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 Last night after I came home, I was tired, so soon after dinner I went to bed

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 Last night after I came home, I was tired, so soon after dinner I went to bed.

But dreadfully, the first thought my brain decided to hit me, in the early morning, as soon as I woke up, was of that vexing tall man who had ruined my evening. An evening I reserved for all the flushing out of the negative energy and have some peaceful time to myself.

I remember the way he touched my lips, as if... it's normal, as if I'm his. I can't believe I blushed like a noob to that.

*sigh* What is more unbelievable is, how my body didn't retreat with disgust from a touch of a man.

Moreover, that was the first time when I had initiated conversation with an absolute stranger and that happens to be a total disaster, I'm never doing this ever again.

Few more weeks to go, let's hope I don't see that person ever again.

My train of thoughts of yesterday's evening were interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door "Aiyanna beta, can I come in?".

But before I could respond, she was already inside, and she appears to be quite enthusiastic.

" why are you still in bed ! it's 7 in the morning, come on we have a place to be at!!"

Exactly, it's 7 IN THE MORNING, which is why I'm still in bed. I want to start my morning in a sloth pace. I obviously couldn't say that to her. 

She reached to me in no time and single handedly dragged me out of the bed and shoved me in the bathroom. " get ready fast, we have to leave in 30 min", all right... So much for starting my day like a slacker.

With a lot of efforts, I finally got ready. It wasn't much, I wore a white strappy dress that reached my mid thigh.  I accessorized with gold loop earrings.

When I exited the bathroom, I observed my suitcase was on the bed while aunt was going through the wardrobe, that I just arranged with my clothes.

"ohhh... you're out already, here pick out few outfit for like 4 days, we are going to the vacation house" she exclaimed, no wonder she is so excitement so early in the morning. "I have already selected a few that looks picture perfect, if you wanna add more, go ahead, but hurry we leave in 15 minutes" she kissed my forehead before she left the room.

I scanned the room, at the mess, so now I have less than 15 min to pack my bags and clean the mess up aka my cloths *sigh*. Oh wow sloth and cloth, two thing ruining my day today.

We finally made it to the vacation house. The car ride was certainly exhausting. I changed into more comfortable clothing. The whole place is surrounded by trees and the water sound suggests that there is a stream nearby. Perfect. The whole cabin was painted black except for the deck that was in woody color. The front of the cabin was covered in big glass slide. Having a big glass slide was not a big problem as it was a forest area and there was a lot of privacy. There was no cabin until a few yards away.  However, if a wild animal decides to break in, it could become a problem.

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