A New Start

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Mal: "Well, go on, introduce yourself"
Richard: "My name is Richard, son of Prince John. I'm pretty popular on the Isle" he winked at Mal, who chuckled "And I throw the best parties"
Mal and Evie: "Definitely"
Richard: "And I offer many services"
Mal: "Ok, let's stop you there"
Richard laughed
Chad: "Why? What services?"
Jay: "You all are not ready yet"
The aks frowned up
Audrey: "I think we are"
All the vks shared a look, they all knew what services Richard was talking about, some more than the others... but to share it with the aks...
Doug: "Come on, we aren't so innocent as you may think"
Evie looked at him while Mal looked at Ben, then shared a look
Evie: What do you think?
Mal: They will know about it sooner or later...
Carlos stepped into the conversation: Why not?
Jay simply shrugged, he was ok with it
Mal sighed and nodded at Richard
Richard: "Ok, then. Let's say that the services I offer... well they are about pleasure"
Jane frowned like the others aks: "Pleasure?"
Azura: "You mean like massages?"
Celia rolled her eyes: "Sex. He means sex"
All the aks were shocked
Chad: "Oh"
Lonnie: "You sold your body?"
Mal snapped: "No, he didn't. But some of us may have done it. To survive. Wanna say something about that?"
Lonnie blushed, embarrassed
Ben: "Some of you?" he was looking at Mal
Evie: "Mary, your turn"
Mary nodded: "I'm Mary, Gothel's oldest daughter" she looked at James and winked "I like having fun too"
James blushed to everyone's surprise
Gil: "I'm Gil, the last son of Gaston"
Liang: "Liang, brother of Jian" he pointed at his brother who smiled
Jay: "Well, that was fun and dandy but I think we should move the party to our room, then dinner, and then bedtime"
The vks nodded
Ben: "Wait. Party?"
Mal: "Don't worry, we'll keep it... normal"
Audrey: "Wait Mal" Mal turned to look at her "Can't we like... join you?"
Mal smiled: "Princess, I think that for this party it's better if we Isle kids stay alone. Maybe the next one, all right?"
Carlos: "You can throw a party of your own"
Ben: "Sure, you guys need some time to stay together" he smiled at Mal to reassure her it was ok "We can have a sleepover like when we were kids" he kissed Mal on her cheek "Go on and have fun"
Mal: "Thank you"

Dinner time
The vks were already there, they had moved the tables so that they all could stay close
What Ben noticed immediately though wasn't that, he was searching for Mal and he found her, near Richard who had an arm around her
Ben growled a little, he wasn't the only one who had seen something he didn't like
Doug was watching Evie, Liang had his arm around her
Lonnie and James glared at Jay and Mary that were really close (too close in Lonnie's opinion)
Jane was watching with a smile Carlos was talking with the little twins, he seemed to notice her gaze and looked where she was, he waved at her
Ben: "Well, you have already started"
The vks looked at him
Richard smirked and got up: "Your Highness, please forgive us. But we were famished"
Ben got more irritated, but smiled anyway, he was trained to keep his emotion in check when he was in public: "Of course, don't worry" he looked at Mal that was watching Richard and chuckling
Evie got up and went to hug Doug
Jay smiled at Lonnie while Mary turned to look at Mal and whispered something to her
The younger kids were focused on the food
The aks went to grab food and sat at the table with the vks
Richard: "So, Ben. I was told you are particularly close to my princess Mal"
Ben looked at Richard: "Yeah, I'm her boyfriend" he looked at Mal to see what would be her reaction
Richard: "Boyfriend?" he looked at Mal "You used to hate labels when we were on the Isle"
Ben frowned: "What is that suppose to mean?"
Richard: "Oh, just that Mal here used to be a lot more fun once, isn't that right Mary?"
Mary nodded: "Definitely"
Mal chuckled: "All right guys, that is in the past. I'm taken now"
Richard: "Wait, for real?"
Mal: "Yes"
Richard sighed in disappointment: "Not even sleeping?"
Mal: "Not with you" she looked at Mary "With Mary probably yes"
Ben: "Sleeping?"
Mal rolled her eyes: "Yes, sleeping. You know, when you are really tired and you go to bed and close your eyes?"

Lonnie: "So, you are a good friend of Mary, huh?"
Jay looked at her and laughed: "Lon, don't worry. We are family, our mothers are cuisines"
Lonnie: "Oh"
James heard that too and glanced at Mary

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