
186 8 1

song recommended for this chapter: lavender haze

"you're fired" those words rang through your head the entire day, you were in a daze, a really bad one. you prepared so hard for the meeting for what? to get fired by your lame as fuck pot belly boss?

"at least tell me on what basis are you kicking me out?" he snorted, "i'm not answerable to you, now leave!" his voice boomed, irking you further.

you don't know what came over you as you smiled when he said that, grabbing your hot coffee and throwing it on his face, "well fuck you creep. you made me uncomfortable anyway, fuck you and your pathetic company which is about to go bankrupt anyway. i didn't wanna tell you that but go fuck yourself dick head." the male was too stunned to speak in front of an obviously demented lady, all he could do was gape as you strutted out of his shoebox office. he didn't want to let you go, seeing how you could deal with international clients and your skills were much needed in his small yet growing company. but your words rang in his ears 'about to go bankrupt' he didn't want to believe it. but the phone call he had gotten a few days prior haunted him. he didn't pay it any mind, it was until he was kidnapped from his home, tortured and threatened to not say a word of it to anyone. he had to say the work was getting to him so he took a little break, but in reality he was almost about to die, he had to fire you to be set free. he doesn't know who was behind it all, but he didn't have the guts to know either. the amount of pain he went through in just 3 days was beyond anyone's worst nightmares.

the weight of jungkook's words hung heavily in the air around you as you packed your shit up, ready to leave this shit hole for good. you didn't understand what was wrong with the presentation you made. you'd consider it one of your best works. and your boss wasn't even there in person to judge it, and the people who were there are nothing but absolute sweethearts, even though the language barrier did hinder you from getting to know your now ex colleagues, they were really helpful and made you feel included. you weren't worried about money as you had enough savings to last at least three-ish months but getting fired was something you never could've expected. your colleagues were whispering around in korean and although you couldn't understand anything, you could tell by their faces they were shocked, and maybe even sympathetic? you grit your teeth. you hated it when people made that face around you. it reminded you of shitty times in your life.

huffing as you collected everything, you bid farewell to the people you had known for a very limited duration but had spent some good times with, you were bad at goodbyes but you didn't let it show on your face. with empty promises of keeping in touch, you left the building for good. being 27, you knew damn well that 'keep in touch' shit was just as hollow as it gets. "as hollow as your head" jungkook would say. you missed him. he'd make you feel better.

you got in your car, unable to contain your emotions, you left your life behind for korea. for jungkook to be specific. he was your anchor. your lifeline. as long as you had him, everything will be fine. "don't cry dumbass, yoongi said future's gonna be okay. trust him" you reprimanded yourself. you needed food. you drove to your favourite bakery, picking out your favourite dessert and a milkshake, of course not forgetting to get some for your best friend. opting to have your food in a peaceful park. only after the sugary treat were you able to get a grip of yourself. you could always apply to better places. it's not the end of the world, nothing is. you took a few deep breaths, the open air soothing your worries away.

"damn why do i get so insanely emotional? i should get some chocolates for the demon i'll become, there's no girl problem some sweetness can't fix", (says the girl who just had brownies but is still borderline fretting) but that made you ponder, should you go to your apartment? you're kinda sorta an emotional wreck right now, being alone might make it worse. should you stay with jungkook for a bit longer? he'll be going on tour soon anyway, so it's not bad to spend some time together.

clasping your hands in determination, you headed to the grocery store. "i'll make dinner for us. but what should i make? army stew perhaps? sounds good to me, i'll text him just for good measure"

jungkook 🍪🤍

me: psst

jungkook: ...¿

me: 🪖 🍲?

jungkook: army stew?

me:duh dumbass. for dinner?

jungkook: dope as hell

me: u're the driest texter in all of asia


you got the green signal from him, so you headed to the store to pick out the groceries, whilst browsing through the aisles, being unable to read anything, you couldn't help but think if you were wasting your life here. maybe moving away would be good? in all honesty, you didn't see any scope here, so why are you here? your contact with jungkook is almost how it was when you were oceans apart, with added difficulty on your part.

your family was against the idea of you moving to south korea, but you didn't pay it much mind, but now that you had been here for almost a year, you were second guessing everything, every second. never the sharpest tool in the shed, never the brightest crayon in the box. never anyone's choice either. "god why am i getting hit with a random bout of depression? that is for when i'm alone, when i'm alone, and i'm not alone right now" 'you're always alone, y/n, don't deny reality' oh shit, the voices were back, having a mental breakdown in the middle of the store would be your thirteenth reason, shaking your head to rid yourself of these thoughts, you failed to notice your murmuring had gotten quite, loud. loud enough to make the little boy nearby look at you, a petrified look on his face, you reached your hand out only for the boy to bolt. "never-fucking-mind, we wouldn't understand each other anyway."

after collecting yourself enough, you continued getting the groceries, practically sprinting out of the store. you felt suffocated, not even the walk to your car was able to lift your spirits, but getting in your car, you felt a brief sense of calm. you didn't know what came over you but now, for some reason, this city felt like a cage, and you felt something bad was going to happen, your gut was screaming at you to get the hell away from not only seoul, but korea in general. ignoring your gut feeling, something you would regret immensely in the future, you turned on the engine and started your drive to jungkook's apartment.

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