Slash and Destroy

Start from the beginning

I look at Leo and he and Donnie gasp when they see my eyes. I turn around and walk to Raph's room. 

"Better her than me." Mikey muttered. 

I get to Raph's room and knock. 

"Hey, Raph." I said, in a monotone voice. 

"Yeah, Y/n?" Raph asked. 

"Got a mutagen mission. Need you on deck." I stated. 

Raph slightly opens the door to greet me.

"Right, uh, I'll catch up in a minute. Go on without me. Hey, you doing okay, Y/n?" Raph asked as he looked me in the eyes. 

"Fine, 'cause we're not waiting and I'm fine, never better." I stated and I close the door before he could respond. 

We get to the surface. 

"We've got mutagen close by just on the other side." Donnie stated. 

"Ooze jar in full effect." Mikey stated. 

"Sweet. Let's grab it and bag it. Looks like we didn't need Raph after all. Hold up. Somebody's coming." Leo stated as a delivery guy finds the mutagen. 

Raph swings down to grab it only to bump into me who also tried to grab it.

"Hey, what are you doing? I had him." Raph stated. 

"You're late, Raph." Leo stated from behind me. 

"What are you talking about? You know what? Get out of my way!" Raph stated. 

"Are they gonna argue all night? The mutagen's getting away!" Donnie stated. 

"Dude, I can totally see Raph's forehead veins bulging from here." Mikey stated. 

"Check it out. His head's gonna pop." Mikey stated. 

Cut to me and Raph finishing arguing.

"Fine. I'm going after it myself. I don't need your help." I stated as I leave. 

"Fine! You sure you can handle a pizza delivery boy on your own?" Raph asked 

"People everywhere, can't been seen." I muttered to myself. 

I hide and then the canister kept crashing into cars only to be found by a man.

"Hmm, some kind of antique glow lamp. Hmm, bet it's worth a few bucks." The man stated. 

I look at the mutagen through the telescope.

"If I come back empty-handed, the guys will never let me live it down. Okay, plan need a plan." I muttered. 

I try to take it while I was hiding in the trash can but hides again.

"Daddy, daddy, look at all the cool stuff! Oh, Daddy, look at the neat lamp." A little girl said. 

I peek through. He can see a little five year old girl with her dad.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" I asked. 

"I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it. Ahhhh." The girl whined. 

I just watch in displeasure as the girl takes the mutagen.

"Maybe it's better the guys aren't here to see this. Definitely not my night." I muttered. 

I hide, looking gloomy. When the truck passes by, the trash can is on the ground, but I was waiting no longer there. I began to follow the girl, while I try to grab it only for the door to close, much to my frustration. I peeks through the window. Inside, I can see the girl pour the mutagen into a teacup. I look horrified as the little girl prepares to drink the mutagen.

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