Adam And Belle

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Mal was sleeping peacefully when Evie woke her up
Evie: "Ben is waiting for us, we have to meet the King and the Queen"
Mal frowned: "Do we really have to? I don't know if I can control myself"
Carlos: "Yeah, I have a few things I'd like to share with them"
They both were upset, and they were right of course
Jay: "Guys we already talked about this.." In the limo and every day since then, he gave them a pep talk about revenge
Carlos: "Vengeance is for the bad"
Mal: "We must learn to forgive"
Carlos: "Because we are here to be good"
Mal: "As this is the only way for the innocent to have a chance"
Carlos: "A chance to be good"
Mal: "A chance to be happy"
Jay and Evie were surprised
Jay: "Well in this case.. you ready?"
Carlos and Mal looked at each other, they were communicating as they used to when they were children, and then nodded to Evie and Jay
They left the dorm, to find Ben standing there
Evie: "Hi Ben, we are ready, how are you?"
Ben looked at Mal, blushed slightly, and then nodded
To Evie, Jay, and Carlos it was clear the future King was crushing hard on their friend but Mal seemed to not notice it
Ben: "I'm fine thank you. How are you? Nervous?"
Mal: "To meet those who are guilty of our worst fears and nightmares?"
Carlos: "The same people who locked us in with all those criminals for being born?"
Ben was speechless whilst Evie and Jay were just shaking their heads
Ben seemed to try and find something to say when Carlos and Mal started laughing
Carlos: "You should see your face"
Mal was laughing too
Carlos: "Adorable really" Mal nodded
Ben rolled his eyes: "All right, now that you are done making fun of me" he glared at Mal and Carlos who were still fighting the laughter "Let's go meet my parents"
He led the way to the cafeteria where the King and Queen were waiting with FG
Nobody was laughing now
Mal: "I don't think I can do this"
Carlos seemed ready to puke and Mal looked even paler then usually
Evie and Jay were ready to comfort their friends but Ben said the right thing: "If you don't want to meet them it's totally fine. I'll never be able to understand what you guys went through but I get it if you aren't are the reason for your suffering"
Mal and Carlos looked at each other for a while
Mal: "A chance to be good"
Carlos: "A chance to be happy"
They nodded at Ben, he smiled and they entered the cafeteria
FG: "Guys finally. I almost thought that you got lost" she was nervous, it was clear
But it was the sight of the King and Queen that stopped the vks, all four of them looked stunned
Even Evie was speechless, she couldn't think
Evie and Jay's life was happier than Mal and Carlos's but it didn't mean that it was an easy life. Jay seemed to get angrier as he watched the King, he was once a Beast but he got the chance to be happy here while his parents were locked on the Isle
Carlos and Mal couldn't think of a reason why they shouldn't kill these two. They remembered everything, they were seeing it all again.. the smell of blood.. their blood
Adam: "Hello, I'm King Adam, but I guess you already know that" he was trying to joke, he could feel the tension in the room
Belle: "Hey, I'm Belle"
Ben smiled nervously: "Guys, why don't you introduce yourself?"
The vks looked at him, he was nervous, but there was anger in his eyes, he was by their side and that was what made them move. Evie and Carlos relaxed immediately, Jay and Mal stopped fidgeting with their hands
Evie courted and Mal, Carlos, and Jay bowed
Evie: "I'm Evie, the daughter of Grimhilde and Jafar"
Jay: "I'm Jay, her twin brother"
Carlos: "I'm Carlos, son of Cruella and Hades"
Mal: "Mal, daughter of Maleficent and Hades"
Ben didn't know Hades was the father of Mal and Carlos, but he didn't seem too surprised, he smiled because he knew what they were trying to do
His father was clearly already afraid of Mal and was watching intently Carlos, but when Hades's name was made he turned to stone
His mother rolled her eyes at her husband: "Why don't we sit and talk a bit?"
The vks sat in their "I'm dangerous" way and Ben smiled, he sat on their side
FG sat with Adam and Belle and started talking
FG: "Ok, so Evie here is great at sewing dresses, Mal, Jay, and Carlos joined the Tourney Team. The four of them have magic" She looked at the four, who nodded "but only Mal used it, to do Jane and Lonnie's hair after their request. They are taking Remedial Goodness and I find them quite prepared"
Her intentions were clear, she wanted to make sure that his father knew that these kids were nothing like their parents had been
Belle: "And any of you like to read?"
Carlos, Jay, and Evie looked at Mal at the same time
Mal: "I guess I'm the one who likes to read the most"
Evie: "She also likes to draw and cook"
Carlos: "She can sing very well"
Jay: "But most importantly she loves sports"
Carlos and Evie looked at him
Jay: "What? It's important"
Carlos: "Clearly the most important thing here is that she can sing, like all those princesses in their books"
Evie: "No, the most important thing is that she can cook"
Mal: "I think that the most important thing is that I managed to not kill you all till now"
Ben laughed at that, Belle looked at Mal with more interest now
She had seen the picture FG sent her, and was now trying to see the signals of true love
Ben was 4 when FG checked him, searching for possible curses, Adam was nervous and pacing, she was looking at her only son
FG gasped
They looked at her afraid
FG: "He isn't cursed but he's destined to find a true love" she was watching them
It had been years since a True Love
Belle: "What will happen to him if he doesn't find it?"
FG: "He will, he will start dreaming her and they will meet"
Adam had taken her hand and smiled, their baby wasn't cursed

