Dinner Time

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Evie was well mannered, her mother didn't raise her like a princess but she taught her how to behave in front of others, Jay was taught the same things... Grimhilde didn't want her children to behave like beasts at the dinner table
On the other hand, Grimhilde couldn't educate Mal and Carlos and she couldn't do anything to change the way they acted. Sure they started to have nicer behavior, they didn't steal nor were violent like they used to.. but when it came to food, it was an instinct born by the way their mothers treated them and nothing could change it. So when it came to dinner, Grimhilde let them have their fun
This is why when the vks walked into the cafeteria Evie and Jay knew exactly what was going to happen, it didn't matter that Lonnie had explained to them how the buffet worked, the moment Mal and Carlos saw the amount of food they had access to.. it was hell
They got in line, picked a plate and started putting all the food they could get on them, then proceeded to find a table and started eating like they hadn't eaten for days.. which was true actually, the last meal they had was 2 days ago. Evie and Jay followed them but eat more humanly, with no rush
In moments like this Evie and Jay thanked God for the parents they had, it was in moments like this they desired to get revenge on Maleficent and Cruella for how they had treated their friends
Of course, the aks not being used to see someone eat like this were confused and amused, but they also got worried that eating so much too fast would hurt their new friends so obviously Ben said: "Mal, Carlos, you can slow down, there's plenty of food to eat and nobody will steal it, also you could get sick if you eat so fast"
Mal and Carlos stopped eating and looked at him, they shared a look and then swallowed
Mal: "They won't steal it from us?" she looked like a little lost girl
Ben: "Of course not" he was smiling at her
Carlos lord around, as if to make sure nobody would get close to them, then turned to Ben: "How long until the next meal?"
Ben was still smiling: "Well, there's breakfast in the morning, from 7 to 9 a.m., then there's lunch from 13 to 14-30 p.m., and dinner from 7 to 9 p.m."
The vks were completely shocked, 3 meals a day
Mal wasn't buying it: "You mean to tell me that we get 3 meals every day, for nothing in return and that nobody will try to steal it from us? Where's the catch?"
Evie looked down at the table: "Mal, there's no catch"
Mal: "Oh come on! You believe them!?" she was starting to get angry
Jay: "Don't you remember what mom and dad told us about them... "
Mal now was very angry, her eyes starting glowing bright green, Ben could swear he saw a flash of lightning in them and heard thunder outside, she hissed: "They are the same people that left us to starve to death, I can remember what ours" she indicated Carlos "mothers said about them, and I tell you this, I do not trust the son of the man that left us almost die multiple times by the hand of those criminals; do I need to remind you what happened to us?" she was now on her feet and the whole cafeteria heard what she had said as she had started yelling, now she was growling at Evie and Jay
Carlos knew this was the moment to intervene: "Vio it's okay, we can trust Ben, remember he brought us here and he will save all of them.. it may be too late for us but think about Dizzy, Gil.. all the innocents that deserve to be here in Auradon. We can trust Ben" this was all said in a whisper, only those at their table heard him
Mal looked at Carlos, calmed down and nodded, and left the cafeteria, she wasn't hungry anymore
Carlos sat down, he knew she needed some time alone and started eating again, Evie and Jay did the same
Ben: "Should we check on her?"
Carlos scoffed: "If you want to die, sure go ahead. But I advise you to stay here. She needs to stay alone right now... Mal and I.. are different from Evie and Jay. We didn't grow up the same way they did, our mothers.. they are insane.." he shook his head, smirking self-deprecating
Evie: "It's my fault... I shouldn't have pushed her.."
She had stopped eating, she wasn't hungry anymore knowing she was the one who had upset Mal
Carlos looked at her for a minute before returning to his food: "Well it didn't help but you know how she is.. tomorrow will be better. She needs to adjust to this new life"
Ben: "Okay, we'll leave her to adjust, but be sure to bring some food to her" then he looking Carlos "and you are right Carlos, you can trust me."
Carlos: "Oh I know." he pointed the fork at Ben "Because if you dare to even think about betraying us you will suffer a slow and painful death... don't underestimate me, I was raised by Cruella and Maleficent, I know how to make people suffer, and rest assure that Mal will help me"
It was said in such a cold and threatening tone that Ben had no problem believing him, Carlos's eyes had started glowing an electric blue. He then proceeded to finish his dinner, pick up something for Mal and leave
Evie and Jay sent apologizing looks to the aks
Evie: "I assure you they are good guys, they just have a dark past... our mom told us that here you have something call therapy... I was thinking maybe once we are settled and they are more.. accommodated to life here they could try it.." she turned to her brother and said: "Beanie what do you think?"
She was so relaxed there that she just went back to call him by his nickname, they use it when they needed comfort and this was one of those times
Jay: "Blue, you know how they will react to it.. we'll have to wait months.. and you know what they think about doctors.. they only accepted Anastasia to visit them because she is a friend of mom"
The aks were looking at each other, confused by their interaction and the nicknames, they just shrugged and left, this was a private conversation
Evie: "I know Beanie... but Puppy trusts the Prince, and you know Vio will do anything Puppy ask... we have to convince him"
Jay: "And how exactly are you planning on doing that?"
Evie: "Well... I can't plan everything, we will think of something for Hades's sakes"
Jay: "Fine fine, we will think about it later, for now, we help them adjust to Auradon and then we'll see"
They turned to talk to Ben only to see that the aks had left, they decided to talk to FG and Ben the next day. When Evie and Jay returned to their dorm Carlos and Mal were fast asleep

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