"Fid!" The Obsidian Heralds screamed in dismay as Lucy tried to take another blow, but Aiel lashed out just in time, forcing her to redirect her blade to meet his blade instead.

The young champion redirected the blade with frightening control. Burning amber simply staring back, devoid of fear. Even as Aiel repositioned himself to follow up, Lucy was already countering back, forcing him to abandon his momentum and retreat instead.

"How deep is it?" Aiel heard from one of his crew, Telva, who quickly attended to Fid's wounds.

"Wench almost got me. Kalva be damn, she's dangerous cap'n." Fid moaned in pain as Telva quickly bandaged the wound.

"What happened? I thought you were cornered!" Telva hissed as Fid flinches. Before he could reply, however, the answer came on its own as Fid pointed towards the young champion.

With a look, an understanding quickly graces the group. "You are one lucky bastard you know that?" Telva grimly commented as they watched Lucy stretch her left arm several times.

"She's injured then. Maybe we can take her together-"

"Absolutely not." Came the captain's quickly replied.

"But captain she-"

"She almost got Fid despite her injury. Do not test our luck." Aiel rebuked sharply as his crew withered without complaints this time.

Any other time, Aiel would have formulated a plan. Any other adversary, he would fight with his crew, even if it was a champion. The monster standing before him however mocks at the very prospect. To drag his crew here would be to throw away their lives.

The captain of the Obsidian Herald had already lost seven. He would not lose an eight. "Guard the perimeter." Aiel began, eyes remaining on Lucy. "She might have called for help. If it came, signal the retreat." There was silence before protest ensued.

"B-but we come so far! We-"

"I will not lose another man if I can help it. Gold we can earn anytime, yours are not." Aiel said, muscles tensing in anticipation when Lucy stopped stretching. "If I fall, run as far as you can." This time, the resistance was stronger.

"Not fucking happening cap'n." Despite his weakened voice, Fid's will remained strong.

"We're in this together boss. Whether you like it or not." Telva added when a deep chuckle escaped from his oldest friend.

"Trying to be a hero eh Aiel? Well, that is just unfortunate, I too want to be one." Frax rumbled as Aiel let out a groan.

"Kalva be damn, am I dealing with children? She is a champion; you can't take her." Aiel hissed in annoyance, but the group remained determined.

"Aye, but there are six of us. We can take you and run if we have to. We are not leaving you here to die." Frax growled in defiance.

"Frax, didn't you swear to harm no children? Are you willing to break that oath now?" Aiel hissed, voice preying on desperation for his crew to listen.

There was silence before a low chuckle infected the group. "Then we will have to do with five now do we?" Fid's called out, emboldening the group to continue louder.

"You speak as if you would live to see the next sunrise, sellsword." The group was rudely pulled back to reality as they matched the glare in the young champion's eyes. Soft amber met hard gold.

"You believe you can take us all little girl?" Frax replied as the others sneered back in agreement.

"I don't need to believe what I already know." Lucy replied in cold confidence as the group's glare hardened.

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