A Very Serious Life

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I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent, I lived on the Isle of The Lost for most of my life. I lived with my mother, Cruella, and her son Carlos in a castle. Carlos and I have the same father, Hades but we never see him
We were born the same day (kind of weird if you think about it) it was the warmer period on the Isle, Maleficent and Cruella used to complain every year about how our birth was some kind of curse.. blah blah we didn't pay attention to them, clearly. We were 12 years old when we left, we lived for several months in the streets, we had to steal food and stuff, we found a place to sleep, some abandoned apartment
Until one day Evie and Jay, Evil Queen and Jafar's children found us, they brought us into their house and they took care of us, Grimhilde and Jafar are really nice parents
Like many villains that were condemned to live there, they became good people, good parents, good friends
The Isle of The Lost is divided into 4 parts nowadays:
• The Evil Part, where villains live (like Maleficent, we lived there with Carlos)
• The SeaSide, where Ursula lives and works (she isn't good or evil)
• The Reformed Part, where good villains stay
• The Forest, where Hades has a cave

The four of us have powers, we can't control them because of the dome anti-magic that surrounds the Isle but we have them nonetheless.. one day maybe we will use them

Evie dreams to go to Auradon... I don't know why or what she expects her life to be there.. they are so hypocrites, all good and happy but they condemned innocents to live here with actual villains
They never check on us, they barely send us food
And we are villains?
I would hate to live there
In Jafar and Grimhilde's house
Mal: "Morning guys, what's up?"
Jay: "Where the hell have you been? We've been looking for you for ages!"
Mal: "Calm down Jay... geez... I was in the forest for a while, I needed some alone-time. Why are you all so frenzy? What happened?"
Carlos: "The future King Ben made a proclamation, he decided to give a second chance to 4 kids of the Isle and he chose..."
Carlos: "Yep.. that is exactly what I wanted to say, thank you very much, Evie, I'm deaf now"
Evie: "Sorry Carlos"
Mal: "WE are going to Auradon? WHY?"
Jay: "For the second chance Carlos was talking about before Evie decided to yell like a freaking banshee.. what the heck E?"
Evie: "Sorry I am just really excited. We'll have a chance finally to live a happy life"
Mal: "I am very happy right here, thank you very much"
Carlos: "Mal, I think it's our best chance to live free at last, don't you want to see the sun, or eat good food.. it isn't just for us, think about it, if we go there and show them we can be good they will save other children"
Mal: "I don't want to go there. They are a bunch of hypocrites, a second chance? They never gave us a chance, to begin with"
Jay: "I know and you are right, but this the only chance we have to prove to them that they are wrong, if we stay nothing will ever change. We need to go to Auradon. Now go pack your stuff"
Evie: "Don't worry M, I already packed your stuff, I was so.."
Mal: "Let me guess, excited?"
Evie: "Yes!"
Jafar and Grimhilde came into the room, both of them looked a little sad but overall hopeful
Jafar: "Well, did you give Mal the good news?"
Jay: "Yes we did dad.. she isn't very happy about it though"
Grimhilde: "Mal, you will go and you will be finally away from this awful place, you shouldn't be here, you are innocent children. I'm happy that finally, someone realized it"
Mal: "Okay fine I'll go.. only because this way the other children will be set free"
Grimhilde: "That's my girl"
A few hours and some tearful goodbyes later, the four got in the limousine ready to go to Auradon

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