Dec. 31st: New traditions -(Platonic!Reyna x Calypso xGN!Reader)

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Anonymous asked:

Poly Calpyso and Reyna on new years to make my heart go BOOM Like fireworks?? Thanks

I've returned to one of my favorite ships so I can close the year happily gay, this is platonic tho -Danny

Words: 1,156

Warnings: Bit of drinking.

You stumbled into Calypso's new place, pushing your bag further inside the room while Reyna urged you to enter by poking your back.

"C'mon, Y/N, I'm freezing my butt out here!" She demanded.

"Going, m'going!" You huffed.

Calypso's soft singing voice made its way from the kitchen, your heart immediately jumped at the sound, it'd been a while since you'd seen her, with all the preparations for the holidays and the parties, she hadn't been able to go since she was too busy moving into her brand new house.

How had she managed to buy this place? Only her -and Apollo and Hephaestus- knew. She was definitely too young-looking owning a house without the neighbors being suspicious, but as soon as you saw Calypso, all worries went away.

She was holding a tray with hot beverages and home-made sweets. Calypso had no longer silky dresses on (and it would've been torture, considering how cold the weather was) and she was now proudly wearing a knitted sweater and some casual pyjama pants she'd bought on her own.

"Hi!" She kissed your cheek, then did the same with Reyna. "I hope the trip wasn't too bad?"

The girl examined your look as well as Reyna's and it seemed she considered you were both tidy enough, then guided you back into the dinning room.

"How are the others?"

Reyna then proceeded to tell her all about Thalia's party, and then you talked about the Christmas party, and the stuff you'd done with the others throughout the month. Calypso asked you to send her regards to Leo, since they were good friends and the boy would visit her from time to time to make sure she was okay. He wasn't able to come with you this time, though, since he'd promised his Waystation family he would spend the New Year with them.

Much like the rest of your friend group, all of them had already made plans with either their own families or mortal friends, so in the end, it was only Reyna, Calypso, and you. Not that you minded, you loved those girls and it was always fun to hang out with them alone.

"Are you staying just the night?"

Reyna and you shared a look, the trip hadn't been hell but Calypso's place was really nice and you felt exhausted after a whole month of organizing stuff. Going back to camp would mean going back to your normal duties, no breaks in between, that without mentioning school. For Reyna it meant going back to the hunt and although it wasn't exactly a nightmare she did enjoy hanging out with you two without having any other responsabilities.

"Maybe a week?" You asked shyly. "If it's not a problem..."

"If it is we can go—"

"Oh no, no it's not that!" Calypso blushed. "Sorry, I'm not trying to kick you out, I was just asking cause... well, I'd love it if you could stay a while. It's not that bad having all this free time and being on my own— but I do miss the company a little, especially the company of the ones I love."

You melted at her comment, now you were completely sure you would be staying the whole week.

"Okay," Reyna grabbed the empty cups and stood up, you could've sworn she was also blushing. "So we have a few empty hours before midnight— got any ideas?"

"Calypso promised we would have a whole feast," You mentioned innocently. "Am I wrong if I say you bought all the ingredients for a fancy dinner?"

"You're completely right," Calypso grinned. "I did buy a ton of ingredients— we've got loads of work to do, so if you guys feel rested we should get started!"

"Where should we leave our stuff, though?"

"Oh— yeah about that," Calypso looked guilty. "Hephaestus promised he would bring me beds for my guest rooms, but that was a few days ago and I assume he's busy with something else, so there's only one bed here— mine. So..."

She pulled the sleeves of her sweater down and look away.

"I was thinking we could all have a sleepover? We can share the bed if you guys don't mind— it's so big I promise you won't be uncomf—"

"That's fine," Reyna was back in the room, her voice sounded a bit urgent when she responded. "No problem, I have sleepovers almost every night when I'm out with the hunters— what d'you say, Y/N?"

"Oh I'm—I'm fine," You said clumsily. "No problem. Yeah. Sounds cool."

"I'll take you stuff upstairs, then. You guys can go to the kitchen and wait there for me."

As soon as she left you and Reyna shared a look, a mix between amusement and confusion surrounded you, but Reyna quickly got over it.

"Wipe that look off your face," She stated. "Get up and come help me out in the kitchen."


"Y/N, you got flour on your face," Calypso pointed out.

"What? Where?" You look down trying to spot the stain on your own.

"There," Reyna brush your forehead, leaving a bigger white stain since her hands were covered in the powder.

"How are you two so bad at keeping yourselves clean?" Calypso chuckled, grabbing a paper towel and pouring a bit of water on it.

She approached and stood on her tiptoes to clean your forehead. You watched her soft frown from upclose, trying to not smile too much at her funny face.

The timer went off then, and Calypso turned away from you to grab it.

"The pasta's ready!" She said proudly.

"Yummy," You said playfully. "What about the cookies? Can we eat the dough?"

"That's gross," Calypso said casually, not even looking at you.

"Hey, that's the best part! It's tradition!"

"You're saying that it's tradition to eat cookie dough during New Year's eve?" Calypso raised a brow.

"No, I'm saying it's tradition to eat cookie dough whenever you bake cookies."

Reyna snorted, walking up to the stove and turning off the flame.

"Who's ready to eat dinner, then?"


"Guys it's happening!" You yelled from across the house.

Reyna and Calypso rushed into the room holding a cup of cider each, handing an extra one to you, you had a pointy hat on and glitter on your face that you couldn't tell from where had it come from, a giddy sensation on your chest as you started to count down the seconds.

"Ten, nine, eight— oof, this cider is great!" You smirked. "Five... four—"

As you drank a bit more from your glass, the girls finished the countdown, you shouted 'One!', and hugged the girls tightly, laughing at the way you almost fell by the force of Reyna's embrace.

"Happy new year, girls!" You exclaimed gleefully.

"I hope this year's as amazing as the last," Calypso sighed. "It's been fun..."

"I hope so too," You kissed the top of her head affectionately.

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