Chapter 11

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I ran, my muscles screaming from the strain. I wheezed as I sucked in another breath, and the back of my throat burned, the heat of the midday summer air rushing into my lungs like a stream of fire.

I didn't have enough time left. I needed to be faster!

Grinding my teeth, I made my body move forward, each step resonating with exhaustion along my legs. Oluo screamed from behind me, also out of breath. I couldn't make out what he was saying exactly, but he sounded way too close for my liking. I jumped over some rocks and landed harshly on the ground, my legs shaking from keeping me upright, and lunged forward again.

I almost made it. Just a few more steps...

The whistle sounded, and I tripped, rolling on the ground, the rough rubble of the walkway scratching at my face and tearing at my training clothes. I skittered to a stop, sprawled on the ground face down, my body aching from head to toe. I couldn't move anymore. It felt as though I was dying.

My rattling breath made the dust fly up the pathway, clouding my vision for a second. Then, when the dusty cloud shifted from someone's movement, I could see a pair of soldiers' knee-high boots stop right in front of my face.

"Tsk, you didn't even make it to the finish line," Captain's arrogant voice would have made me cringe or stiffen if only I could find some strength to move my body. I didn't bother to reply. His attention shifted as Oluo burst through the brush and fell to his knees near me, his breathing as troubled as mine. "You are even worse," Captain stated and turned to face Petra and Gunther, standing at the starting line, ready to sprint through the course.

At Captain's command, they ran, muddy clouds settling in the air after them and hiding them from view.

"You... all right...." I gritted through my teeth, facing Oluo.

"Why? Wanna start another fight?" Oluo asked, his breath loud and whistling. Falling to the ground, he stretched on his back and closed his eyes. "I think I'm gonna puke," Oluo mumbled, and I felt a chuckle build in my throat. I didn't have enough strength to fight it, so it burst out. Oluo opened his eyes and stared at me incredulously. Still, in the next moment, the corners of his lips tugged up, and he looked away, trying to hide his smile. I got to my hands and knees, my body shaking from the laughter. Captain glanced at me as though I was trying to saddle a titan or something.

Nothing brings people together more than misery.

When the laughter died, I straightened and gratefully accepted the water bottle Eld offered me. Watering my mouth, I spit the liquid out, but the cold touch of it in instantly made me feel better. I wiped my forehead and stared at the road, where I could see Gunther and Petra racing each other in the distance.

"I'm sorry I hit you. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you," I said, avoiding looking at Oluo.

"That's it? You gotta try better than that."

"What do you want me to say?"

"How about a kiss to make it up to me, huh?" I couldn't hide the revulsion turning my stomach at the sheer thought of touching him. Touching anybody, really. Not with my hands, not with my lips. I looked away from Oluo, who grimaced, noticing my reaction. "Well, that settles it, I guess." He got up and offered me a hand, startling me. I took it, mercifully glad that I'd decided to keep my gloves on for the race. "Tea then. You gonna make me tea every time I ask."

"You sure you want that? I tried the tea she'd brewed before. Nearly threw up myself," Captain's voice sounded, and my head snapped in his direction, a deep scowl settling into my forehead. But all the poisonous words died on the tip of my tongue when I saw a slight curve in one corner of his lips. Shocked, I stared at him.

A Touch Of HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora