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Dinner with family on a Friday night was supposed to be the tension free meal and meet but here the tension seems to be hanging by a thin thread, as if one disturbance and the floor would disappear from beneath our foot

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Dinner with family on a Friday night was supposed to be the tension free meal and meet but here the tension seems to be hanging by a thin thread, as if one disturbance and the floor would disappear from beneath our foot. Glances were exchanged.

Oblivious to all this tension, is me. My mind drifts to Aiden and that women with bad vibes. My brain is stuck on the part where there is now a sudden addition to our outing. With Cornelia now interrupting our every lunch/dinner, I'm getting side casted.
Cherry on top being the fact that Aiden seems to be getting more involved with her. Showering her with all kind of attention. Now it's starting to look as if I'm the side chick here.

I tried being the mature women, the understanding women but today I just felt a lot on edge and that kind of made me walk out of our lunch. What hurts more is that Aiden didn't even tried stopping me. A quick message about getting home safely was all I got.

"Anna beta, we need to talk to you about something."

Breaking out of trance just to realize I spaced out from an important discussion.
The look on my Uncle's face is serious whereas my Aunt looks a bit nervous. Like just a little.
Dear Lord, this better not be about that incident from the restaurant or about Aiden.

"Beta, I know you still have around 2 week of vacation here, but what Archana and I thought were.. how about we all leave for India early and surprise our family there. It's been over a year since we last visited India. So, I think this would be the perfect opportunity."

My head whipped in his direction, the sudden change in plan was NOT on my plan.
The unsure look on my face encouraged him to elaborate his reason.

"Everyone knows you are going to be here for the next two weeks, so our presence might take them off guard. So it's a surprise!! ....Like a win win."

Yah, more like win - lose

"Uhm... So... When do we leave according to your plan??" Translates to- how much time do I have with Aiden.


!!! Tf!!!

"What?! And I'm finding it out right now?? We have flights to book and a luggage to pack!!"

"Don't worry honey!we have already done that. I packed your bags in the morning. We thought we would give you a surprise too." Her nervous chuckle makes me feel bad about my reaction towards them. Unknowingly my tone had shifted to a loud and probably rude one.

"So we leave... Tomorrow?? At what time??"

"Morning 8."

These were the last words I heard before I excused myself to my room. What they did is for a good cause. Everyone in my family is going to be so happy. Whereas me, I'm going to have a shit ton of tantrum to handle.

Should have thought before getting your feelings attached. What were you even thinking getting cozy with a guy who's there only for a month!!!

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