Chapter 4

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"What the fuck is that?"

I flinched at the rude comment and shifted behind Kenny, only half-caring that I was being a coward again.

"My protege. Any problems with that?" Kenny questioned, and the room went quiet, putting me on edge. His voice, no matter how lazy and careless it sounded, sent a threatening thrill along its way.

"Why is your protege here then? We are going to discuss sensitive matters," the man insisted. Blood drained from my face upon his scrutinising gaze.

"So?" Kenny eyed the man, disinterest marking his face, as he moved passed him into the room, taking a seat closest to the door. I followed him on pure instinct, feeling safer in his presence. I took place behind his chair, shifting uneasily on my feet.

The man challenging him didn't reply, but I felt his blazing gaze on my back, making me feel tiny and weak, how I hadn't felt in months.

And boy, did I hate it.

When I glanced at him behind my shoulder, he only scowled, forcing his lips into a tight line. I refocused at my feet, only half-hoping it would make me invisible, and listened close to the rustling of clothes and thumping of steps. People sat around a long dinner-like table in the middle of a spacious room with floor-high windows. Crimson-red drapes were kept half open, letting weak morning sunlight into the room.

A loud whisper caught my attention.

"Who is she really? You've never brought anyone to these meetings", Kenny didn't reply, staring the men down with his cold gaze that usually made me run.

"Alright, shall we proceed with the discussion we'd left untouched last time?" asked the men that had issues with my presence before, taking place at the head of the table. I peeked at him, trying to stay unnoticed at the same time.

"What exactly is the point of this meeting again?" asked Kenny, carelessly leaning back in his chair and throwing his feet onto the table.

"Famine, of course," exclaimed the older man in exasperation. Kenny sighed dramatically, not trying hard enough to hide the smirk twisting his lips.

"And what do you propose we do with it exactly? Kill another quarter of the population just to gain some leverage in supplies?" A few chuckles sounded, only quieted by a stern look from the older man leading the meeting.

I examined him, analysing his stance and figure. The military police charm on his chest solidified my belief in his position. He had to be at least a captain of some sort to command the room that easily. I wondered why Kenny wasn't scared or at least felt the urge to respect him. Chewing on my lower lip, I glanced around the room, ensuring I didn't miss anything.

Seven people sat around the table, excluding Kenny and me. The leader, whichever his name was, stood at the head of a table, his piercing eyes restlessly shifting between his companions. When his gaze met mine, I held it, refusing to be portrayed as weak.

"I do not propose anything. The meaning of this meeting is to discuss military costs and potential cuts. Starting with Survey Corps, of course," the old man finally said, his voice stern.

Kenny snorted, and all the eyes turned on him. The smirk on his lips told me that it was precisely what he wanted. "Survey Corps at fault again, huh? What'd they do this time?"

"Lost more than half of their manpower. Nothing new, really. I do believe this is bad for the military overall. Not to mention the general population. We should stifle that stupid faith in the future beyond the walls. There lies only death. We need to make sure people understand it. They need to work together with us to survive."

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