You Hurt Me

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Mal: "Questions?"
Adam: "Magic screams?"
Mal: "Oh right. Yes, Magic screams but it isn't like a person. It's not as if I scare Ben and he yells. Magic screams when someone powerful suffers or is angry"
Belle: "I guess that someone powerful is your Mother" she was looking at both Carlos and Mal who nodded
Adam was still confused
Carlos smiled: "We grew up knowing everything about the curse, so it's like we both have 2 mothers kind of. I mean..." he turned to Mal "it is way weirder when you tell it to someone who doesn't know Maleficent"
Mal laughed: "I know"
Mal looked at Adam: "I was born from Maleficent and Carlos from Cruella... let's see... It's like we are walking down the same street, we take two different paths and then we meet again on the same street"
Adam was less confused and nodded
Mal: "So back to magic. Maleficent finds out that we are here and she is angry... I hope Hades..." she looked at Carlos who was worried
Carlos: "We have to get back if she gets him or.." then he turned to Evie and Jay
Mal: "Grimhilde and Jafar are safe, she doesn't know we lived with them and she won't go to the Reformed Part... I can only hope Hades isn't in the Forest..." she was trying to look calm but her voice betrayed her worries in the end
Ben: "Is Hades in danger?"
Mal: "Nah he is a psycho like my mother... the problem is they can get a little bit violent with each other and the last time..."
Carlos: "Enough. We are going back"
Mal: "Sure, Puppy, let's go back to Mother, she will be so happy to know that not only we are in Auradon but we are 'good' now, that we forgave the King and Queen and that I admitted to sharing dreams with him" she was pointing at Ben now
Carlos was angry, his eyes glowed: "Then what do you suggest Vio? We stay here and do nothing? He Is Our Father"
Mal's eyes were glowing, her hair was floating and outside there was a storm: "HE LEFT US WITH THEM! I DIED BECAUSE OF HIM!" she yelled in a mix of pain and anger
There was a screech, Magic had reacted to Mal's agony. It also seemed that Magic fueled Mal's pain and anger as she started a fight with Carlos
Mal: "I'm sick of you trying to defend him, Carlos. He left us. He left and I was the only one there to protect you." She was upset, she seemed on the verge of crying "I died for you, I took all the responsibilities for you, I killed for you... I... I was a kid just like you Carlos and yet I was the one who fed you, who calmed you down, who took care of you. I was a kid. I'm your sister. Try to see how you defending him is hurting me" She was crying now
Nobody had ever seen Mal cry
Carlos was shocked: "Vio... I'm.."
Mal: "Don't De Vil. Do whatever. In any case, I will be the one to recollect the pieces of your heart like always, right? Go and save your father. But remember this. One day you will look back and I won't be there anymore" And with that, she was gone
The scream of Magic could be heard again
Carlos fell on his knees, Jay was there to hug him
Evie: "I'm sorry you had to hear that... She doesn't like Hades" she smiled a little "She never actually said anything... I probably should go get her..."
Ben: "I think I should go"
Evie looked at him: "Right.. sharing dreams. Ben, I know her since..."
Ben: "I know her since I'm 8, and I've shared dreams and fears with her. Believe me. I know" He went after Mal. He found her near his mother's garden, she was on the grass looking up at the sky, crying freely
Mal: "I think it's the first time I cry in real life"
Ben: "I know"
She huffed
Ben: "Can I join you?"
Mal looked at him: "It is your mother's garden" She nodded and patted the area near her
Ben sat next to her: "How are you?"
Mal: "I never said those things to anyone else.. and I think I should have done it before... how is he?"
Ben: "Jay and Evie are taking care of him..." she was upset... he wanted to change the subject "Here is where you always used to come, in our dreams, when you did something you regretted.. so if it isn't telling Carlos how you feel.. what is it?"
Mal: "I don't hate Hades... I mean the dude left us with those psychos sure.. but he never hurt us... well not willingly. When he was still Maleficent's lover he would always take good care of Carlos... I was never allowed to be alone with him but when Carlos came back home he never had a scratch.. he cared... he cares... He may even love us"
Ben smiled: "I'm sure he does" She hadn't answer directly but he had understood her
Mal rolled her eyes
Mal: "So... what does it mean that you were waiting for me?" She turned to look at him properly
Ben: "When I was 4 years old FG checked me to see if I had any curses on, you know because of my father, and she tracked down something"
Mal seemed worried, she sat down to look at him better: "What is it?"
Ben was looking at the stars, then he looked at her and smiled: "True Love"
Mal gasped, she quickly got up but she fell backward
Ben was laughing now: "Oh my. Your face. Priceless"
Mal: "You must be joking"
Ben: "Nope. 'He will dream of her and they will meet' "
Mal: "Dream?" she was panicking
Ben nodded: "Don't worry about it, I don't expect you to love me just because, okay? We will keep living our life. If it is True Love, then it is what it is"
Mal seemed to relax immediately at his words and nodded
Ben: "You feel better?"
Mal just nodded
Ben: "We should go back inside"
He got up and offered her a hand to help her, she smiled and took it. He was surprised by this. Then she smirked and pulled him down, he fell on the mud. He heard her laugh, he sat down and looked at her with his best scowl
Mal: "Aww you look so intimidating Benny Boo, I'll have nightmares"
He picked a handful of mud and threw it at her, she gasped
Mal: "Benny Boo how dare you? I'm your True Love"
They both laughed happily. They got up and started to go to the Castle, Mal used magic to clean them but left a bit of mud on Ben's hair

In the Castle- living room
Evie was pacing, Carlos had calmed down and was sipping tea, Jay was looking at the fire, Adam and Belle were holding hands, FG and Jane were talking when Ben and Mal entered the living room
Lumiere had giggled at Ben and Mal had smiled at him
Adam: "Finally"
Evie: "Mal, are you okay?"
Belle was confused: "Ben, what do you have on your hair?"
Ben looked confused, he reached to his hair only to find mud, he looked Mal with accusation in his eyes, she just smiled
Mal: "That's mud. I'm fine, Evie" then she looked at Carlos who resembled a lost puppy now more than ever, she went to him and got on her knees "I'm sorry Puppy. I lost it. I just started thinking about going back to Mother and all those memories... I shouldn't have yelled at you... will you forgive me?"
Carlos didn't reply, he hugged her tightly and he whispered comforting words to her
Evie looked at Ben: "Sorry Ben, I should apologize too. I shouldn't have to treat you like that... but like Mal said I lost it.. thinking of them with Maleficent again..." she shivered "I'm sorry really, also..she is kinda my sister and knowing you share dreams was shocking"
Ben nodded: "It's okay. It was a stressful situation for all of us"
Jay went to him: "You hurt Mal, you die. Understood?"
Ben seemed sincerely worried: "I would never hurt her, but if I do I will accept any punishment you shall think necessary"
Jay laughed: "I won't do anything. Did you not see what she did before? That girl needs no man, she will kill you with her bare hands, I was just warning you"
Evie rolled her eyes, Ben started laughing with Jay
Mal: "Now Puppy let's think about what to do with Mother and how to help... Hades, okay?"
Carlos: "You sure?"
Mal: "It doesn't matter what happened to me, he always treated you right and he made sure nobody hurt you.. and with Harry... he helped me too. So now let's help that son of a God and then kick Mother's ass, shall we?"
Carlos laughed: "We shall"

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