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you woke up to soft humming and the scent of delectable waffles, warmth pooling in you immediately as you sat up on the couch you and jungkook had fallen asleep on, craning your neck in a better position to look at jungkook, humming away a sweet melody and it took only a second for you to recognise what song it was, "still with you" jungkook smiled at your sweet voice, looking over at you, with your pouty lips and sleepy eyes, and that messy hair, you looked perfect, the prettiest girl in the world.

"you bet i'm always with you, and morning n/n do you know how many times you kicked me last night?" you giggled at that, "morning to you too and it's not my fault i kick around until i find a comfortable position to sleep in" you huffed, laying your head over your arm which was propped up against the backrest of the couch, making jungkook coo at how endearing you looked. "i'm making waffles" you nodded, your already hidden face snuggling deeper into your arm, a muffled voice reached his ears, "i could smell it" making him chuckle.

"i have our entire day planned" he chirped enthusiastically, that made you rest your cheek against your forearm, lazily blinking at him, "planned? what do you mean?" he was plating up the breakfast but of course he had to make it fancy with eccentric swirls of chocolate sauce around the plate, whipped cream, aesthetically cut up berries and a singular mint sprig he settled atop his creations. "extra as ever" you humoured and he grinned as he brought the plates to the couch, he placed yours in front of you, a little crispy, slightly darker and with extra whipped cream, "here you go darling, waffles, done just the way you like" he tapped your cheek lovingly. "i didn't brush yet" he placed his hands on his hips after he set the plates in an aesthetic manner, looking at you, he reprimanded, "yeah go brush, i'm gonna bring you some juice real quick, what are you craving today? pineapple? grape? cherry or peach? maybe apple? oh and pomegranate is also an option" "there's no need for it kook" he looked at you as if you had offended him, "of course there is a need to get you your favourite juice, so choose your pick y/n"

"jungkook you need to stop pampering me so much because my standards already sore the sky and when you give me the princess treatment, i expect more from men and you know men aren't like you" you faked sobbed. he tapped his chin in mock deep thought, "we can fix that" he snapped his fingers. you looked up at him, confused, "we can? how?" he pointed towards himself, "date me, duh" and you burst out laughing at that "we're friends, friends don't do that"

he tutted disapprovingly as he articulated, "friends do do that. you should see how successful best friend marriages are" rolling your eyes as you got up from the couch with a smile on your face, "you can't handle me jeon, i'm a demon" you slid your hand across his chest to give him a side hug as a good morning but he pulled you in, arms hooked around your waist, locking eyes "i'm worse princess" you quirked your eyebrows in a smug way because to you, he was like a cloud, kept you cool, happy and protected you so he and bad? let alone worse? yeah no. he was just letting his competitive side show.

you walked to your room in jungkook's apartment and went to freshen up, not having the slightest clue about how true his words were. he was much worse than a demon. but by the time you'd realise that, you'd already be trapped in his web with no. way. out. jungkook would ensure that; after all,

             he's a perfectionist at play

freshening up didn't take long and you weren't in the mood to change your clothes either, still in the giant baby pink oversized hoodie and shorts which went till your knees.

you walked out to see jungkook waiting for you, smiling upon seeing your form, "i picked cherry" you patted his cheek in approval, "good choice, i was craving something tarty anyway." "of course i have good choice, who picked you after all?" you burst out laughing at that, "bitch you threatened to block me when we first met and now you're saying i'm your choice? that's rich. so are these waffles, god i missed your cooking" you groaned as he was had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks

"well you were annoying that day y/n" you placed your hand over your heart to be dramatic, "me and annoying? oh how you wound me jungkook" you took another bite of the slightly cooled waffles before speaking again, "aren't you glad i sneaked your number that day? if i hadn't, then you wouldn't be sitting here with me having the time of your life" he nodded in agreement, "you are right-" "i always am" he released a breath as he prepared to talk again, "which is why i was thinking-" "that you should both be grateful and apologis-" he had put a big bite in your mouth to shut you up temporarily.

as you munched on it, he held a finger up, "let me finish talking first, then talk my head off. i was thinking about us going out today." seeing your confused expression, he elaborated, "let's go shopping, let's watch a movie too-" "hello kitty!" his shoulders slumped but he agreed nonetheless, "hello kitty it is, then let's have some dinner-" "can it be by the pool?" he smiled as his thumb traced your cheek, his grin widening as you leaned into his touch, "sure baby, that can be arranged. how does it sound? we can do something else if you'd like."

you grabbed his hand and softly kissed his knuckles. you had first started kissing his knuckles when he used to box excessively and used to  make his knuckles bleed, you picked up the habit of kissing his bruised knuckles, and it started out as mindless behaviour, you two were watching a show together, the dim gleam of the tv shone on the red patches on his fingers and before you could stop yourself, you picked his hands up and kissed it. you didn't feel weird, it infact became a your thing. he was a little baffled, but your response made him smile, "there. that should help. tell me if it worked or will more kisses be needed" he lightly flicked your forehead and leaned against you, resting his head on your soft shoulder and drifting off.

for him, it was one of the very first times he felt an unexplainable magnetic pull towards you. his previous partners were loving indeed but love didn't drip out of every action of theirs like it did with yours. you were so filled with love and he couldn't wait to fill you up with his love. your love mixed with his would result in the cutest babies the world would ever see. your voice pulled him out of the his daydream of having a family with you. he let you interrupt his scenario because he was certain it would become reality soon.

"it sounds perfect to me jungkook" oh you didn't know what that tender smile of yours did to him. if you could see what's inside of him, you would see yourself in each and every corner of his. especially his heart, it was melted by you and filled with you. he loved you so, so much.

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