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song recommended for this chapter: every time by ari <3

[y/l= your language bc the reader is bilingual, if you're not, j imagine it]

sitting on the couch as you practically inhaled your food, you didn't notice a pair of doe eyes fixated on you, your own eyes glued to the screen, it wasn't till you deeply sighed, your back hitting the back of the couch that he finally looked away to see why did you get depressive for a moment, "what?" he questioned. "nothing, it's just, look at him, he's so pretty" you sobbed, making him roll his eyes, "he's not even that pretty, i'm way better, perfect for you" "what are you talking about? we're talking about hwang minhyun dude. and just because i live in korea now doesn't fucking mean i automatically speak korean now" you leaned over and plucked a piece (or two) from his fried chicken, "this is your penalty for talking shit" "i didn't talk shit about you" "well, you insulted my delulu husband, and you speaking in korean always means something bad" "give me one solid example of that y/n" "brain not braining rn" you waved him off, he exhaled as he turned to the tv.

seeing 'your delulu husband' irked him to the point he balled his fist, trying to keep calm, holding himself back from punching the screen. it would be hard as fuck for him to not ram his fist in minhyun's face when he saw him in the hybe building. trying to divert his attention, he spoke, "don't you think it's about time you learnt korean y/n?" "i had a panic attack the last time i tried" he facepalmed at your retort, "didn't you say that for when you tried learning turkish from youtube when you were 15?" he raised an accusing eyebrow, "oh? oh yeah, but i can't understand korean so i won't try" "but you live here now" "yes, because of you, therefore you have to take care of me" "won't it give you trouble in the future?" "who's making it there? it ain't m-" "Y/N!" jungkook growled. "sorry" you said in the smallest voice you could muster, trying to hold the tears back, you were bad with dealing with people raising their voice at you. you looked at your lap, fiddling with your fingers.

you felt warm arms wrap around you, "no, i'm sorry for raising my voice y/n, please forgive me" you patted his arm, "it's okay koo, i shouldn't have said that" he held you tighter. "you know i can't even imagine living without you. i know things can be hard sometimes but it'll all be fine, please never talk about death again, for my sake" you cracked a smile as you replied, "don't worry, i won't spare you so easily, and oh my god, are you on a mission to dethrone taehyung as the drama king of the group? if so, you're excelling at it. i'm going to have to tell tae you're plotting to top him." he for once didn't get jealous at the fact that you mentioned another man, he brought your face closer to his, softly cupping your cheeks and pressed a butterfly kiss on your forehead. "you're my angel y/n, the light that keeps me going, i adore you" "i adore you more" it was your idea to use the word adore for each other, since you thought love was generic and overused. you thought adore conveyed for your feelings best. after that you both settled in a comfortable silence.

"i could teach you, you know.." he broke the silence, and for once, you were the dumbfounded one, "what do you mean?" you placed your head on his thigh, contemplating something while he carefully thought his words through before telling you what he meant, letting your intrusive thoughts win, you leaned over and bit his thick thigh, making him jolt, he squished your cheeks as revenge which only made you laugh, "you've always been a dumbass, but now you're a cannibal too?" he asked in disbelief, rubbing his thigh over his dark grey sweats.

"you're irresistible, and i just like biting people, it's one of my many love languages" "someone could be really fucking filthy you know?" "like you are in the head?" that caught him off guard, he gulped subtly as he peered at you through his thick, luscious hair, cocking his head to the side, feigning confusion, "you know, always slapping the members asses and stuff" he sighed, which was more of a sigh of relief, "anyways, as i was saying, i could teach you how to stop fearing the stage and mic, it'll feel like you're best friends with both, instead of sworn enemies" you reached out to play with his ear, twirling his dangling earrings around your slender fingers, "nah, i think i'll pass kookie, you've been doing this for the past 13 years and i'd faint in 13 seconds max" "you forgot to deduct 2 years that military service took away" he sulked, "still, that's over a decade" his eyes softly fluttered shut as your fingers lightly touched his ear. sometimes you wondered if all friends were this close. but then again, you guys had never kissed, never slept together or did anything even remotely sexual so it was all fine to you. at least that's what you thought.

"and fyi, i don't bite everyone, it's a love language, not a fucking hobby. i just let my intrusive thoughts win for once" you shrugged, still lying on his leg. "but i am curious to know how would you make my fear go away?" he smiled, "simple, by taking you on tour with me, dummy. there i'll give you first hand classes on some of the world's biggest and bestest stages and your fear will be gone in no time. you know i'm jeon jungkook, i never give up and-" before he could continue, you jolted up at the sound of that, "what?" you were gaping like a fish out of water. "knock it off y/n, you look stupid" "jungkook what do you mean, take me on tour? you're going on tour again?!" "yeah, aren't you happy?" "i- i am, but you guys have been having random concerts anyway" you couldn't form coherent sentences. "those were promotional shows, we've been away for so long and we haven't toured properly since covid y/n" your eyes got teary as you gazed at him and whispered, "b-but that means you'll be gone for so long"

he ran his fingers through your hair, trying to calm you down, "that's what i'm saying princess, come with me" "are you crazy jungkook? i can't just leave my job" "the job that makes you question your self worth? fuck that shit, you don't fucking need it. you need a break and coming with me will be the perfect thing, and plus you speak (y/l) so you can be a translator when we need it. "i literally only speak english, my (y/l) isn't all that great and i'm pretty sure you won't even need it and-" "no nothing, you're coming with, you've always wanted to see the world right? what's better that we can do it together. think about it and put yourself first y/n" he gave you his big doll eyes, the look he knew you couldn't resist.

"i- i'll think about it" you looked to the side, away from him. there was seriousness in your tone, he sensed hesitation. you didn't trust him it meant. he looked at your back, snarling, he knew he had to pull some strings and he'd do that without hesitation unlike you, because he would burn the fucking world for you.

happy new year 🤍

we're in the third chapter and the damn fish is still here 😭

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