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song recommended for this chapter: toxic by brittney spears

"i'm leaving korea" your words felt like a billion daggers plunging deep in his heart, instinctively making him tighten his hold on you, afraid like you'll vanish into thin air. "baby, what are you saying? you can't leave. this is your home" you shook your head, "no it's not jungkook and it never will be. it's your home and i was foolish to come here and try to live here but it feels like the doors to this city are shut for me. i feel like i'm wasting my life here" he frowned, "so you think you're wasting your time with me? is that it y/n?" you immediately denied his accusation, "no, you know i would spend every second of this life as well as all my lives with you and only you if i could but i can't. try to see things from my perspective, please"

he was confused, what caused you to behave this way? he'll later ask the men he hired to look after you from a far enough distance so your unaware self wouldn't ever notice them. has someone been turning you against him? he was adamant to find out about the root of your behaviour. he won't let anyone corrupt you.

"has someone been feeding you bullshit about me?" his tone was the hardest you'd ever heard. it felt almost as if the man in front of you wasn't the sweet guy you've known for 10 years. "tell me y/n!" his grip had tightened significantly and you expected to see marks on you from where his nails dug into your arms. but you couldn't say a word, too stunned by his actions to let anything slip past your lips. it was your whimpering that made jungkook realise what he was doing but he didn't cease his movements until you screamed in pain, "jungkook stop it! you're hurting me!" he still didn't let go.

"tell me. who. the. fuck. has. been. corrupting. you? don't you dare lie to me y/n!" you shook as your head as tears streamed down your face as you sobbed, "i-i don't fucking know what you're talking about! you're hurting me jungkook. you're hurting me so much" your loud sobs made him realise the intensity of the situation and he immediately let go of you. his hands shaking as he reached out to caress your face, but you flinched, seeing you move away from him made him feel like his heart was being squeezed, but instead of feeling too guilty, be put his carefully exercised sad face front, 'manipulate and exploit her' and that's exactly what he did. tears flowing down those bubble cheeks, he moved back, making sure you were looking at him, he clutched his hair tightly and pulled it. it didn't hurt him, he liked pain but you not wanting him around was the kind of pain he never wanted to feel.

"i- i am so so fucking sorry baby. i've just been so stressed that i don't realise what i've been doing these days and-" he didn't need to complete his sentence because he felt your arms wrap around him, and he hugged you back tightly. whereas you were running soothing hands down his back, he was smirking in victory as his face was pressed against your neck, he deeply inhaled, 'home' your hair, your neck, your warmth, he would kill everyone on this planet for every inch of you. every pore, every centimetre of yours was his and his only. and he wasn't afraid to claim it. he wasn't afraid to claim you as his. he was just waiting for the perfect time to pounce and he would be the one to bring that time soon.

you're already putty in his hands, all that's required are either a few sad repetitive words or some crocodile tears ought to do, and viola, you're a naive, gullible child anyone can toy with. but rest assured, he's not a predator, he loves you, just a little differently, but it's love nonetheless

"i am so sorry y/n" he spoke solemnly, but his expressions contradicted that statement, he had a bored unamused face as his chin rested on your shoulder, a slender, tattooed finger toying with a strand of your hair. "it's okay kook, i forgive you" your words made him grin but he once again schooled his facial muscles to be devastated as if his pet goldfish just died. he reluctantly pulled away from your warm, comforting embrace and looked you deep in the eye, "how are you so forgiving? i don't like how i hurt you and you don't even get mad. why?" he grabbed your hands, his thumbs running soothing circles on your knuckles, making you feel easy again in his arms, even though it had been these exact arms that were causing you immeasurable pain just a few minutes prior but you couldn't hold a grudge against him. you just couldn't even if you died and were born again, you held jungkook on the highest cloud, he was soaring the sky nobody could even imagine reaching.

"you're my best friend koo, you've held me when there was nobody else. you flew across the world despite your hectic schedule for me when i wanted to give up on everything and you held me, even when i was rude and pushed you away, even when i told you to get the fuck out of my life, you always stood with me, i can't forget all that. you've made me me. i adore you for that" he didn't reply, his eyes softened and he planted a tender kiss on your temple, and then your forehead, "i adore you more y/n" with one last kiss to your nose, he hugged you and pulled you over him, falling back on the enormous soft couch, allowing you to drift off as you listened to the steady beats of his heart.

if only you had keen hearing, you would hear how every beat screams your name

i believe this chapter was a bit overdue but i have classes 6 days a week and at least 2 - 3 tests each week and here i am, writing this at 2:00 am instead of studying even though i haven't read even a single word for my test 😭

i hope you enjoyed! 🤍

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