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The vks woke up, got dressed and went to the cafeteria, and got in line for the buffet
Then they went to sit at their table and started eating
Mal was silent, she was thinking about Ben
Jay turned to Mal: "We have Geography, History and Remedial Goodness 101 today"
Mal sarcastically: "Cool"
Evie: "Carlos and I have Science, History and Remedial Goodness 101"
Jay: "We also have Tourney"
Mal: "Now that something really cool. Can't wait"
Carlos smiled: "Me too"
Evie rolled her eyes
Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie arrived and sat at the table
Audrey: "Girls would you like to do a sleepover?"
Jane: "Yes!"
Lonnie: "Definitely"
Mal: "What's a sleepover?"
Audrey: "It's when you go and sleep at your friend's house, in this case, it would be in my room, and you share secrets, dance, eat candies, watch movies... stuff like that"
Evie: "It seems fun! I'm in"
Mal shrugged: "Sure"
Evie looked at Jay and Carlos: "You could do something like that in our room too"
Carlos: "Why not? Ben and Doug could stay"
Jay nodded: "Also the son of Aladdin. He's cool"
Carlos nodded
Doug and Ben arrived
Doug: "Hello guys"
Ben: "Goodmorning, how are you?
Carlos and Mal: "Peachy"
The others smiled while Audrey looked at the twins: "How?"
Carlos: "Telepathy"
Audrey: "Really?"
Mal: "Yeah"
Audrey smiled: "Cool"
The bell rang
Mal and Carlos winced
Evie: "Come on! Let's go"
They got up and went to class
Mal, Jay, Audrey, and Jane went to Geography while Doug, Evie, Carlos, Lonnie, and Ben went to Science
The vks reunited for Remedial Goodness 101

FG: "Hello guys! How was your day?"
Mal: "Amazingly boring"
FG smiled: "I imagine that compared to last week is boring"
Carlos: "You bet"
Evie smiled: "My day was awesome. Audrey invited us to a sleepover, science was interesting as always. History..a little boring. And now we are here"
Jay: "Yeah we are here, what are we going to do?"
FG: "Well, you are technically good. We can use this time to talk about what happens during the day or if you want to share an experience on the Isle"
Mal: "Like a shrink"
FG: "No, like a friend"
Mal raised an eyebrow
FG sighed: "Call it as you want"
Evie: "I would like to ask something"
FG smiled: "Yes, Evie?"
Evie: "What are the festivities you celebrate here?"
FG: "Well, we have Family Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, and Easter"
Evie was writing the festivities down on a paper, Mal was sitting on the desk, Carlos was sitting with his feet on the table
Jay: "And what about the Coronation?"
FG nodded: "This year there will be Ben's coronation, on the 1st of December"
Mal was confused: "Why the 1st?"
FG: "It's his birthday"
Mal: "Oh" she looked down "Right"
FG was curious: "When are your birthdays?"
Jay: "Our parents think we were born on the 2nd of November"
Carlos tilted his head towards Mal: "We don't know"
FG: "You don't know the exact date of your birthday?"
Evie: "The thing is the Isle didn't have calendars till the second year of its existence, they counted the days but didn't know the date"
Mal: "Maleficent couldn't care less what date we were born. We know it was summer, technically midsummer... what's the month?"
Carlos: "July"
Mal: "We were born probably in July"
FG was serious: "That's awful"
Mal: "No, it's not that bad. We could choose a date" she turned to look at Carlos
Carlos: "What about... the 15th of July?"
Mal: "Love it" she looked at FG and smiled "We were born on the 15th of July"
FG smiled too
They kept talking until the bell rang