FG: "Why don't we eat something?"
Hearing this Carlos and Mal stopped arguing and nodded vigorously, Evie and Jay simply smiled at their antics. The younger vks went to get food, Mal chose food for herself, Jay and Ben; Carlos chose for Evie, FG, and himself. They brought back the food and then looked at the King and Queen and asked: "What would you like to eat?"
Ben was smiling at Mal for getting him food and thanked her, it was such a sweet smile that Mal couldn't help but blush a little
Belle: "We can go and pick for ourselves the food, don't worry, sweetie"
Adam nodded and got up. Mal and Carlos were waiting to eat just because Evie was glaring at them
The moment Adam and Belle sat down they dove in. They hadn't eaten in the morning
Adam and Belle were watching shocked. Ben, Evie, and Jay were amused and shook their hands, FG couldn't help but smile
Adam: "Why do you eat so fast? It isn't like you are going to starve"
Mal and Carlos stopped
It had been cool meeting them, the King and Queen weren't what they had excepted, but that sentence brought to the surface why they hated them. Evie and Jay's magic acted out finally, their eyes started glowing just like Mal and Carlos's were
Evie's were gold-like, Jay's were red, Mal's were green, Carlos's were an electric blue
Outside there was a storm, objects in the kitchen started flying around, FG got up worried and tried to comfort the kids. But Mal and Carlos couldn't be reached, they were trapped in their magic. Evie and Jay calmed down after a while, they took Carlos's hand and calmed him
Mal got up, she stretched a hand towards the King who seemed to be strangled by some kind of invisible force. She was screaming, from the open window, the wind came in and started scratching her
Ben ran towards her and hugged her
Everything stopped suddenly
King Adam fell, Belle and FG reached for him, Evie was crying on the floor and Jay was trying to comfort her, Carlos was watching the wall, Mal was on the ground
Ben: "It's okay, it's over. You are fine, you are in Auradon now"
Carlos went where they were and looked at his sister: "The King is fine" he looked over at Adam "I mean... he's scared and he'll probably have some nightmares now but overall fine"
Ben smiled at him: "See? Everything is fine. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Mal looked at him, she had a long cut on her arm, the one she had used against the King, and a cut on her head: "My head hurts a little"
FG was there too: "It's probably because you use too much magic, let's go to the infirmary and check those cuts, honey"
But Mal wasn't letting go of Ben
Ben: "I'll come with you" he looked at the others "you should get checked too"

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