The Mall

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Ben and Chad went into the headmistress's office to ask for permission
FG: "Chad you are grounded. You can't go to the mall"
Ben: "FG, Chad apologized to Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Jay"
FG: "And I'm happy about it, but this doesn't change the fact that he is grounded. I'm sorry"
Chad: "I understand perfectly"
The two boys got out of the office
Ben: "Chad, I'm sorry..."
Chad: "No, it's ok really. FG is right" he smiled sincerely "I'm happy I apologized to the vks"
Ben smiled too: "I'm happy to have my friend back"
Mal arrived from the cafeteria: "Ben?"
Ben turned to look at her, she had changed (probably because of Evie), she was wearing purple dungarees over a green crop top, she was so beautiful he got distracted
Mal tilted her head: "Ben?" she seemed confused
Chad elbowed Ben: "Pal, you are staring"
Ben blushed: "Hey Mal"
Chad rolled his eyes
Mal: "Did you get the permission? The others are waiting"
Ben: "We can go but Chad can't"
Mal: "Why not?"
Chad: "I'm grounded"
Mal looked horrified: "You get grounded here too?"
Carlos came running: "So what's up?" he looked at Mal and his smile dropped "Mal, what's wrong?"
Mal looked around and whispered: "Chad got grounded"
Carlos paled and looked at Ben and Chad
Ben: "Guys, it's ok. He just has to stay here and be at Remedial Goodness 101 with you"
Mal: "So he isn't getting beaten?"
Carlos: "Or starved?"
Chad: "No, of course not"
Carlos looked relieved as Mal was
Chad: "Why?" then he seemed to realize "Oh my God.. you got beaten?" he looked at Mal and Carlos body as if to check for injuries and noticed their scars
Ben touched his friend shoulder: "We'll talk later"
Chad nodded and left
Ben: "Let's go to the mall"
They went outside
Evie: "What are we waiting for?"
Audrey: "The mall is downtown, we need a bus to go there"
Jay: "What's a bus?"
Doug: "You'll see it"
They waited for another five minutes and then the bus arrived
The vks were amazed
They got in and kept looking around
Soon enough they started watching the scenery changing outside the windows
They arrived at the mall
The vks looked around
Mal: "Woah, this place is huge"
Carlos: "Yeah... and I thought Evil Palace was gigantic"
Audrey: "Evil Palace?"
The vks: "The school for all evil and bad"
The aks turned to them when the vks noticed it
The vks: "What?"
Jane: "It was weird to hear you say it"
Evie: "Why?"
Amir shrugged: "It was creepy"
Jay, Mal, and Carlos rolled their eyes
Ben: "Alright, let's go"
They entered the building, the vks looked around
Carlos: "Sooo... now what?"
Doug: "Let's split up and then meet again.. let's say 17-30?"
The others agreed and the two groups went separate ways

Audrey: "Let's go to that shop"
The girls went inside
Evie: "There are so many clothes.." she was watching a dress she had picked
Jane smiled: "Let's pick some clothes and try them"
They went into the dressing rooms

