The Harper brothers, meet the orginal Gray brothers

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Natalia set her bag on the kitchen table and had everyone gather around. "It seems you have an issue with a problem. I'm here to solve it."

"What problem?" Rowan asked.

"You have two souls residing in one body." Natalia looked at my brothers and me. "I would like you to meet your ancestors, the Gray brothers."

My brothers stared at their boys and mine.

"Usually, when a soul reincarnates, they have no recollection of their previous life. But your grandfather and uncles retained their memories from their previous life. That's an issue."

"So, how do we fix it?" Sage asked.

"You can't fix it. But you can accept the existence of two souls and merge them."

"We might have a problem," I said.

"What problem?"

"Our boys aren't the only ones who returned. Their wives did as well."

"Can you bring them here?"

"I'm not sure if their parents would believe it since we haven't said anything."

"That creates a significant issue."

"Unless we can get the girls here without their parents," Romeo suggested.

"I can see if West will help us," I said.

The others nodded in response. I called West and told him about our issue. He said to give him twenty minutes.

"West will have the girls stay the night under the guise of a sleepover," I said.

"Look at you, big brother, coming to the dark side," Romeo said.

"Don't push it, Romeo."

Natalia pulled a book from a bag, white candles, a salt shaker, and sage. She set the candles on the table and placed a metal bowl in the middle of them. "I need only your sons and the girls to stand around the table."

We moved away from the table while the boys stood around it. A few minutes later, Wesr arrived with the girls. Natalia had the girls join the boys with it, boy and girl. Then she opened the salt shaker and poured a line around them until she created an unbreakable circle.

"What's with the salt?" Rafe asked.

"Salt keeps evil spirits out and protects the circle. White candles will create a barrier for the spirits. The sage will cleanse them. Now I need you to join hands and form an unbreakable circle," Natalia told the kids.

The kids joined hands while Natalia lit the candles before burning the sage. She walked around them and moved the sage around them while speaking.

The lights flickered until the electricity went out, with only the candles burning. Natalia kept walking around the kids while speaking. The kids started glowing until a bright light formed around them. We had to shield our eyes from the brightness.


I saw my brothers, sisters-in-law, and Mags as they looked at me. We gripped each other's hands tight as we felt a pull. It was like something was tugging us in another direction.

Then light exploded around us as we slammed our eyes shut. A few minutes later, we opened our eyes and released our hands.

We checked out our bodies and clothes.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that," Nix said.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"To have total control." Nix smirked.

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