Chapter 2

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"AHHHHHHHHHH"I hear Alicia yell, from the living room.I jump out of bed grabbing my bat and running into the living room."What is it! Who's in here!"I scream, looking around the room for the intruder."Woah, put the bat down I mean no harm."she says while holding up her arms in surrender."Then,why were you screaming like a banshee !"I say,in a frustrated tone."You're on TV, look!"Alicia unpauses the TV.

Who is she?

Businessman,Axel Fernandez was seen with a mysterious woman having an intimate moment. Sources say that she is Axel's secret wife.

"SHIT!!"I say.What have I done? "How could you not tell that you were married to THE AXEL FERNANDEZ? Alicia says while violently shaking me.I hear a knock on the door, Alicia stopped shaking and screaming at me.We both look at the door in horror."Who is it?"Alicia says,like I'm supposed to know everything."I don't know!"I say picking up the bat , Alicia goes to kitchen and comes back with pan.

I opened the door and started swinging the bat at god knows what.All of sudden somebody grabs the bat."Let go of the bat , psycho!"I say, with my eyes shut ."I'm not the one swinging a bat ."a deep husky voice says .I open my eyes and see Axel standing at door."Oh my god,are you okay?"I say, grabbing his face and checking if there were any bruises.

"Yes,are you done now?"he says,grabbing my hands I could feel my face heating up."Okay,do you...ah... wanna come in?"I said, stepping aside,letting him come inside."You can go to the kitchen."Axel walks into the kitchen , I turn to Alicia "Alicia,before you say anything-"she nods and picks up her keys"Don't worry, I'll leave your man alone."she said, winking before she grabbing her stuff and leaving out the door.

I went to the the kitchen and took a deep breath,a million questions running through my head.When I walked into the kitchen I saw Axel leaning against kitchen counter,facing a photograph I took."Who the photographer?" He asked starting at the photograph with interest which nobody besides Alicia has ever done."Me, I took it back in Romania.It was after a big explosion a lot of people died.Fie ca sufletele lor sâ odihneascâ înâuntru.Pace.[May their souls rest in peace ]"I say looking at the photograph ,people running around crying, a broken home, a girl getting carried out in a stretcher.

"You have a good eye."Axel said still admiring the photograph."Thanks...Anyways why are you here ?"I said asking the question that has been eating me out on the inside."I assume you've seen the news ."I nod."Well, I am here to preposition you-"he says."Hold up, just because I'm a stripper you think that I'm going to sell my body to you.Bastard."I say in a fit of rage."I meant,I would like a make a deal with you.Poor choice of words."he says, while I look at him like a deer in headlights.

"Sorry, what is your proposal?"I say."My proposal was that you would be my fake wife, you would sign contract that binds us to each other for a year."he says taking the contract out of a briefcase."I would cover all your expenses all you would have to do is be their for interviews , photoshoots and social events like charity galas, art auctions etc."He says, while I read through the contract.It mentions everything that he said and more.It all looks legit.

"What would I get out of this agreement?"I say"Well, you would get to move out of your crappy shoebox apartment and you won't have to work as a stripper anymore."he says."Ok, well do you wanna get coffee?"I say walking towards my bedroom, hearing heavy footsteps behind me."I can't make a decision this big without coffin in my bloodstream."he nods,as I walk inside my room."Are coming in or what? You need to tell me more if you even want me to consider this deal."I say,gesturing for him to come inside.

He walks inside and takes a seat on my bed,god he looks hot.I wasn't even listening to him explain the contract.I opened the blinds and went to take shower.While in the shower,I thought about what this contract could mean for me ,I could finally adopt lily and all I would have to do is pretend to be his wife.I got out of shower and began to get ready, I had already brought my clothes into the bathroom.I decided to wear a red sundress with a pair of beige heels , with my hair loss.

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