Family Day

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Adam, serious as ever: "What you are saying is nonsense"
Queen Leah: "Listen to me! They are part God and part fairy"
Nobody knew what to say, there were two groups: those who didn't know, and those who already knew what Mal and Carlos were
Adam: "That may be true for Mal, but Carlos is the son of Cruella" he was trying to understand what Leah knew
Queen Leah: "That's what they want us to believe. It's a lie"
Those who knew the truth sighed in relief, Aurora hadn't betrayed them
Speaking of...
Aurora: "Mother"
Queen Leah: "Aurora, you were there that day, you've seen it. Tell them" she looked around "I was too afraid to stay in the same room as these monsters but my daughter stayed" she looked at Aurora "Tell them"
Aurora: "What I saw isn't important. They aren't monsters, even if Carlos was Maleficent's son what does it matter? What changes? Maleficent is on the Isle and can't reach us" she looked at the other parents "She can't harm us"
Snow White: "Leah, I think that you should back off"
Evie and Jay looked at her surprised
Jasmine: "They are kids. They aren't monsters"
Adam: "Now it's enough. Let's get back to the party. Queen Leah, I would like to talk to you, in my office"
Adam, Ben, Leah, Aurora, and FG left
Belle went to talk to the vks
Belle: "Are you alright?"
The vks nodded
Snow White, Aladdin, and Jasmine, Anita, and Roger arrived
Snow White: "Hello Doug, will you introduce us?"
Doug: "These are Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Guys, these are Snow White, Aladdin and Jasmine, Anita and Roger"
The vks were frozen
Evie recovered first: "Hello" and waved
Jay: "Hi"
The group of heroes smiled happily
Snow White: "Hello, how are you?"
Evie: "Fine"
Snow White looked at Mal and Carlos: "What about you? Leah can be.. how can I say it?"
Aladdin: "Unbearable. Obnoxious. Impossible. Too much"
Everyone looked at him
Jasmine: "I think they got it, honey"
The vks were smiling, even Mal and Carlos relaxed
Then Mal smiled brightly: "Carlos look! There is the dog that we met last Sunday"
Carlos: "Where?"
Mal: "There, near that bush"
Carlos: "You are right" he was smiling too
Mal turned to look at Evie: "Evie can we go play with the dog?"
Evie: "I don't know, Mal..."
Mal: "Please, Blue!"
Evie sighed and smiled: "Fine, but don't go too far and be careful"
Mal and Carlos: "Thanks!" and then ran to the other side
The heroes looked surprised
Anita: "Woah... I didn't except the son of Cruella to like dogs"
Roger seemed worried, Jay and Evie saw it
Evie: "Don't worry, he doesn't like them for their fur"
Jay: "Til last week they were terrified of dogs"
Snow White: "Really?"
Evie smiled: "Really"
Snow White: "What happened?"
Evie: "Last week we were having a picnic, when we heard a bark they ran away"
Jane: "I never saw someone ran so fast"
Evie nodded
Jay: "They are the fastest two on the Isle, people call them 'The Flashes'"
Evie: "Anyhow, Adam managed to introduce them to Dude, they spent the rest of the afternoon playing" she shook her head "It took me hours to convinced them to get back in... their clothes were so dirty..."
Jay rolled his eyes, then laughed: "Evie, look at them"
Everyone looked at the two teenagers that were running and laughing around with the dog
Evie: "Oh no... she is ruining the dress! And look at Carlos! He has dirt all over him"
Jay was laughing so hard he bent on his knees
Ben arrived at that moment: "What's so funny?"
Jane: "Mal and Carlos" she was smiling
Ben looked at Mal and Carlos and laughed
Mal saw that Ben was back and waved at him, Ben waved too
Snow White, Aladdin, and Jasmine, Anita and Roger saw this, they looked at Belle who had noticed the interaction between her son and Mal
Snow White: "They seem to get along"
Belle smiled: "They do"
Jasmine: "What about Audrey?"
Belle: "Ben broke up with her"
Anita: "Really?"
Belle nodded
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert arrived
Rapunzel: "I heard my daughter talk about the vks. Is it true that Mal joined the Tourney Team?"
Adam arrived: "She did"
They were talking in a circle while Ben and Jay tried to calm down Evie
Cinderella and Florian, Ferdinand (Snow White's husband), Ariel and Eric, Mulan and Li Shang joined them
Mulan: "Really? That's awesome"
Belle: "She is awesome"
Evie and Jay stopped talking when they heard what Belle said
Mal and Carlos stopped running too and turned to look at the Queen, Dude stopped running too
Mal was dumbfounded, they had heard what the Queen had said too
Lonnie joined the group, she saw Dude in the distance: "Dude! Come here, boy!"
Dude ran towards her
Carlos caressed Mal's arm: "Let's go join them. We should meet Cruella's enemies"
She nodded and they walked towards the group
Lonnie: "Mal? Come here! I want you to meet my parents"
Mal arrived
Lonnie: "Mal, this is Mulan and Li Shang, my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Mal, my friend, and the first girl to join the Tourney Team"
Mal waved at everyone
Mulan looked at her, impress: "Well, congratulations!"
Mal shrugged: "It was nothing. On the Isle, I've done more"
Mulan: "Like what?"
Mal smiled: "Trust me, you don't want to know"
Lonnie: "Mal, do you know my mother's story?"
Mal: "She is the woman that pretended to be a man to enter the army, isn't she?"
Lonnie nodded
Mal: "It's cool to meet you. Finally, a woman in the hero story who isn't all skirt and boundaries and damsel in distress"
Carlos: "Uma, Ursula's daughter, adores you"
Mulan smiled happily
Anita: "Carlos, I'm Anita and this is Roger... I was a friend of your mother before she.. well before she did what she did"
Carlos nodded: "I know. She talked about you"
Mal went in front of Roger: "Wait a second. Are you the Roger that created the song?"
Roger was nervous, out of the four Mal was the one who seemed scarier: "Yeah?"
Mal smiled: "Carlos loves that song"
Carlos laughed: "It's true"
Roger was surprised: "You know it?"
Mal: "If we know it? We have heard it since we were born"
Roger: "And you like it?"
Carlos: "Oh yeah"
Roger smiled: "Anita hates it"
Anita rolled her eyes
Aurora approached them: "Mal"
Mal: "Aurora"
Aurora: "Can I talk to you?"
Mal nodded
They started walking

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