Dec. 8th: Santa's helping hand -(Platonic!Leo Valdez xGN!Reader)

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dark-poetry-and-nostalgia asked:

hope i'm not too late! Leo x reader (Christmas/Holiday themed) where Leo and reader kinda goof around camp for Christmas and reader made Leo give gifts that they made tgt in Cabin Nine to children at Camp (Leo is forced to disguised as an elf but he does it anyway bc he loves reader) and maybe a double date with Solangelo. (platonic Nico and Will x reader if possible). if both ideas are used, it would be great but using one of these two ideas would be enough for me :) thank you!!

A/N: Alright more Leo fluff LET'S GO —Danny

Warnings: None

Words: 726

"Why are we giving presents two weeks before Christmas?" You ask your friend as he piles more and more boxes on your poor arms.

"'Cause I made them three days ago and I'm too impatient to wait," He said happily. "C'mon, Y/N, it'll be fun— you'll be Santa's little helping hand for a day."

"You're supposed to be Santa in this scenario?" You replied. "Cause you're way too small for the part."

"Shut up," Leo retorted without losing his good mood. "Here, put this on and let's go!"

The boy placed a red pointy hat on your head, the fluffy white tassle bouncing back and fort with each step you took. Leo took half of the presents your were carrying and pulled out a red sack from his magical belt, throwing the boxes in with little care.

"Careful there, or your presents will be all broken by the time you deliver them..."

"Nah, they can't break," He smiled. "But even if they do I can fix them in a jiffy, don't worry."

"What are they, if I can ask?"

"I made some toys for the younger kids— some tools for the older kids, or y'know, things that I think will come in handy. Then I got lazy and I started to simply pack a bunch of random snacks in boxes."

"Bet the Ares and Mr D's cabin will love those..."

As you kept walking Leo finished placing all the presents inside the huge bag, he got to the dinning pavilion, where everyone was currently having lunch, and pulled out a rubber chicken from his belt, which he then pressed. The squealing sound caught everyone's attention, and he grinned at the crowd.

"Good day to you all," He spoke in a strange accent. "Christmas has arrived early this year."

He grabbed a second pointy hat from Gods know where and put in on top of his own head. Then he handed you a piece of paper: A list, and a small speech so you could play along.

"Cabin nine," You said to the audience, reading with a bit of difficulty his thin, messy handwriting. "Please stand up!"

The campers -to your surprised- obeyed. Leo's siblings had a mixture of curiosity and excitement in their faces, especially the younger ones.

"Santa thinks you guys are really cool and amazing and— hey I'm not reading this, it's Hephaestus propaganda!" You joked, folding the list and looking back at the crowd. "Leo's brought presents for you, guys. Come get them."

The group of children surrounded you and Leo in an instant, he demanded his siblings to get in a line and handed them presents with impressive speed, you held the bag and stopped the campers from snopping around. Once cabin nine was done, Leo started to call the rest of the cabins one by one.

The kids seemed genuinely pleased with their presents, and even Chiron, Mr D and the satyrs got their own boxes of snacks.

"Well, looks like your idea was a huge success," You nudge Leo's arm. "I bought a few presents myself, but those are for the real Christmas morning."

"Sweet! Can I help?"


"Aw, c'mon!"

"Your present is in that pile! I would ruin the sweet surprise if I show you what you're getting weeks before I even give it to you! Besides," You grin. "I already asked Percy and Grover to help me out."

"What! Why are they allowed to help but not me?"

"Cause Grover is great at keeping things secret and Percy's brain runs too fast to hold any information concerning other people's business."

Leo scrunched up his nose, averting his gaze from yours.

"Yeah, that checks out," He sighed.

"Don't get pouty, Valdez, I'm sure we'll find some other stuff to do together this month— even if we don't we'll have Christmas' Eve and the morning after to hang out!"

Leo's smiled came back with your reminder, he folded the bag under his arm. "True, true— this is for you, by the way!"

He handed you a small box full of your favorite snacks, there was a small bow on top.

"Aww, thank you!" You beamed. "I don't have anything for you, though..."

"A hug would be nice?"


You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tight, Leo chuckled at your actions and squeezed back with equal effort.

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