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The next day at practice Ben seemed.. weird.. he smiled a lot
Well he smiled a lot to Mal, Carlos had noticed it and he was worried. He knew Ben was nothing like Harry, they were in Auradon, clearly, here boys were educated differently but he couldn't help but be protective of his sister
Carlos decided to talk to the Prince directly, he crossed his arms: "Hey buddy, what's happening?"
Ben seemed confused: "What's happening with what?"
Carlos tilted his head towards Mal: "With my sister. You have a girlfriend and you flirt with Mal? Listen, I understand that you are the future King and maybe you think that this allows you to have everything you want.. but you are wrong." He pointed his finger at Ben "You stay the hell away from my sister or else" he growled a little to let his intentions be known
Ben put his hands in the air: "Woah Carlos calm down. Audrey and I aren't together anymore, I broke up with her... and with Mal... I like her, I really like her" he smiled softly looking at Mal who was talking with Jay about the exercise they were doing "I don't know how to explain it to you... I dream about her since.."
Carlos interrupted him: "You have dreams about my sister? Since when?" He seemed worried but not angry with him
Ben: "Yeah, I dream about her since I was like.. 8 years old. Wait, Mal is your sister?"
Carlos was stunned, he knew about Mal's dream, he also knew what Maleficent thought about them
Maleficent.. when she had found out about Mal's dream.. it was hell.. she took Mal to the darkroom.. and when his sister had finally come out she was different, from that moment she refused physical touch even more than usual, she didn't speak about her dreams anymore.. a few months after that they had escaped
Ben: "Carlos, you okay?"
Carlos hadn't realized that he had been daydreaming, he looked at Mal and when she looked back, she ran to him
Mal: "Carlos what's wrong? What happened?" She started looking around them, searching for the danger
Carlos: "Nothing Mal, we'll talk later"
The practice began and Mal left it there
Ben and Jay were near Chad and noticed he looked weirdly at Mal, they looked at each other and decided to keep an eye on him. Unfortunately, they didn't realize what Chad wanted to do until it was too late
He started charging Mal, she was ready to take him but then he used the stick to throw at her the ball
She was hit in the forehead and she fell backward, she stayed laying on her back not moving
Ben: "MAL NO"
He ran like his life depended on it and reached her, he was worried sick
Carlos took a look at her and she told him mentally that she was fine, Jay and Evie heard her too and like a united front they went to Chad
Jay and Carlos were growling and Evie was ready to beat him up, their fists closed and ready to throw a punch. Chad fell on the ground while trying to run away
But Doug intervened: "Wait stop guys!"
Jay's voice was cold: "Doug you seem a good guy, get the hell out of our ways or you'll suffer too"
Doug: "If you hurt him, you will be in trouble, you could be sent back"
That stopped the 3 vks, they looked at him, nodded and then all together spat at Chad, turned around to go to Mal, she was in a sitting position, her hand was pressing on the forehead
Mal: "I'm fine, Bennyboo"
Ben: "You are not fine, he hit you on the head" weirdly the nickname didn't bother him like it usually did when Audrey said it
Mal smiled a little: "Don't worry, I can handle a little pain"
Ben: "But you shouldn't.." he was sad now, he knew why she could handle the pain... he felt a cold hand to his cheek
Mal was looking at him and whispered: "It's not your fault Ben, you saved me" she wanted to say something else but FG and a man arrived
FG: "What happened?"
Mal cleared her throat: "Just an accident"
Ben near her was growling: "It wasn't an accident, Chad hit her"
Mal: "But I'm fine now" she was trying to get up
Doc: "Well that is something I shall decide"
Mal stopped and moved away from the man: "Who are you?"
Ben: "He's Doc, Doug's uncle, he's the doctor that works at the school infirmary"
Mal looked at Ben: "I'm fine, I don't need a doctor"
Ben: "It's just a visit to.."
Carlos: "She said she is fine" his tone final
Evie said something to FG, who turned to Doc: "I'll visit her Doc, don't worry"
Doc left
Ben helped Mal to stand up, she tried to walk on her own but a look from Ben silenced her, she put her arm around Ben's shoulder and let him help her
Carlos, Evie, and Jay seemed surprised by this
Mal letting someone help her? Impossible
Ben helped Mal sit, away from the field
They smiled at each other but Ben was still worried
FG used her magic to see if Mal had some injury, she was fine
Ben sighed relieved and thanked FG
Mal: "Told you, Bennyboo" she smirked at him
Ben rolled his eyes but was relieved: "Sure"
FG: "Mal you were hit on the head, there was no trauma but you should be careful" Mal nodded "Now will someone explained what happened?"
Ben was angry again: "Chad happened.. since I broke up with Audrey they are acting like it's Mal's fault and.."
Mal seemed surprised: "You broke up with her?"
Ben laughed a little and whispered something about the vks not knowing about rumors and gossips
Evie: "You didn't hear Mal? Everyone knows it"
Carlos and Jay raised their eyebrows, Ben understood that not everyone knew about the breakup
Ben: "Of course you knew Evie" then turned to Mal "Yes, I broke up with her"
FG: "I'll talk to Chad and the Coach" she turned to leave with a smile to the vks and Ben

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