Chapter 11

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Axels POV..

For the past few days, Nadia has been lost in her books and grief from losing lily. All she does is eat, study, cry, and sleep. I don't know how to help her, I've never been good with people's emotions, or with my own. So, I did the thing I do best, business. "Mr Fernandez, Mr gates is here to see you." My assistant, tilly says over the intercom attached to mine and her offices. "Let him in." i say.

"Hey man, we got a problem." Finn says in panic , the second he enters my office. For one day I would like to not have a problem. "What is it?" I ask putting down everything in my hands and giving the problem my full attention. "We're having issues with the new recruits, they're not listening, going out onto the streets doing whatever to whoever and one of em roughed up one of barlos Crew. So, now we look like were terrorizing the whole damn city and barlos is fuckin pissed." He says in the biggest jersey accent, I have ever heard. My best friend for 10 year's and I still can't get over his accent.

" You have got to be fucking kidding me right now . "i sigh, putting my face in hands." Yea. "Finn say pacing around the room and throw his hands in the air.I hear a knock and tilly pokes her head through the door." Sir, your father is here for a you. "tilly says in a unsure tone." Let him in. "i say, nodding at tilly before she closes the door.

"We'll have Marko fix up the recruits and as for barlo set up a meeting so we can work it out." I say dismissing Finn out my office. "Pa" i nod as my father walks into my office with his normal stern demeanor. "Son, it's been a while since we've talked." he says. "It has been a while but last time I checked we didn't really have much to discuss." I get up, taking out two glasses, a bottle of whiskey and taking a seat next to my father on the couch."The girl." he says with nothing more than disgust in his voice.

My father, Stefano Fernandez has always been a bit stand-off-ish and distant. When we were younger, my siblings and I would deeply question if he had any love for us. There were times when he would be our father and next he would treat us like nothing. Our mother tried her best to remind us that he loved us but it never stuck so as we grew up we just ended up with great resentment towards him.

"My wife." i correct him.I can sense where this conversation is going and in every scenario it never plays out well. "Mr Santos is not happy that you practically spat on the agreement.This girl who you decided to marry,do you even know who she is ,where she came from? "He says,taking a sip from his drink. " I know enough to know that she is not a threat to us or our operation. What is or was a threat would be the agreement and how unstable gabrielle is.Have you forgotten how many times she has cost us a deal with her psychotic behavior." I state pouring into my father's glass."As much as gabrielle has cost us,she is much more safer bet then the romanian girl you decided to spring on us." 

"Nadia is not involved in our line of work and it will stay that way for as long as i see fit."I say getting up and walking to the my desk."Listen to me ,Son,I will not repeat myself to you.Leave the girl and honour the agreement with the Santos family." My father says loudly as if trying to scare me into a submission. "Do you truly believe that raising your voice at me will make me to do whatever you want? I am not a child and you are not in charge anymore." I say as calmly as I can."You will respect me,Axel.I am your father!" He shouts.

" You don't  deserve respect or the title of a father.I do not take order from old men who abuse their children.'' He's fuming , I can see it. "Get out of my office,right fucking now!" I shout.He balls his fists before taking a few deep breaths."And If i find out that anyone has laid a finger on my wife,I light fire to you and whatever motherfuckers decide to join you on this ride .Do not think because we share blood that i am above putting you down like the animal you are."I say slamming the door behind him.

The anger, frustration, and worry cloud my mind, a thick fog preventing me from seeing clearly. I'm overwhelmed, and it feels like I'm drowning, unable to catch my breath. Everything's too much, and I'm trapped by the weight of all of these feelings.

My fist clenches tightly as I stare at the wall in front of me. The frustration and anger inside of me builds up and up, with nowhere to go but outward.I let out a shuddering breath as my arm swings violently forward, punching the wall over and over with all the strength I can muster up. I feel the pain in my hand immediately as my knuckles connect with the hard surface, but I don't care. The rush of adrenaline I feel makes the pain almost an afterthought, and all I can focus on is the release it provides.

"Sir! What happened?" tilly shouts as she rushes into my office, shock and horror in her eyes. " Tilly, get the first aid kit." i say, taking a seat back at my desk. She nods and runs out without a word. I hear the sound of heels clicking and look up to see Nadia standing in the doorway with a concerned look on her face. She takes in the sight of the punch-hole in the wall and the look on my face.

She crosses the room and kneels in front of me, gently taking my hands into hers."What happened?Are you okay?" Nadia says worry clear in voice. "It's nothing I just let my temper get the best of me." I say trying to reasure her. Tilly runs into the office with the first aid kit and hands it to Nadia. "Thank you tilly." I say as tilly nods and closes the door behind her.

She works silently and efficiently, using the contents of the first aid kit to treat my injuries. She cleans and disinfects the cuts with rubbing alcohol, the sensation making my body shiver.She wraps gauze around my wounds tightly, leaving me with a bandaged mess of fingers.She carefully tends to my injuries , like she would a child.

I try to pull away from her, feeling embarrassed by all the fuss. But she holds me tightly, her hands wrapped around my arm. "I'm fine," I say, my voice gruff and strained."You don't look fine. " she replies softly.

Her hand brushes my cheek, and I can't help but melt in her warmth."I'm so sorry if I scared you." I whisper to her. "A hole in the wall doesn't scare me - she looks at the wall- okay so that's not a hole, I don't know what to call it for now but it is not a hole.It looks like a demolition crew was in here " she says laughing.

Nadia get up walks over to wall. "Let's  get something to eat." she says grabbing her bag and standing at the door. I can't help but smile at her. "Let's go." she say hurring me along. I get up grab my jacket and walk out with her.

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