Chapter 4

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"...Just what did you do Emma?" Erfast sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Emma stood stiffly as the setting sun slowly sank beneath the horizon. The very skies themselves seem to bleed red as daylight struggles its last breath.

The two silently stared at each other as one refuses to yield while the other was terrified of what actions he would do. After what seemed to be an eternity, Emma finally relented as she opened her mouth with much hesitation.

"...I simply said what I needed to say..." Emma trailed off as Erfast brow furrows. "Then do you mind to telling me why the high prince shouted at the front door for five minutes straight?" Erfast coldly whispered as Emma had none to give.

"...Pray do tell... that you did not actually tried..." Emma could not meet his eyes as she stared down at the ground. Emma hated the feeling of powerlessness before her but could do nothing as Erfast cold gaze simply did not allow any rebellion.

"...Emma... no matter how hard you may try going against this, my decision is already final..." Erfast replied as Emma meet his gaze for the first time. "What?" Emma whispered in disbelief as the duke continues.

"I have already spoken with his majesty, though it is yet to be announced we have already done all the necessary paperwork for you to be accepted within the royal family." Emma opened her mouth to a shock as Erfast sudden revelation had already been set in stone.

"Y-you mean to tell me you have done everything without my consent?" Emma whispered in derision as if she just heard a very bad joke. "Since when did I need your consent to do my duty?" Erfast coldly replied as Emma flinches slightly.

"Y-you can't do this Duke Erfast! This is-" "I can and I will." Erfast cold voice cuts Emma off as a tinge of pain resounded in his voice. Are you really not going to call me father anymore? Erfast thought in dismay as he continued. "You and his highness might have start in the wrong foot but that can be fixed with time.

You will be marrying his highness whether you like it or not Emma. The first thing you will do tomorrow morning will write an apology letter to his highness and you will do so as I say." Erfast coldly whispers as Emma could only stare in disbelief.

"But I don't-" "You will do so Emma or I will denounce you for all to see and strip you of every right in your name." Erfast threatens Emma as if he was expecting it to be the final nail in the coffin, but it did the complete opposite instead. Hope seemed to flare back to life within her eyes as she suddenly found the strength to speak.

"Do it." Emma firmly whispered as Erfast eyes widen. "What?" Erfast could not help but ask back in utter bewilderment as if he refuses to hear what he just heard. "You heard me. Do it. Denounce me for all to see." Emma firmly replied as Erfast eyes flickered dangerously.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?! You would rather lose everything you have all because of this marriage??" Erfast flew into a roar as he glared Emma for even considering to leave. However, what Erfast found what could only be explained as an enigma as Emma did not even have slightest look of concern in her eyes.

She in facts welcomed it with an open arms as she replied. "I would rather be reduced to a peasant than marry his highness." Erfast blinked back in a daze as he stared Emma with incredulity. "Do you have any idea... what you are saying Emma?" Erfast whispered as he stared at his daughter like a sick patient.

"You would rather abandon your own family just because of this?? It is a marriage from the imperial family for Gods sake Emma! The imperial family! The other nobles would have kill their own kin for this chance!" Erfast roared as Emma fired back.

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