Chapter 10

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A few days later

I sit on the floor of the living room, with books scattered everywhere,my hairs a mess, my clothes torn and my stomach empty. I understand now why mista never wanted to study. "... lack of concerteration, appetite, energy and constant fatigue are common senses of depression...often occurs in the preteens and teens years of a child life..." i say reading over notes for my depression study.

I hear the sound of the elevator ding and suddenly the whole apartment is filled with the sound of loud voices. What in the-. Instead of getting up and investigating the noise, I just continued reading over my research . The voices came closer and closer until finally Axels entire family was standing in front of me. "Nadia, is that you?" I hear the familiar sound of Axel mother and look up to see everyone staring at me in bewilderment at my current situation.

"Hii" I say laughing pushing a few stray hairs out my face and attempt to make myself look a bit put together. Attempt being the key word. "What is going on here?"Alessandra says motioning to the papers, books, pens, makers and cards on the living room floor." Studying, test prep and an assignment. "i sigh." Well this all is very depressing. "she says.Ironic." If you'll just give me a second to clear the room for you all. "I say and begin clearing up the room" There's no need for that, we'll talk somewhere else, continue studying. "Axel says walking through the maze of books, dropping a pink box in front of me." What's this?" I ask looking up at axel whose staring at me with a worried look on his face.

" We'll be in the kitchen" Alessandra says as her and the rest of the family moved to the kitchen. "Ooo, Dounts!" I say in excitement, looking at the box filled with a variety of different type of Dounts. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask jokingly while taking bite out a caramel dount. "Like what?" Axel asks taking a seat on the couch next to me. "Like I'm dying or something." I say sarcastically, smiling at him. "What are you studying on?" He ask avoiding my question. "All this - motioning to my set up - is for my depression study, my psychology professor wants me dead. I'm telling you."

"Not only do i have to do buckets of research, I also have to go do in-person research with a, bunch of depressed teenagers."i say in frustration ."Plus,add in the fact that im planning the wedding and we have those intreviews and diners for this entire month."."I can reschedule all interviews and diners for another time" Axel offers. "No, it's fine. I'm almost done with my research project which is my main stress so once I'm done, I will be more relaxed." i say, smiling sweetly at him. Axel simply nods to me, placing a gentle kiss on forehead and leaves me to my stress.


Later that night..

I hear my phone ring and buzz on dresser next and pick it up to see it's Mina from the daycare.

Nadia-Hey Mina, what can I help you with?

Mina-Nadia, I'm afraid I have some bad news about adopting lily.

Nadia - What is it?

Mina - You are no longer candidate in lily's adoption, I just got the call saying that we one of lilys family members is in a foster home and the state has decided to place lily with them.

Nadia How long has this been going on?

Mina - A few weeks now, the familys petitioned for lily to be placed with them and the state has done all the evaluations. So tomorrow lily is going to go leave with them.

Nadia-So, I was never going to be able to adopt her, was I?

Mina-After I found out about this, I don't think so Nadia, I'm sorry.

Nadia - it's okay. Can I visit lily tonight before she goes tommorw?

Mina-Yeah ofc. Just come before visiting hours are over.

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