Extra 001: High Prince Kier POV

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Why can't this thing move faster? I thought in annoyance as the carriage was too slow. Words cannot describe how elated I am today. For more than 7 years, I was separated to a dear friend whom I can finally meet up with. The fact that I am also engaged to her made my heart soar to no end. I want to meet with her right now! Ask how she has been, so why can't this thing move faster??

When the accursed thing finally did stop, I calmly opened the door out in excitement rather than wait for it to be opened. Just as I was about to run to see her, she was already there, standing calmly like a statue... No, it was a mosaic.

The young lady who is standing before me grown so much from the friend I once knew that I thought it was someone else. She was beautiful! Nay! She was exquisite! The girl before me looked so beautiful that I thought she was an elf for a second!

And she's supposed to be my wife?? Thank you father! Thank you mother for giving birth to me! Oh wait, I have yet to introduce myself. Come on Kier keep it under control. "It is an honor to meet you my lady." ... I did not stutter did I? Oh Gods please-

"The honor is mine young prince." ...Holy shit... Ah sorry my mind went blank for a second there. It... it... bah! Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now but it was amazing alright?? I can't believe I am spending time with this angel as she invited me for a cup of tea.

My heart pounds my chest so loudly that I fear she might heard it as we walk through the garden. We continued to walk for minutes without a word being spoken... I should say something... I should say something but what?? Come on brain think!

"It has been a while since we last met lady Emma." ...Really? That's it? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!? "Yes it's been a while." Oh thank Gods she answered. Relax Kier, you can do this! "Do you still remember those days when we played at the garden?" ... Oh you gotta be-

"Forgive me young prince, but I don't recall such memory."

"I-is that so?"

'I-iS tHAt sO' Gods what is wrong with me?? This is not your first time talking to her! Keep it together! We continue walking deeper into the garden that is becoming more and more like a forest as we finally settle ourselves down.

There were tea and crumpets prepared excellently for this occasion but truthfully, I am more concern whether or not I am making a fool of myself in front of her. But that was quickly forgotten when I looked at her face once more.

She looked so... regal. As if she was older than what she seemed to be. She looked so mature despite being younger than me. I have to say something here. I have to! "You grew far more beautiful by the day lady Emma." You can do this, relax and-

"Thank you for the compliment your highness. You too grew far... young?" "M-many thanks lady Emma." I awkwardly smiled as I try to control my face... but... WOOOOOO! THAT'S A WIN! Keep it going Kier! One step at a time!

"I have heard rumors that the young duke manages to awaken his mana at a young age?" Alright let's relax a bit Kier. No need to go all in on your first day. Lady Emma responds calmly to my questions like a cute matured lady. Watching her calmly speak warms my heart.

She was perfect. From her mannerism down to her small hand gestures, there was nothing more I could hope for! She's perfect!... except one thing.

She somehow keep using 'young prince' or the likes. It is like she's being too formal. I am older than you so shouldn't be using some other titles instead? I have to stop this now otherwise we would never grow closer.

"You keep calling me young prince. Need I to remind you that I am older than you? Kier, call me Kier. After all we are going to be family sooner or later." Family... my such a nice ring to it! I cannot wait when she- wait, why does she look so pale?

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