Chapter 34

851 32 13

July 24, 2023



"...Here." Iva said as she handed a towel.

"O-oh...Thank you." Lucy whispered shyly as she accepted. The sun barely reached its zenith and yet the two were already tired. Despite the call for truce, Iva and Lucy reserved and silent nature made any small talk insufferably hard.

The two were used always being on the receiving end of a conversation. It never came up to their mind that one day they too have to start it on their own and lack of experience clearly showed as crystal as daylight.

The former who relied desperately on silence for protection and survival within the slumps, while the latter was robbed of her luster, making her little more than hollowed a husk. Yet the cravings for warmth and attachment proved far greater than their unwilling nature as they continue on, as abysmal as their skills may be.

"H-have you taken your lunch yet?" Lucy asked as Iva shook her head stiffly.

"...No... you?" Lucy feels conscious of her body as every little movement made glaringly painful when she forced out the next words.

"Then do... do you w-want to eat one with me?" Lucy would have danced in joy if only her voice had not failed her in the end.

"...Ok." Iva for her part was squirming in misery from within as she barely let out a whisper. Although relieved she had not been the one to offer the invitation, the squeak of a reply almost drowns her in shame as Lucy's eyes lit up for a moment.

"R-really? Oh, I mean, good... good."

"Yes..." The unbearable silence drowns the two once more as they silently begged for someone, anyone at all to break the strangling silence. Blessedly, someone did.

"Iva, Lucy! Lunch is here!" Sister Emma calls out as the two eagerly finish their task before taking lunch. It was a simple ham with barley bread and cheese and surprisingly a Lvrin milk, one Lucy certainly did not expect to see this lifetime.

"They're getting closer aren't they?" Emma mused to herself as she watched the pair shyly seated in between children and sisters alike. The two quickly settled down to vacant seats before chowing down.

"...Have you tried this before?" Iva said as she grabbed the cup closer, smelling for any hint of familiarity.

The yellow liquid stirred inside as Lucy nodded. "It's called Lvrin milk. We usually take them during lunch, but I haven't tasted one in a while. It has a sweet yet tangy flavor so it may not be for your taste." Lucy warned as Iva hesitated before drinking.

A look of surprise plastered on Iva's face before taking large gulps. "...Was it good?" Lucy asked as Iva nodded absentmindedly.

"Yes... it was good." Iva said as Lucy chuckled.

"If you had paired this with garlic bread it would have gone fantastically." Lucy claimed as Iva looked back with slight interest.

"...You do know a lot more about food do you?" Iva asked as Lucy nodded.

"It was one of the few things I would recall fondly. Makes me forget everything even if it was but a fleeting moment." Lucy whispered. Iva could see the older girl's shoulder slumping for a moment as her gaze grew distant. Iva could not help but feel sorry for her.

The weariness and trauma contained within made Iva reach out, slowly in hesitation for the young maiden when another child got to her mere moments away. "Swister Lwucy! Cwan I hwave ywor bwead pwease?" A child energetically shouts as he chews.

The Silent HeirTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang