Dec. 22nd - Catching up on Childhood (Platonic Thalia ft. a lot of people)

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Anonymous asked:

How bout the hunters come to CHB for christmas celebrations and stay for a few days so then the 7 does a birthday party for Thalia? Because Jason wants to do so even if his sisters doesn't age anymore - because they missed so many together??????

I can't believe we are actually celebrating all the birthdays this month-

Warnings: none!

- Asja

Jason had gathered most of his friends in one place. He wasn't sure how to ask them this favor- but he was even more lost without help. The problem was that in Camp Jupiter birthdays were celebrated differently, and he wanted to do something that Thalia would appreciate.

He looked over the group of people as he sighed, all eyes on him.

"I need your help," he started, "I want to celebrate Thalia's birthday and I have no clue how to."

"And you got all of us together because of that?" Piper asked and Jason nodded curtly.

"Annabeth and Percy know Thalia the longest," Jason's voice faltered but he quickly regained his thought, "and you two," he gestured to Piper and Leo, "are my best friends?" As Leo agreed you looked expectantly to Jason, wondering when he would address you being there and as he turned to you he smiled.

"And we all know that (Y/n) is our master planner!" he tried to lowkey hype you up but just shook your head while grinning.

"Thanks for the compliment Jason,"

Your Thalia Birthday Squad started quickly with brainstorming, as you all agreed that even if Thalia wouldn't want it herself, she and Jason had a lot of things to catch up on. While Thalia might have most of eternity left, Jason only had one lifetime and they had already lost so much time together. So, through than very intensive thinking progress, which consisted mostly of Leo shouting out everything that came to his mind and Annabeth jotting down the ones she thought Thalia would enjoy the most, you came to the conclusion that you would start with Jason and Thalia first catching up on some childhood by making gingerbread houses together and then moving on to the actual 'surprise' party where everyone would be.


Piper and you were in charge of making sure that the gingerbread house making would go smoothly- it helped that making said houses was already a part of the Camp curriculum of the day. So, you two teamed up to assemble your own house not too far from Jason and Thalia, but far enough to let them have some time together.

They seemed to be having fun. Jason was trying to keep the four walls upright as Thalia balanced the roof on top, after a moment they both let go and the house was standing. Thalia held up her hand for a high five and as Jason high fived her, her smiling face turned into one of disgust. She looked at her hand only to quickly move forward and wipe it off on the front of Jason's shirt. Jason laughed as Thalia calmed down and looked at her little brother with love, patting his arm as she instructed him to get decorating.

"Hey! You're messing up my walls!" Piper smacked your hands away as you turned to look at what you were doing. You might have been staring at Grace siblings a bit too intensely, because you accidentally made the roof of your house too heavy, almost making half your house collapse.

"Sorry Pipes," you shrugged towards Jason and Thalia, "they seem to be having fun though." Piper looked past you and nodded.

"Yeah, I don't see why we would need to be here honestly," She smiled at you, "Although I am not complaining about being with you right now. It's nice." You send her a teasing smile.

"Aww, are we going soft on me?" you asked her as she shook her head.

"You wish." she laughed.


As the gingerbread houses were done, Piper and you quickly made your way to the site of the party. Your arrival signaled that the birthday girl was coming soon, and as you stood next to Reyna, you could already hear Jason and Thalia talking.

As soon as they were in sight, you all started singing Happy Birthday. As the song was done quickly Thalia just squinted her eyes.

"Thank you," she looked around and then back to Jason, "I'm sorry we had so little time together before, and I am glad to spend today with you." You weren't sure but you could have sworn you saw her eyes get a little teary.

"I'm immortal," she said and Jason turned to her.

"Yes, but I just wanted," he sighed a little and Thalia looked up at him. She wasn't surprised that he had outgrown her- but her heart ached a little at what it meant.

"I got the cake!" Percy suddenly ran into the party, "Mom just delivered it and-" he took a breath, "Am I interrupting something?"

You turned to the girl standing next to you, and tapped her on her arm. As Reyna turns her gaze to you, you purse your lips.

"Just the general peace, Aquaman." Thalia told him and Percy glared at her.

"My pleasure," then he broke out in a grin, "Good to see you, Pinecone face." Percy went to put the cake down and you realized something.

"Hey, uh, quick question, but would you like to come with me to Calypso this year?" you smiled nervously, "Most people already have plans and I would like to get as many together to visit Calypso for new years." Reyna nodded and smiled.

"If Lady Artemis let's me, I would love to join you. I haven't seen Calypso in ages." You eagerly nodded, moving along to join the other party guests.

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