Chapitre 1

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The car was silent, nor Jungkook or his wife were talking. They didn't either enjoy the silent between them, it wasn't a soft silence but a dark one. It was usually their daily lot, ignoring the other rather than scream to each other. Both were young, twenty-two for Jungkook and twenty-four for his wife, Lina. Their wedding took place four years ago when Jungkook's father asked his son to marry another pack leader's daughter. The young man didn't think too much about it, he was an alpha and as his older brother had expressed his wish to not be the next leader pack, he had accepted the charge, even if he had time before their dad gave it up. The latter, the leader of their pack, was a strong alpha, and his mother a soft beta. The brothers were alphas and Jin was five years older than Jungkook. They were different, of course, but they had many similarities : strangely, both were very calm, soft, and chill. Unless you messed up with their love ones, it was hard to make them angry and they barely fought with other alphas. Jin had a passion for cooking while Jungkook had grown a natural empathy for the weak ones and was always standing against unfairness... That could explain why he chose to be a lawyer, always defending the oppressed, man or woman who needed a good lawyer by their side. However, he always expressed his disappointment for not having much omega clients

So, his father needed him to marry the girl to keep good relationships with another pack, a little one, but the more friends the better... You could ask why Jin didn't marry the girl ? purely and simply because he had found his mate years ago and was now a happy married man...

Werewolves could find their mate at the age of sixteen, rarely after eighteen. Jungkook patiently waited for him or her, but as nobody came, he didn't disagree his father's request.

To put it simply, at the age of eighteen, Jungkook married Lina. It was a rainy Sunday but not like they said, "rainy wedding, happy wedding". Oh no. The woman was all that Jungkook disliked : arrogant, full of herself, meany, especially with the lower ranks. But the alpha didn't want to disappoint his father, so he decided to hold steady, beard day by day his insufferable wife. As she wanted an heir to prove her beta strength, they "did" it once and BAM ! she was pregnant in no time at all. Her swinging mood were awful during her pregnancy and when finally, the baby came, by c-section because she didn't want neither to suffer nor hurt her wonderful body. They made magical with the c-section's scar, invisible. Off course, she didn't breastfeed the baby, her sleep was more important, her beautiful breasts too. The young mother didn't give a f... to her son and she kept going on parties several times in a week while Jungkook could enjoy feeding and taking care of his little bunny. Because, yeah, their son was the spitting image of the alpha who was so proud to see the scrunch-nose-like-bunny his son used to make. The couple spent their lives each one on its side, giving the illusion of a couple when it needed, like today.

His father requested them to go to the leader Kim Yoonbi's birthday party he was invited to. Jungkook didn't want to, but his father begged him to, so...

The sat-nav led them to the Kim pack of Busan, and after more than one hour with his wife, Jungkook huffed in relief : he knew her so well he could imagine how she would spend most of her time drinking, dancing, and laughing with her friends. God ! she had so many friends...

Sure enough, hardly arrived, she jumped out the car to hug a bunch of young ladies and men who screamed like her to show their joy to meet again. As if they didn't do this all weeks...

Jungkook put his head on the wheel, focusing on his duty : meet the leader, congratulate, and drink a toast to him and... leave. Lina had informed him she would stay the weekend at some of her friend's home, he didn't remember who exactly, and couldn't care less about it. He rather thought about going to his son as quickly as possible. His little bunny was safe with his uncles, but Jungkook missed him already...

After some minutes, he came out of the car and walked where all the people seemed to gather. Jungkook looked around while casually walking. He stopped when he realized what he was seeing. There were some people, low head, on each side of the stone stairs leading to the place where the party was, in the pack's function room.

Where were they, in Joseon area ??? Did Kim Yoonbi think he was a king or something like that ? Woah. What a great party it would be, seriously...

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