Will It End?

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Mal was alone in the kitchen, it was just past afternoon. Carlos and Jane were in the library with FG studying
Belle was with Adam, trying to make him understand what was about to happen
Evie and Jay were in the library too, searching for potions
Aurora had left with Leah
A couple of hours before
Aurora was leaving with Leah but she had something to tell her: "I want you to know that I don't blame you, nor your friends. Snow told me about Evie and Jay, she would love to meet them" she sighed "Jasmine too"
Mal: "Why are you telling me this? Why didn't Snow White and Jasmine contact FG and tell her?"
Aurora smiled: "Audrey called me the day she met you, she identified you as the leader of the group. My daughter is in the wrong right now but she knows politics" she smiled somehow proudly
Mal was still suspicious: "Why?"
Aurora: "Why what?"
Mal: "Why did you leave her? Why didn't you defend her? Why did you let them take her?" she was getting angrier as she spoke "You knew why she went crazy. By what I saw you know a lot about magic, that means that you knew that she would have got her magic back on the Isle..." her eyes were green and stormier than ever "why did you leave her there?"
Aurora: "The Moors rejected me 16 years ago, one fairy came to me at night and told me that Maleficent had gained her magic back... I didn't believe her at first but then... I started getting these dreams... she was trying to talk to me, she told me that she loved me, that she was pregnant" she smiled at Mal "and I fell for it"
Mal was in shock: "She reached you?"
Aurora nodded: "The most important thing here is that: I care for you. I will help you, I'll talk to my daughter. Don't worry" with that she left
Back to the present
Ben: "Hey Lily Love, what's wrong?"
Mal: "My mother.."
Ben: "You don't have to kill her, we will find another way"
Mal: "There's no other way!" she looked determined "She will try to find a way to hurt me, to hurt Carlos, everyone here is in danger" she looked at him "She will kill you" That was said in a whisper, like saying it out loud would make it real
Ben: "I'm not worried about me. I have a goddess to protect me" he smiled at her "She is beautiful and kind, intelligent, selfless, powerful..."
Mal looked at him: "Does it scare you?"
Ben: "What?"
Mal: "I don't know.. maybe the fact that I'm a semi-goddess and part magic" she seemed scared
He didn't get the chance to answer her
Mal: "I'm not human, don't you see it? I'm a monster.. even Maleficent knew it... that's why she never told me she loved me... unlike Aurora, I never gained her trust or her love" she was crying now "I tried so hard, for so long.. but nothing.. she created me to be a monster, nothing more" then she seemed to realize something "Hades loves Carlos, so he can be loved... maybe it's only me... maybe it's because of Cruella being his transport"
Ben: "You are loved"
Mal: "By who?" she was desperate
Ben: "Carlos. Evie. Jay... Me" the last part was a whisper, he didn't want to be heard and he would have succeeded if Mal hadn't been a fairy
Mal: "You love me?" she was whispering too
Ben blushed: "Well yeah... I mean.. not like 'True Love' love... but I know you since we were little, I dreamt of you, you helped me a lot even if you weren't here... I consider you my friend and I love my friends..." he was babbling but Mal seemed to understand and smiled
Mal: "Thank you"
Ben: "What is this all about?"
Mal: "Aurora told me that when Maleficent got her magic back she reached her in her dreams and told her she loved her... she even told her that she was pregnant and..." but then Mal stopped, she turned around where Carlos had stopped as well
Ben was watching as their faces changed, they were terrified of something he couldn't hear or see, Jane was near Carlos but it seemed like this time magic wasn't involved, not the one she possessed anyway
Ben touched Mal's shoulder and he saw everything
On the Isle
Maleficent was screaming in the street, Cruella was watching the scene from the balcony of the Castle.
Maleficent had a dagger in her right hand, she approached a child and slaughtered him
She was leaving behind her a path of blood and bodies
She seemed untouchable, protected by some kind of magic veil, she was wearing a black long dress, her skin was pale, her eyes, green like emeralds, were glowing
She looked at the sky and laughed a demonic laugh: "I will come for you and I will kill you"
Back to Auradon
Carlos and Mal fainted, Ben seemed to react just a second before Mal could fall and Jay was helping Carlos
Jay: "What the hell just happened?"
Ben: "Maleficent isn't in her best mood right now"
Evie: "You saw her" it wasn't a question
A scream was heard
FG: "What's wrong? Jane?!" she could be heard from the kitchen
Jane: "In the kitchen!"
FG was worried: "Honey are you okay?"
Jane: "Yes, I am. But Mal and Carlos not so much" she pointed at the teenagers
FG was paler: "We must start with the plan.. she is getting stronger" she touched Mal's cheek "Let's bring them in your room, Ben"

