Lulu looked over and noticed Bryan on the ground. "Oh shit, sorry dude." he quickly apologized before seeing the bark-like creature slowly get back up and looked at the group of teens that had just entered the scene. Before the creature could make a move, Lulu ran in front of it and opened his arms, creating ten clones of himself. The Midnight Crusaders watched in awe as Lulu ordered his clones to surround the creature to distract it. After the clones formed a large circle around the creature, Lulu created a large boulder underneath himself with one hand and holding a clump of dirt in the other. He turned the clump of soil into a dense rock and tossed it into the air, pulling out his iron hammer and swinging once the rock came back down to his level. Because of how dense he made the rock, it didn't shatter from impact, instead it flew straight at the creature and knocked it backwards. The clones moved to the side to avoid the creature as it collapsed onto the ground, whimpering in pain as it swung its arms at Lulu's clones. It managed to slice through a few of them, making them poof into thin air. While it was occupied doing this, Lulu launched himself off the boulder and into the air, just above where the creature laid. He prepared his hammer before swinging down on the creature's head, smashing it down but not completely. Lulu quickly noticed this and swung his hammer up and knocked it on the side of the creature's head, causing it to fly across the area and into nearby trees. This had nearly half of Lulu's clones disappear due to being in the way, but Lulu didn't care since they weren't needed anymore. As the creature was slowly losing consciousness, Lulu had landed on the ground, using the head of his hammer as the base for his feet. He rushed at it and gave the creature one final blow, bashing its head into a pile of woodchips. Lulu stood over the creature's motionless body, noticing how the creature didn't bleed out anything from its busted open head. As Lulu moved to a different angle to peer into the creature's head, nothing was there to be seen. The creature's body was completely hollow, leaving Lulu in a state of confusion. He quickly brushed it off and slammed the creature's head with the hammer one last time before making his way towards Sabbi and her group. "You guys okay?" Lulu asked, strapping his hammer back behind him. "Bryan isn't, he got hit by one of your bits of rock." Chaz pointed out as Andre and Kennethn held Bryan up and tried to help reduce his nosebleed. "Oh yeah, sorry again about that." Lulu looked over at Bryan and gave him a small wave. "Speaking about the rocks, that was so cool! I had no idea you had mythical abilities too! And the cloning was so sick!" Sabbi fangirled as she continued to compliment Lulu's abilities. "Thanks, but what do you mean by 'too'? Do you have some too?" "Oh, not yet, but Bryan and Andre do!" Sabbi went over to her group, dragging Lulu behind her. "Bryan can control wind and Andre can teleport! The rest of us are still training to gain our abilities, but we'll get there soon enough!" "I see...I'm sure you guys will get your abilities soon too." Lulu smiled softly before hearing a bing sound from the warp machine he used. "Finally, that stupid machine took forever!" Lulu groaned as he made his way to the machine. "It was nice meeting you!" Sabbi called out to him as he got ready to go through the machine's light. "Nice meeting you too, I'll see you guys again soon!" He called back and waved before stepping through the light, disappearing through it. The machine rattled around for a moment before it began to slowly disintegrate into small particles and turn into nothing, like the machine was never even there.

Teenage Sorcerers: Prophecy ForetoldUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum