Chapter 13

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They're coming... A faint whisper in the dark stirs Lucy's consciousness. Her mind is muddled with exhaustion as she barely had eight hours of sleep in the past ten days. The voice was rough, old, weary... like her. Captain, you have to wake up.

The voice whispered again as Lucy slowly twisted and turned. They are in danger captain; you have to wake up! The voice whispered, urging Lucy to stand. "Danger... who?" Lucy thought wearily as the voice began to boom.

The children! The children and the sisters are in danger captain! Lucy blinked as the words seemed to click inside of her. "The... children?... sisters?" Her mind begins to warm up now as the voice tries to answer. Lucy could not hear it though as an inhuman roar screamed in her ears.

"This...-!!!" Lucy's eyes snapped open as the roar felt so distant yet so close in her ears. "Edrak." Lucy whispered as she tapped into power. The noises in her ears suddenly boomed to power as if the volume was turned to maximum.

"Kalva... be damn." Lucy let out a curse as she fell hard to the floor. Stupid! Lucy thought to herself as she used power without adjusting herself properly to the incoming changes. She was about to continue cursing herself when her hearing finally tuned in properly.

Her eyes widened in fear as she could hear the growling of the wolves, the snicker from the monsters and... and the cries of the children. Lucy let go of power in her ears as she redirected the flow towards her legs. "Vekra." Lucy whispered as her legs burst with alacrity.

Lucy ran through towards the shed with all haste. She ripped the door open violently as she began searching for the ax she had returned previously. Lucy grabbed the ax as if a hurricane passed by before turning back in the direction of the cry.

Lucy weaved past through fences and stones as she turned to the last corner where the backyard could be found. Please don't be late... please! Lucy could feel her heart drop beneath her feet as she turned to see Emma tripped over a rock, carrying a child in her arms.

Lucy saw a lone rider breaking formation from the group, eager to have the first blood as it ran straight towards Emma. "NO!!!" The sisters screamed in dismay as the monster raised its ax towards Emma and the child.

The monster smiled so gleefully at the pair as if it relished the look of despair in their eyes. Its sharp teeth water in excitement as Emma tries to protect the child with her body. The monster was so happy savoring the sight of the two that it failed to see Lucy, eyes turning into gold.

"Dashvha." Lucy growled as power flared to overdrive. The speed Lucy had in her legs exploded tenfold as it began to burn power at a tremendous pace. The monster's eyes widened in surprise as Lucy appeared in the blink of an eye, swinging her ax far faster than it could react.

The skin on its throat opened, revealing a bloodied trachea as blood rushed forth from its wound. The monster tried to desperately seal the wound with its hand, only to fail as its neck slowly toppled forth from its shoulder.

The riders abruptly stopped in their charge as Lucy stood before the body of their fallen comrade. It was alive, mere seconds ago in fact but the sudden death it faced caused so much confusion and uncertainty to the monsters that they stopped several paces away from her.

Lucy glared at the group as the grip on her ax tightened. Her heart beats in the rhythms of resentment as she stares directly into their eyes. Their repugnant and vile faces begin to sweat the longer they continue to stare into Lucy's eyes.

Her amber eyes burn like the furnace of war. The light swirled and twisted inside, frightening the monsters even further as if her eyes were an anathema. Power bleeds from her eyes despite being so young.

The Silent HeirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora