"This baby is ours. And since you are carrying it, I am at a huge responsibility to take care of you as well as the baby."

"And what kind of a stupid husband I would be if I can't even get what my wife craves?"

I see her slowly calming down.

Tears were not coming from her eyes, but due to crying her breath was a little heavy.

"Noor." I call her calmly.

My psychotic self wants to go out of control and ask her to say a "yes" or a "no" to whatever I am saying.

To ask her "do you understand?!"

Because her tears actually make me go out of control.

But I calm myself down and take a deep breath and then say very politely, very lovingly,


She was looking at the dash drawer and then looked at me.

Her nose had turned red due to crying.

She nods her head in a yes.

"Chalo now tell me, what would my love like to have?"

"But you already bought-"

"Noor I'll return that and buy what you like. See here I have bill and we are still outside the supermarket." I say calming her down.


"Now tell me what would you like to have?"


"Okay. Good. Anything else?"

And she moves her head in negative.

I was about to go out of the car when she holds the arm of shirt and says,"d-don't bring chocolate flavour"

Noor is a chocolate freak.

Be it cake, ice cream, cupcake, cold shakes, she always goes for chocolate flavour.

"Okay so which one?"

"Butterscotch" she replies.

Then again I was about to go out when she holds my arm again.

"Ye chocolate toh lete jaao, you will have to return it."

I take the chocolate from her and then finally go out.

Picking up the butterscotch ice cream from the freezer, I go for the billing.

I keep Noor's chocolate in my pocket instead of returning it.

What if she craved for chocolate again?

Instead, I buy more chocolates.

I take the ice cream and buy then proceed to buy two cups and spoons as well.

Now she might kill me for spending money on them, but nevermind.

I go inside the car and pretend to find something in the blazer, that was on the hanger of the car on the backseat.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Oh nothing I was paying money and then realised my debit card was not in my wallet, so just checking if it is here."

I hide the chocolates in the inner pocket of the blazer carefully so that she doesn't get to know.

"Found it??"

"Uh-ya yes it is here!"

"Akaal these are very important things! Keep them safely yaar! How can you forget."

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