Chapter 23

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"Kalva be damn..." A knight beside Osmond cursed in utter disbelief and revulsion before puking away from the scene. Osmond did not blame the man as it took all of his strength and will from vomiting the scene before him.

20 unrecognizable figures were brutally dismembered and killed as if they were animals. Holes bore through them all as fist-size projectiles pierced through their bodies. Their entrails lay scattered like ribbons pulled out mercilessly from presents.

What made it even worse, however, was a body that was spared from even this mercy. His limbs were torn but his face remained intact. Osmond could see the sheer horror and pain remaining in his dead-open eyes. It was clear that he did not die as easily as the others did.

"First we have a monster tide. Now a crazed maniac on the loose." Osmond clicked his tongue in dismay as he softly cursed his luck.

"It's no maniac." Osmond jumped in surprise as his eyes widened in shock.

"Sir!" Osmond managed to give a firm salute before Elias as the young heir strode in without hesitation.

The young heir's cold calculating eyes scanned through the scene without a hint of disgust nor revulsion. Only cold observant eyes. "...There's a champion nearby." Osmond's eyes widened yet again as the words left in Elias's mouth were unbelievable.

"C-champion?" Murmurs of disbelief and confusion exploded to those who heard Elias as Osmond asked a question that everyone was dying to know.

"Not that I am questioning your judgment sir, but how do you know it's a champion?" Osmond asked as the young heir stilled for a moment before turning to face Osmond. Twin golden suns stared back as Osmond paled slightly. A champion in the flesh.

"It takes one to know one." Elias replied as all doubts died in Osmond's throat.

"I-I see sir." Osmond simply replied, inching away slightly from the heir as everyone else avoided his golden gaze. Elias for his part barely noticed their guarded gaze as he continued to observe the work of another champion.

"Not bad... not bad at all." Elias mumbled to himself. His gaze landed on a particular poor bastard who had its entire heart cleanly blown off. "Mintes." He whispered as power courses through his brain, working far sharper than any prodigy could ever hope to do.

All the way from there eh? A rough calculation graces the young heir's mind as his gaze landed on two buildings just ahead, where another alleyway could be seen. It was far smaller than the one they were standing on, making any accurate shots difficult.

"What is your name knight?" Elias finally said as he turned his attention back to the knight.

"Osmond sir! Osmond of Leria!" Osmond answered stiffly.

"Well, Osmond. Have you seen a champion firsthand?" Elias asked as Osmond shook his head.

"No sir. I have heard stories but... I have never fought one." Osmond admitted as Elias slowly nodded his head.

"Then pray you never meet one. If you did find one, pray that it does not point its blade against you." Osmond paled as Elias whispered coldly.

"...We shall turn a blind eye to this." Osmond's eyes widened into shock, more so in dismay as he quickly voiced out.

"B-but sir this- this is murder! We can't just let it go!" Osmond protested as a cruel laugh escaped from Elias.

"Oh, Osmond. If that champion truly did wish to destroy you, there is nothing you could do." Osmond's eyes widen into shock once more as Elias continues. "Even with our combined strength, we have battlecasters and breakers mind you, we would still lose. And I for one would rather hire their services if possible."

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