The vks were in the cafeteria
Mal: "It's a beautiful day outside, can't we do a.. how did they call it?"
Carlos: "Picnic"
Mal: "That"
Evie: "There are tables outside too, let's pick the food and go eat outside"
Mal smiled happily
They took the food and turned to go outside, they saw Ben and Doug
Doug: "Where are you going?"
Jay: "Outside, Mal wants to eat outside"
Ben: "Can we join you?"
Carlos: "Of course, Benny Boo"
Mal laughed and Ben grunted
They all went outside and met Lonnie at a table
Lonnie: "Hey!"
Mal: "Hello Lonnie"
Carlos: "Hey, you and Mal had the same idea apparently"
Lonnie, confused, tilted her head to the side
Evie: "Mal wanted to eat outside so we came here"
Lonnie: "Oh" she looked at Mal, smiled, and raised a hand to high five "Cool!"
Mal looked at Lonnie's hand and raised an eyebrow
Lonnie: "Highfive!"
Mal: "I'm sorry what?"
Lonnie sighed: "Ben, high-five me" he did it
Mal: "Why?"
Doug: "It's just something we do, like to celebrate"
Mal shrugged and raised a hand towards Lonnie, who gave her a high-five
Jay: "Ben, Doug. Would you like to come over to our room? To sleep and watch some movies?"
Ben: "Like a sleepover?"
Carlos: "Yeah yeah"
Doug: "Sure"
Ben: "Could be fun"
Audrey arrived with Jane: "There you are. Mal, Evie, Lonnie, the sleepover is Friday"
Mal: "Cool"
Evie: "I could make some pajamas for the occasion!"
Audrey smiled: "That would be awesome! We could take photos together! And every time we do a sleepover we use those pajamas!"
Lonnie: "I love this idea!"
Jane: "That's so cool!"
Mal: "Is it too late to change my mind? I could go to the sleepover of the boys"
The boys laughed
Evie glared at her: "Yes, it's too late"
Mal sighed

Evie: "Yay! Sleepover Day!"
Mal rolled her eyes: "The perfect end for a perfectly normal week"
Jay: "It actually was very normal"
Carlos: "Well, I must say... I liked this normal week in Auradon"
Mal: "Me too"
The day went by quickly, they went to class, they did their homework, and then Mal, Jay, and Carlos went to Tourney Practice while Evie stayed on the bleachers with Doug and Lonnie
Coach: "Mal, Jay, Carlos. You need to pass more!"
Mal: "But Coach! You put me with Chad! He sucks!"
Chad: "Hey! Witch show some respect!"
Mal raised an eyebrow
Audrey and Jane that were doing their cheerleader practice, heard him
Audrey: "Chad! She'll respect you when you respect her! Also, she defeated Maleficent! Grow the hell up!"
Jane just shook her head
Mal smiled at Audrey: "Thank you, Princess!"
Chad: "Why do you call her Princess?!"
Mal: "Cause she is a princess?" she looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world
Ben arrived near Chad: "You got a problem?"
Jay, Carlos, and Amir arrived too
Chad snorted: "You defeated Maleficent but you need a squad to talk to me?"
Jay laughed: "We aren't here to defend her. We are to watch her beat you up"
Coach interrupted them standing between Mal and Chad: "Nobody is getting beat up! Mal, you go with Amir, Chad you go with James!"
They began to play again with no accidents
Coach: "Ok, practice is over! Mal come here!"
Chad smirked evilly: "Someone is in trouble"
Mal rolled her eyes, she approached the coach
Mal: "What's wrong, Coach?"
Coach: "Listen, Mal, I understand that Chad is insufferable sometimes but you cannot beat him up, ok?"
Mal nodded: "I won't let him provoke me again, Coach"
Coach smiled: "Good. You are very good and I need you to play the matches"
Mal nodded and smiled
Coach: "Now go"
Evie, Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie had waited for Mal
Evie: "What did he say?"
Lonnie: "Are you in trouble?"
Mal: "He just told me to not beat up Chad. I'm not in trouble"
The girls sighed in relief
Audrey: "I'll talk with Chad"
Mal shook her head: "Let him act like a baby, when he'll see that nobody cares about his tantrums he'll stop"
The girls went back to the dorms, Mal took a shower, and then they went to the cafeteria for dinner
Then Mal and Evie went to their room and took their stuff and went to Audrey's room
Evie knocked, Jane opened the door and they entered
Audrey smiled: "Let's get this sleepover started!"
Meanwhile, at the vks room Ben, Doug, and Amir had arrived, Jay had let them in
Carlos smiled: "Let's get this party started!"

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