Satyr Claus

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Anonymous asked:

OKAY hear me out Grover introduces the concept of "Satyr Claus," a nature-inspired version of Santa Claus hehe

A/N: I have been summoned -Danny

Words: 615

Warnings: Mentions of drunk!Chiron

"There you are!" Grover approaches you with a big smile. "Been looking for you..."

"What's up?" You take a break from training and sit near the dummies making some room for Grover to sit with you.

"Thalia said you were looking to create some new traditions," he sits and pulls his satchel forward. "I've got an idea..."

"Oh, yeah but it was just for the Grace siblings..." your voice dies down when you see Grover pull out a whole notebook and a pen. He really has prepared a whole list for you.

"Okay, so I've been thinking," he starts excitedly. "Some of the traditions that humans have right now surrounding Christmas are so dangerous to the environment, I mean, the wasted food, the extra use of electricity, paper—don't even get me started on pine trees!"

"I won't," you mutter, supporting your chin on one hand. "So what do you have in mind?"

"Behold!" He turns a page and shows you a very well-made sketch, probably drawn by Annabeth. "Satyr Claus!"

You take a look at it and reply matter-of-factly. "That's Krampus."

Grover frowns. "No, it's not. 'Cause Satyr Claus isn't a bad guy."

"Okay, but they definitely look like Krampus."

"No, they don't!" He grabs the notebook and points at different parts of the drawing. "The horns are smaller, there is no ugly cape in sight, no whip, and this guy smells like pine tree!"

"Well, Krampus could smell that way too, you don't know that," you tease him.

"Y/N," he scowls. "I'm trying to do something good here, raise awareness so people stop being so careless about the waste."

You feel a little guilty now, so you grab the notebook again and change your tone to one of real interest.

"But what is the appeal here? I mean, is he going to give out presents if we look after the earth, or candy?"

"Haven't thought that far ahead, that's why I came to you," he pouts.

You're flattered that he's seeing you as an expert, but you sigh. "Honestly I'm completely blank here. You should ask Klaus, bet he's got thousands of lore that people have long forgotten about him."

"For the last time, I'm not Santa!" The boy jumps out of the tree in front of you fuming.

"Oh, there you are!" You smile. "What were you doing there? Is that a secret portal that takes you to the North Pole?"

He shows you the object in his hand and scowls. "I was hanging mistletoe."

Grover squints to try and spot the plant. "You're not actually going to let it sit there for too long, right? Mistletoe is bad for the trees."

"I know that," Klaus huffs, dusting off his jeans. "And no, I'm taking it down after Christmas, since y'all decided to be party poopers this year..."

"Hey, don't get frisky, Santa," you tease him. "Are you still upset about the trivia night?"

Klaus's eyes cloud with resentment. "That was a mean use of my skills and you know it."

Grover is still focused on the mistletoe, staring at it with his mouth slightly open. "Klaus, I don't think anyone's gonna be able to see that, you placed it too high."

"Then you fix it, Satyr Claus," the boy glares at him, his ears turning red with annoyance. "I need a drink..."

"We ran out of eggnog the other night," you inform him as he walks past you. "After Chiron got overexcited, drank his whole cabinet of special drinks, and started to give us his own version of drunk history."

"Dang it!" Klaus kicks a few dry leaves that fell when he jumped off the tree. "I hate it here."

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