Please Read (Temp)

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Hi all. Been a while. I'm here to explain some things about my absence and talk about the future of this book. So I won't keep this any longer than it needs to be.

Where have I been: 

I've kinda just been in limbo. Not really on Wattpad or Quotev as of recent (maybe like 5 months iirc). I started writing here because I was in a really bad spot mentally. That all came to a halt around 5 months ago though. I started reconnecting with old friends and getting back into media I really really love. Through all that my emotional and mental wellbeing was and is at an all time high. Because of that though, I no longer felt a need to write or indulge in fanfic anymore.

What's going to happen to the book: 

I do want to continue writing. I hope to make my fanfics longer and not just a page or two long. Perhaps even full books instead of oneshots are in the future for this (Self inserts of course haha)

What'll happen to my requests:

Requests are currently closed and will remain closed until the foreseeable future. Right now I want to have full control of my writing which means choosing which characters I write and how. I do want to mention that if I open them again I will make the fandoms list larger, include multi-fandom oneshots, however this will come at the cost of the rules list being a bit larger. (I will also start taking more vague requests because that was a stupid rule)

How long will this chapter be up:

Until the next oneshot. It may be a while but after that I'll try to post every week or so with a backlog of 3-5 fics incase I don't feel like writing.

Other Misc things:

I'll be deleting the fandom separators because that takes up too much space. Probably around the time the next fic is up.

The Fics I currently have planned are: Danganronpa fic (Halfway drafting), Polar Bear Cafe fic, and a Rune Factory 4 fic. There are others planned but none are even done with the concept phase.

If you have questions or concerns please leave them in the comments. I'll reply as soon as I can.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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