Mal, Carlos, and Jay were in awe
Jay: "This is"
Carlos: "The coolest"
Mal: "Thing ever"
Amir chuckled: "You guys are too creepy"
Mal and Carlos looked around: "What's that?"
Amir glared at them: "Now you are doing it on purpose"
The two teens looked at him confused
Jay chuckled: "They don't. They are used to talk like this since they are children, you'll get used to it"
Ben: "That's..." but he couldn't end the sentence because a group of girls showed up
A blonde girl: "That's him, the Prince"
Another girl: "Oh, he is handsome"
The blonde with a disgusted face: "Those are the villains... look at that girl, with that hair... I heard she spelled him or something..."
The red-haired girl looked at Mal disgusted too
Ben sighed
Doug and Amir chuckled
Carlos: "What the...?"
Doug: "The girls drool after him everywhere we go"
Amir: "It drove Audrey crazy all the time"
The boys looked at Mal, that was watching the girls, she felt them watching and turned
Mal: "What?"
Ben: "Nothing" he turned to the game Mal and Carlos were interested in "That's a hunting game"
Mal smiled: "Cool"
The twins looked at each other with big smiles and yelled: "Race you!"
They went to the gaming machine
Ben sighed
Jay patted on his shoulder: "Let's play, then"
They started playing
Jay was with Ben in front of the hunting game, they were watching Mal and Carlos playing it, Doug and Amir were playing some other game when the girls came back and approached Ben
The blonde: "Hi, Prince Benjamin! I'm Hayley and this" she pointed at her red-haired friend "is my best friend Janice..." she looked at him and smiled "We were wondering if you would like to hang out with us"
Janice: "Yeah, we promise we are fun" she looked at the others "Way more fun than them anyway"
The two girls glared at Mal, who only then turned
Ben was about to talk but she stopped him
Mal got closer and crossed her arms: "I'm sorry, were you talking about me?" her eyes glowed a little
Carlos approached her and put his hand on her shoulder and whispered: "Vio"
Hayley: "Yes, I was talking about you" she looked at her head to toe
Ben: "Girls, why don't we just relax a little?"
Mal: "No thanks, Benny Boo"
Hayley laughed: "Benny Boo? He is the Crown Prince" she got closer to Mal "Show some respect"
Mal took a step forward: "You should back off" her tone suggested she wasn't playing around
Carlos: "Listen, lady, back off, or my sister.."
Janice: "Your sister what? Will she scream and go call mommy?"
Jay: "Now you did it"
Carlos raised his hands in surrender: "I'm out"
Ben sighed: "Mal please"
Mal glared at him
Ben: "Fine"
Janice and Hayley were smiling evilly at Mal
Mal: "You don't know who I am, do you?"
Janice: "A villain"
Mal laughed, Ben, Carlos, and Jay recognized that laugh.. it was the same one of Maleficent
Mal: "I'm Mal, Maleficent and Hades's daughter"
The girls stopped smiling
Mal: "Now... who is the boring one?"
The girls took a step back
Jay: "Told you to back off"
Hayley: "I.. I.. I'm"
Mal took another step forward: "I..I.. I." she mocked her "What's wrong? Are you going to scream and go call mommy?"
Janice: "I think we should leave..."
Mal: "Why? Didn't you want to have fun with the Crown Prince? I'm sure you two are very funny, aren't you?"
Hayley: "Yeah, I forgot that we have the stuff to do.. we should go"
Mal: "I'm sure Ben here would love to spend some time with you, am I right Ben?"
The girls looked at Ben
Ben: "Mal, that's enough. They got the message"
Mal: "I don't think they did" her eyes glowed and she was about to take another step towards the girls when something held her, she turned at her right
Ben had grabbed her arm: "I said, enough"
Mal looked lost for a second
The girls took advantage of the distraction and left
Ben: "What the hell was that, Mal?"
Mal was looking down, Carlos got closer to her and put an arm around her shoulders, and dragged her away from him, Carlos glared at Ben
Ben turned to Jay who shrugged
Doug and Amir had seen what happened approached Ben and Jay
Amir: "What happened?"
Ben: "The girls provoked Mal"
Jay seemed thoughtful
Ben: "Jay?"
Doug: "Where are Carlos and Mal now?"
Ben: "Don't know"
Carlos and Mal sat down at a fountain
Carlos: "Vio, are you ok?"
Mal had her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands
Carlos rubbed her back for a while to comfort her
Mal: "I was about to attack them. And for what? Talking to Ben? I wanted to hurt them... Remember the thing about torture that Mother taught us? I was about to use them..."
Carlos: "Mal" she was spiraling
Mal: "I mean, they didn't do anything wrong"
Carlos: "Mal"
Mal: "If Ben hadn't stopped me.."
Carlos: "Mal!"
Mal stopped talking
Carlos: "We just went back to the Isle, probably your behavior got influenced by that"
Mal whispered: "Probably"
Carlos: "You were just protecting what's yours, your territory"
Mal glared at him
Carlos: "You know you cared deeply for him, you can't hide it. Not from me"
Mal sighed: "I know"
Carlos: "You have to talk to him" he smiled "He cares for you. Deeply"
Mal smiled a little: "I know"
They heard someone coming closer

Audrey: "Girls, we are fabulous"
Lonnie: "We are"
Jane: "Let's go see the accessories"
Evie smiled: "And the purses"
They were watching some jewelry when Jane checked the watch
Jane: "Girls, we have to go"
Audrey: "Already?"
Evie pouted
Lonnie: "We can come back another time, let's go pay for the clothes"
They went to pay for the clothes and exited the shop, they went near the entrance but the others weren't there
Jane: "Maybe they are still at the arcade"
Lonnie: "Maybe they lost track of time"
Audrey: "Let's find them"
They went upstairs to the arcade but Evie stopped suddenly
Jane turned to look at her
Evie: "Mal and Carlos" she pointed at the fountain
Jane tilted her head: "What's wrong with Mal?"
Evie: "Don't know. I'll go there, you go to the arcade"
Jane nodded
Evie got near them: "Mal? Carlos?"