Adam and Belle arrived in the room a few minutes later
Belle: "What's wrong with them?"
FG: "They had a vision of some sort but I don't know what they saw"
Evie: "Ben saw it"
All eyes were on him now
Ben: "Yes, thank you, Evie." FG looked at him "Maleficent is killing people on the Isle"
Jay interrupted him "Nothing new"
Ben looked at him and Jay apologized
Ben: "Like I was saying.. Maleficent was killing people on the streets... Cruella was on the balcony watching her... smiling..." he was about to puke "She was just going around and picking people.. also kids..."
Belle: "Kids?" she was white as a sheet
Adam couldn't say anything, the guilt was clear on his face
Jay: "Where was she?"
Ben: "From what I could understand from Mal's thoughts it was outside her Castle"
FG: "Mal's thoughts?"
Ben looked at her: "It was like I was in her head, just like in our dreams... I don't know how to explain it.."
FG: "Can I try something?" she looked at Adam "it won't hurt him"
Adam nodded
FG: "I'll summon from your head your vision, you won't see it again, you will remember it though"
Ben nodded
FG touched his temples, he didn't see anything but he understood when she saw the vision from the grimace her face made
FG let a single tear to fall, she watched Mal and Carlos
Evie was getting worried: "Why won't they wake up?"
FG: "I believe that she was killing people they knew, the last kid especially.. his name is.. was Eddie?" she looked at Evie and Jay "do you know him?"
Evie fell next to Mal and started crying, Jay looked outside the window
Jay: "He is... he was 7 years old, one of the latest kids of Gaston, Mal was very fond of him because he looked a lot like Carlos when he was a child.. she tried to take him with her but Eddie was stubborn.. she had almost convinced him when we were called here..." he looked at FG "did he suffer? was it slow?"
FG: "No... it was quick"
Jay nodded: "He won't come back... none of the kids of Gaston ever came back" he sobbed
Evie got up and went to hug her twin, who collapsed in her arms
Carlos woke up and looked around: "Eddie?"
Evie turned to him and shooked her head
Mal was still out
Carlos turned to his sister: "Mal, wake up... it's not your fault" his eyes glowed and he communicated with her through their connection, Evie and Jay's eyes glowed too
Mal's eyes shot open, she looked at her sibling and friends: "He's dead because of me... I killed him" then she looked at Adam "You killed him"
She got up so fast she almost fell "We killed him!" she was in shock, she was hurt, she was angry
Magic screamed, Mal got out of the room following that scream
Everyone followed her tracks
She was in the garden behind the Castle, they could see the Isle from there, a storm was raging there, green lightings everywhere
Mal screamed again, the clouds were forming a circle on her head
FG understood immediately what Mal wanted to do: "Mal, if you take her now she will overpower you, you are too upset... I can't help you and neither can Jane..."
Carlos took a step further: "But I can" he took Mal's hand
The two siblings looked at each other, hand in hand
Mal's right hand and Carlos's left were stretched towards the Isle, they were saying something that seemed like Latin, it was the spell they had found in the library
Jane sighed: "To Hell with this"
She joined Mal and Carlos and gave them her magic, touching Mal and Carlos's shoulders
FG, Evie, and Jay joined her
Soon enough the storm on the Isle stopped, a figure started appearing in front of the magic users, and the Royal Family
Adam: "Holy..."
Belle: "Oh my"
Ben was speechless, he recognized that figure, he had seen it in his dreams since he was 8 years old and more recently in the vision. She was even scarier
Adam stood in front of his family, to protect them
Maleficent was there, her dark laughter stopped at the sight of her children
Mal and Carlos said at the same moment: "Hello mother"

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