Chapter 9

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"Nadia, ia-ți sora și du-te în camera lui Yaya.[Nadia, get your sister and go to yaya's room.]" my mother said to me as she shakes me awake, handing me my blanket and pushing me to run to my sister. I picked up my sister and rushed to my yaya's room. I could hear banging and shouting coming from the living room.My Yaya opens the door and carefully closes it. The shouting got closer like it was coming for me, I could clearly hear the voice of my now nightmare, it was my father.

"Unde este ea! Nadia! [Where is she! Nadia!]" my dad yells, my Yaya shoves me and my sister in the closet.The shouting continues getting louder and louder until I hear a gunshot.


I jolt back awake to complete darkness, I turn the bedside lap on to see a surprised Axel hovering over me ."Relax,It's going to be okay."Axel says holding my face in his hands,pushing hair out of my face.He pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair, whispering comforting words till my breathing finally calms down.We stay like this for a few more minutes in comfortable silence."Lay down for a bit,I'll be back."Axel says gently laying my head down the pillow ,giving a kiss on my forehead.

A few moments later ,he comes back and lifts me off the bed bridal style taking me into the bathroom . I pull my face into his chest trying to shield my eyes from the bright light in the bathroom."Get underdressed and get in the bath."he says putting me down on the counter and walking out of the room.I get undressed and slip into the warm bath.My childhood is a sore subject ,considering the fact that I barely remember most of it.

Axel walks into the bathroom with a few candles and a lighter in his hands.He begins to light the candles and puts off the light so we're in partial darkness. We sit there in a mixed of comfortable and uncomfortable silence."Who's dimitri ?"he asks."You were screaming for him to stop." "Dimitri is my father,he and my mother had a messy divorce." i say,taking a deep breath and closing my eyes." I don't remember much of my childhood ,only parts,sometimes people,it's mostly foggy."

He doesn't say anything, he just nods and sits there. " but the scropin, your tattoo is a constant. It is there on the wall, on the skin of the people who haunt me, it's everywhere. "I close my eyes, images flashing through my mind."You were born in Romania, the scropin is a tattoo of the Italian clan." he says, probably talking to himself trying to figure out why the scropin is there, in my dreams. "Very bad men in my life have had this tattoo, the exact one - I poke his tattoo - no difference, not one." i say fighting back tears that appear nevertheless.

"When you see mine, what do you think?" he asks, I don't know what to say, but I can't tell him.I just look down at the water, get out the bath,wrapping a towel around myself and leave the bathroom. I can't tell him that every time I see his tattoo, I go into an internal panic even if I don't see it often when I do its not fun. I hear he's footsteps behind me, he doesn't say anything though. "Could we please just go back to the bed, I'm tired."

I change into a oversized shirt and slip back under the covers,too my surprise so does he. We lay there for a while on our own corners of the bed, not saying a word. After a few more moments of trying to fall asleep, I moved closer to him and lay my head gently on his chest,closing my eyes and finally doze off to sleep.


"Heyy doll." Mike says, pulling me into a air tight hug and giving me a quick kiss on the check. "Hey Mike, how you been?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the counter strolls. "I'm fine, flourishing like a Flower but we are not here to talk about me, we are here for your wedding."

Mike is crazy about weddings, when he and Tony were getting married he planned everything bottom to top and it was amazing. They're wedding is still talked about to this day so ofcause I came to him with my fake marriage wedding planning.

" Nadia darling, what is really going on with this whole marriage of yours?You would never hide something so important from us." Mike sits down in front of me, giving me a worried look. "It was a very sudden decision and when I wanted to tell you Axel asked me not to, practically begged.I know I lied and it hurt... it still hurts me but I hope you can come to forgive me." I says, holding back the flood gates of tears that were about to flow." You were forgaven the moment you walked in here with that man and that smile on your face. If you're happy then doll I'm happy, we're happy. "Mike walks to my side, kissing me on my forehead as I silently cry into his chest.

" Come on, smiles up darling. "Mike says moving away from me and wiping my tears. I laugh as he walks to the other side of the counter handing me a cup coffee and a freshly baked custard croissant." Oooo, I love you. "" I love you too, now let's start talking wedding. "Mike says leading me into the living room where it looks like something out a wedding planners wet dream.

"If we're going to be doing this than I'm going to need more than just coffee and a croissant." i say taking a seat. The door bell rings and Mike runs to open it. "WE'RE HERE BITCHESS!" alicia and eco shout as they walk into the house holding bottles of wine. "Look at you, one night your riding the poll and now you're riding a billonare. Teach me your ways." Eco says as she flops down onto the couch.

Allorion "Eco" Montgomery , the main reason I became this good of stripper. She's beautiful, with long dark hair with red highlights, short curtain bangs and deep hazel eyes. She is the closest thing I will ever have to a big sister. She was our mentor, taught us all the skills we know about being a good stripper,all the tricks and tells on how to run up money. Things like when to do private dances and with who, how to tell who all is the high rollers were,etc.Eco left the club a year ago to travel the world with her girlfriend, Maggie.

"OMG, YOU'RE HEREEE!" I leap out of my chair and jump on her. "AHH okay, nads baby Imma need you to get off me." she shouts as I get off her and sit back in my chair. "So I hear our little nads is married.I'm gone for one year and you're married." Eco says.

"I know yeah it was rushed." I say sipping on coffee. "I can't really judge you, I mean I did travel the world with a women only two weeks into us dating." Eco says laughing and opening the wine."Okay,enough dumb questions, let's plan the best wedding of the fucking century, motherfuckers." Alicia shouts popping open her bottle of wine and playing our song.

"Oh Ali honey, this is why I love you" Mike says laughing watching Eco and Alicia lip-snyc to Tonight by John legend. "Well, let's start with venue...


hey guys

IT has been a LONGGG time since I updated and I would like to apologize for that by giving this chapter. I will admit to losing inspiration for this book and just not having the energy for all this but I'm back, hopefully.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, loves.

don't forget to Luke and follow.

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