The twins turned at the same time, Mal looked distressed
Evie got worried immediately
Carlos smiled: "Hey Evie"
Evie sat near Mal: "What's wrong?"
Mal shook her head: "I overreacted"
Carlos got up: "I'll let you talk" he left
Mal turned to look at Evie: "Two girls flirted with Ben and I lost it... I went full Isle on them...Ben got angry with me"
Evie: "Oh Mal.. you were jealous?"
Mal shrugged
Evie: "It's okay, Mal. But I think you two should talk"
Mal: "Carlos said the same thing"
Ben: "Then maybe we should talk"
Mal and Evie turned quickly towards the sound, Ben was standing there
Evie got up and left to find the others
Ben sat near Mal and smiled: "What happened?"
Mal: "I'm sorry if I overreacted.."
Ben shook his head: "It's nothing" his smile turned into a smirk, he looked down "It was flattering seeing you jealous"
Mal huffed
Ben: "Listen Mal. I like you, like a lot"
Mal smiled: "I like you too"
Ben smiled at her and looked her in the eyes: "You are going to react like that when a girl flirts with me?"
Mal sighed: "Will it happen often?"
Ben: "Unfortunately"
Mal rolled her eyes: "I'll try to behave"
Ben chuckled
Mal: "So what now?"
Ben: "Now... Mal, are you free tomorrow?"
Mal confused: "Yes"
Ben: "Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"
Mal smiled happily: "Yes, I would like that"
Ben smiled too: "Great"
Mal: "Where are we going?"
Ben: "Surprise" he looked at her hand "Can I take your hand?"
Mal: "Yeah"
Ben took her hand and his thumb caressed the back of his hand: "Are you ok, now?"
Mal nodded
Ben: "Let's go back to our friends"
They got up, but they were so focused on themselves that they didn't notice the two girls approaching
Janice and Hayley, one Slurpee each, and once they got close enough they threw it at Mal
Mal and Ben gasped, Mal's clothes were soaking wet
Janice: "Not so brave now, huh?"
The two girls got away laughing
Ben: "Mal!"
Mal growled, turned back, and extended a hand towards the girls, who were stopped by some kind of force, the same force that dragged them back to Mal
Ben: "Mal, stop"
Mal: "Not this time"
The others arrived at that moment
Carlos: "Mal, what are you doing?"
Ben: "The girls threw a Slurpee at her"
Carlos, Evie, and Jay sighed
Mal: "Girls, you really shouldn't have done that" she extended the other hand towards the fountain, the water moved like a snake, it drew a circle around the two girls, it went up and was just above them then it fell on them
Mal released the girls from her grip, she turned around towards Ben: "Was it too much?"
Ben: "Unexpectedly, no" he took her hand "Let's go"
Audrey: "Let's go, we'll show you the rest of the mall"

They were at the animal shop
Carlos was looking at some fishes
Jane got closer to him: "Hypnotic, right?"
Carlos smiled and turned to her: "Yeah"
Jane: "Do you want to see the chinchillas?"
Carlos: "What?"
Jane: "Come with me"
They went near some cages
Carlos: "Oh my god, they are so cute"
Jane: "I know" she was smiling at the animals
Carlos turned to look at her, then he looked at Mal that was near the cage of the kittens, she looked at him and nodded
Carlos sighed, he took courage: "Jane?"
Jane looked at him: "Yes?"
Carlos: "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Jane blushed
Carlos waited for a minute that seemed like an hour to him, then: "Jane?"
Jane: "I'm sorry, give me one more second"
Carlos waited
Jane smiled: "Yes, I would like to go on a date with you"
Carlos smiled: "Fantastic"
Jane chuckled at his enthusiasm
Mal was smiling too, having heard everything
Jane: "It's almost dinner time"
Mal and Carlos perked at that, they were hungry
Lonnie: "We could eat here"
Doug: "Yeah, why not?"
Ben: "Fine by me" he was holding hands with Mal
The others agreed
They went to the third floor where the restaurants were, they decided to go to a sandwich place
They eat dinner peacefully and then went back to Auradon Prep
Mal and Carlos were sleeping
Jane and Ben were watching them with a sweet smile on their faces
Jay picked Carlos up while Ben picked Mal, they put them in bed
Then everyone went to sleep

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