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Audrey, Chad, James, and Azura had already gone home
At Auradon Prep remained Doug, Jane, Lonnie, Ben, Mal, Carlos, Evie, Jay
FG wanted to spend Christmas with Grimhilde so she and Jane would stay at the Castle
Doug and Lonnie would go home in the afternoon

Ben and Mal
Ben and Mal were eating their lunch at the Enchanted Lake
In the last few days, Mal had been more silent
The vks hadn't forgiven Richard as he had expected, the other kids had gone back to the Isle with him that morning, they wanted to be sure Uma kept her word
The day before Richard had asked to go back to the Isle, Ben had asked the vks what they thought of it
The day before
Ben: "Guys, please say something"
Mal looked around: "Let's vote" they all nodded and Ben sighed in relief
Mal: "It's his choice if he wants to go back home... Let him go back" she sat near Mary who hugged her
Evie: "I agree"
Jay: "Yeah"
Carlos nodded, he was really disappointed in Richard
Francine, Celia, Dizzy, Queenie, and Martina voted as a group, Celia spoke: "We think he should leave"
Squirmy surprised Ben with his cold tone: "He has to leave" his twin nodded
Liang: "I don't know what to think honestly. He.. disappointed me. Like a lot"
Jian looked Ben directly in the eyes: "He isn't welcome with us"
Liang sighed and then nodded at Ben
Francesco didn't say anything
Mary: "If only he had tried to apologize or something..." she shook her head "I can't forgive him"
Gil: "I can't believe he said those things about Mal" he looked at her "Sent him back home"
Everyone turned to look at Francesco
Francesco looked at Mal: "Sent him back home and tell Uma what he did"
Ben was shocked: "Why Uma?"
Francesco looked at Ben: "Uma will know what to do"
Ben looked at Mal for an explanation but she was still looking at Francesco, then she looked at Mary who nodded
Mal: "Ok, then it's decided. He goes home. Evie can you pass me the mirror... I need to make a call"
Evie gave her the mirror
Ben: "Ok... I guess I'll have his trip organized... do you want to say goodbye to him or talk to him?"
Mal got up and looked at him, the mirror was in her hands, she turned to her friends: "I think we should"
Every vks thought about it and then nodded
Mal: "Ben, I'll make the call and then we'll see him, is that ok?"
Ben smiled at her, he could see that she was hurt and disappointed: "Of course, I'll go and tell him that you want to say goodbye. Then I'll tell the driver that he has to go back" he kissed her on the cheek "I'll come back soon, ok?"
Mal tried to smile, she knew he was trying to comfort her and she appreciated it so she tried to reassure him: "Ok, Benny Boo"
Ben left the room, Mal used the mirror immediately to call Uma, she waited for her friend to appear
Uma noticed Mal's bad mood: "Mal? What's wrong?"
Mal sighed: "Richard. He.. he is going back home" her voice betrayed her
Uma stayed silent for a minute and studied Mal then spoke: "Ok little squid, why?"
Mal: "He called me a slut... in front of the others.. for my past...with the... friends of my mother"
Uma got angry: "He did what?"
Mal nodded
Uma huffed: "I can't believe it. Don't worry, little one. I'll take care of it"
Mal was about to cry: "I just... I don't understand..."
Uma smiled: "Hey, it's ok. Not your fault. Don't worry"
Mal nodded. Half an hour later Ben came back with Richard
Ben: "Here we are"
Richard: "Well, the King here said you wanted to say goodbye"
Dizzy, Queenie, Martina, and Celia went in front of him, he clearly softened a little
Dizzy: "You disappointed us"
Queenie: "How could you say those things?"
Celia had her arms crossed: "I hate you"
Martina: "Goodbye"
They went to sit on Jay's bed
Jian: "Hope you have a good trip back home"
Gil: "I hope you fall and hit your head"
Mal smiled at that
Liang looked at Richard and shook his head
Jay shrugged: "I agree with Gil"
Francesco: "I don't want to see you ever again"
Richard winced
Evie: "I don't understand why you would say those things... clearly, you don't want to even try to be good. I don't know... I don't even know what to say"
Carlos: "I think that you should apologize before going away. To Mal, and all of us"
Richard: "I won't"
Squearky and Squirmy went to stand near Carlos, the twins looked at Richard and spoke their mind at the same time: "We think you are awful"
Mary and Mal were the last ones
Mary took a step forward: "You should know that you are banned from the hideout. I'm really disappointed in you.. I had this hope we could live here.. together and be happy.. I don't know" she sighed "I suppose you are your father's son after all... He would be proud"
Richard looked devastated for a moment, then he looked at Mal: "Mal"
Mal looked at him: "Richard"
Richard: "How are you?"
Mal huffed: "As if you care"
Richard took a step towards her: "I do care. And you know it"
Mal looked at the ceiling, trying to fight the tears: "I think it's fair to tell you that Uma will be expecting you tomorrow. She isn't happy about what you did"
Richard: "You told her"
Mal looked at him: "I had to. You broke a rule"
Richard: "So this is it?"
Mal's eyes started glowing: "You did this. To us"
Richard whispered: "I'm sorry"
Mal's eyes showed all the hurt she was feeling: "I thought you said you wouldn't apologize"
Richard shrugged
Mal nodded: "Goodbye Richard"
Richard moved fast and hugged both Mal and Mary, the girls stood still for a moment but then they hugged him back very tight
Ben: "You can still change your mind, Richard. You too guys"
Richard: "I will miss you two so much. Be brave. Show them who you are. One day I hope to be ready for this life"
Mary and Mal nodded
Richard let them go, he kissed them both on the forehead: "I have to go"
Mal and Mary looked at him, they hold hands for a moment and then let him go
Richard left the room
Ben sighed: "Guys"
Jay: "No, he has to go back to the Isle..."
Liang: "Maybe one day he'll come back here. But for now, he has to go"
Mary: "Ben, we will be going too, at least for a few weeks"
Mal nodded

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