V2. Chapter 17 - It's a Business talk

Start from the beginning

I gave him a slight bow before walking away. "Nice cap by the way. Seems comfortable if you could use up some points." I glanced back at him and nodded before walking away. Tsuragi San was a cautious man but defensive strategies might not stand strong against my aggressive frontlines. I quickly speed ran towards the cave and looked around before going in. The spot was already claimed. And there. They gave away the leader the moment they stepped onto the island. 

It was getting late though I had to explore the depths of the island, I could do that later when the others would go search for extra claimable spots. I decided to return to the way I came from since it was relatively the shorter path. 


3rd Person's POV:

The class D students were still at the start of the beach discussing the toilet issue while Shinohara and Ike kept on bickering back and forth. The heat was getting to everyone so they decided that they should move to the shades first and discuss along the path. Hirata who was already in a conflict felt more conflicted since the youngest one over there hadn't come back yet.

"Um... everyone, I'm sorry but one of us needs to wait here." Hirata declared making everyone confused. "Huh? What do you mean Hirata Kun?" Karuizawa asked him as he smiled nervously. Ayanokouji offered the answer instead. "Takahashi's missing." And that was when everyone realized that the white-haired boy wasn't with them from the start of their discussion. Most of the students looked around frantically to spot any mop of white. "Did he even come here from the ship?" The ever-observant Horikita herself didn't notice him until now. 

Hirata sighed at the scene already getting tired with all the meddling stuff. "He went to scout the island by himself. I'll wait for him here." Everyone was surprised to hear that and as they spoke of the devil, Sora stepped out from the bushes and walked towards Hirata. No one noticed him as they were convincing Hirata for someone else to stay behind since he was important for the discussions. 

"Hirata San, thanks for keeping an eye on my bag." Sora said startling almost everyone. Hirata practically jumped at his sudden entrance from behind him. "Oh. Takahashi Kun. It's nice you're back." The younger simply nodded at him and looked around at the others. "Are they done discussing?" He asked as Hirata shook his head with concern. "Fine then. If you're looking for a shaded clearing with water availability, there is one camping spot. Unfortunately, the cave which was the best choice had already been occupied by Class A." He said fishing out his notepad and handing it to Hirata.

He explained the routes he went on and the marked distances to him as Hirata pointed them on the map along with making clear routes. Everyone waited for the duo to be done with their work so they could move to the seemingly available spot. "Thank you, Takahashi Kun. But, please don't go around alone like that again." Hirata said starting to move towards their spot as everyone followed. The younger shook his head in denial. "This exam's theme is freedom and I would like to use it to my fullest satisfaction." The taller sighed at him before continuing to follow the route they made.

"So... Hirata Kun, about the toilets." Shinohara raised the hard topic again. At this point, even Horikita was on the agreeing side since it was hard on the girls. Yukimura stood his ground not budging from his opinion of wasting points for the girls. Hirata made his decision. "Right. But I feel it's highly unlikely that putting up with the toilet is a plus. It will put extra stress on us and I'm also worried about hygiene. So after an objective judgment, I believe that at least one toilet should be prepared." He declared, his mind cleared due to getting some time to think. 

Yukimura let out a sigh of defeat finally giving in due to the constant pressure. "Practically speaking, it could get hard for a class of 30 or more people to use the makeshift toilet they have no experience on. So, I don't think I can object anymore." Hirata nodded at him and looked at Ike and the others. Sudou caught up with Sora who was walking ahead of everyone not paying attention to their banter. 

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