-Uh...- Kim shrugs her shoulders. Actually, she can't say no because his looks have bribed her, but that's not enough to answer yes.

-He has a girlfriend. Anyway, he's been with her for the last couple of years. They came to the prom together, I don't know what now. He probably has a girlfriend, and it's bad if he got your attention.

-Seulgi, his girlfriend went to another state to study. Most likely, they broke up.

-Maybe.- Kang shrugs her shoulders.

Jennie silently walks forward, looking after Jay, who is chatting on the phone with someone, explaining the coordinates of the place in the forest where he is having a party.

He has tousled blond hair, brown eyes, very long eyelashes, plus a very beautiful and sweet smile. He's cute because he looks kind, just like his eyes. Jennie may be wrong, because cute guys who know about their beauty are often assholes. Perhaps she had not encountered this at her school, because the guys there, although they were cute, were far from the standard of what young girls usually fall in love with. Although the one with whom Jennie was in a relationship was charismatic, and this replaced the natural lack of perfect facial features.

They come to a small, trampled area in the forest. Jennie had already seen it when she was looking for a place to smoke. This place is much further away from the building. There are a couple of logs here, but they won't be sitting on them. Blankets have already been laid here in advance. Four blankets. They must have been taken off the beds from the room. The girl sees bags of booze by the tree. It's on the tip of her tongue to ask where he got them from. Did he sacrifice the space in his suitcase to put so many bottles in there?

-We have two bottles of whiskey.- He says, noticing where the brown-haired girl is looking.- And a couple liters of Coke. Coke will have to be saved. But I'll tell you how to do it later. Meet Heeseung, Sunoo and Jungwon.

-Hi.- Jennie holds out her hand to the guys, and they take turns shaking it, smiling.- I'm Jennie.- After shaking hands, someone nods, someone waves to Irene and Seulgi. - Do you study together?

-Yes, but we are already graduates.- Says one of the guys. Jennie isn't sure if it's Sunoo or Jungwon, or maybe Heeseung. In general, they are ordinary. Maybe the one on the edge is prettier, but he has a kind of modest look, or something: he often looks down, as if he is afraid to look the girl in the eye, or she is mistaken, and he is just somewhere in his thoughts.

-You should have seen what she did.- Jay says, walking over to the bags of booze.- She sang at the disco, and then kissed Irene. Damn, you should have seen Seokjin's face. This is our coach, the counselor.- He explains to Jennie.

While the girls are sitting on one of the blankets, Jay tells the guys about the disco, and then they just talk about something else.

It's already getting a little dark, but nevertheless, someone can be seen sneaking ten meters away from them. Jennie sighs when she can make out the faces of the guests.

-What the fuck is she doing here?- Sana is outraged on the spot, pointing at Jennie. Since Sana said "she", Jennie guesses that they've already hung out with Irene and Seulgi, and since they go to the same school, she kind of expected these girls to be here.

-Listen, Sana. Here is my booze, here I decide who will drink it. When you have your party, invite whoever you want.- Jay answers almost without looking at her, sitting down next to the guys. He's holding a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of Coke.- Give me the cups.- He holds out his hand to his friend, behind whose back they are lying.

Jennie is watching Rose: she doesn't want to do this, but nevertheless, it turns out that way. She comes up to the guys, introduces herself and also shakes hands.

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