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Blake's POV

I'm 20 minutes into my class and Serena still didn't show up.

I texted her like five minutes ago, asking where she is but she didn't answer.

I'm getting a bit worried since she didn't text me yesterday when she got home like she always does but I assumed that she just went to sleep and forgot.

I continued teaching my class then I heard my phone buzz "sorry" I acted like I wanted to mute it but I just wanted to check if it was from Serena and it was.

"I'm a little sick so I won't come to school today. Love u" I read the text quickly and turned my phone off.

It's good that she's staying home when she's sick, she shouldn't exhaust herself but what threw me off was the "love u"

This girl has not stopped saying that she loves me ever since we first said it and when she does, she says it fully and with extra letters. She does this when she's mad or upset like when she texts "k" when we're fighting.

But we didn't even fight. Everything is so good with us right now so I don't get what's going on.

After I finished my class, I went outside of the school to call her. I put my phone up to my ear, waiting for her to answer which she did after a bit.

"Hi baby" I said when she answered "hi" she sniffed "what happened? Did you suddenly get sick?" I asked her as I walked around a little.

"Yeah. I don't know what happened" I can tell that she was crying "are you crying baby?" She let out a laugh making me smile a little "my stomach hurts" she explained with a little whine.

"When does your stomach not hurt?" I asked making her laugh again "you want anything? I can buy you some things from the store before my next class"

"That's okay. I just need to sleep"

I stayed quiet for a bit "are you sure you're just sick?" I asked her "mhm"

"Wanna come over tonight? We're having a movie night and I thought you'd like to come" we're not really having a movie night but if she says no to this then something happened at her aunt's place.

"I don't feel like it" she responded.

Something definitely happened.

But if she doesn't want to say what it is yet, I won't pressure her. I hope she opens up to me about what's actually bothering her.

I know how families are. I have the worst relationship with my parents so maybe her family did something that upset her.

"I'm gonna go sleep now. I'll talk to you later" she said and I sighed "okay. Bye"

I really want to be the type of girlfriend to go her girlfriend's house with flowers and chocolates to make her happy when she's feeling down but due to our situation I can't really do that.

All I want to do is hold her even if she doesn't want to tell me what's wrong.


"Thank you for this" I said to Elise as we walked to my car "don't worry about it" she said smiling at me.

I unlocked the car, took the flowers and the bag of snacks I got for Serena.

I want to make her feel better but I know I can't be over at her place even if her dad is supposed to be at work.

Maybe he has a day off or something and I don't want to risk getting beat up.

I handed Elise the things and she smiled "this is so cute of you. She's gonna be so happy" she said making me smile "you think so?" Elise nodded her head "definitely and also just so I can be completely honest with you, the snacks might not fully make them to her house"

I laughed a little at what she said and locked my car "it's fine, I bought a lot"

Elise went to her car to put the things in it before going back to class and I went back to school to the teachers room.

I was just sitting there, trying to relax and drink my coffee and not even 10 minutes later, I was called into the principal's office.

I knocked on the door and stepped inside just to see Elise and Hudson. Oh my fucking god.

I stood on the side since they were both sitting down. I looked at Elise who just seemed stressed as fuck while Hudson is looking happy and satisfied.

"Hudson showed me a few photos that I'd really love to hear an explanation for" the principal said as he turned the phone so I can see the pictures.

It was me handing Elise the flowers and bag of snacks 15 minutes ago.

I sighed and looked over at Elise who was biting on her nails nervously. She was obviously waiting for me to get her out of this situation.

"Do you wanna tell him or should I?" I asked Elise with a very gentle voice since I just thought about something that can get us out of this.

Please god, I know I'm not religious but let this shit work.

"You-you can tell him" Elise stuttered, a little confused on what I want to do.

I looked up at the principal "Elise's brother recently got into an accident. He's in a hospital two hours away from here since the transfer to the hospital here isn't going through as fast as they hoped.."

I made sure my voice was calm and I was talking slowly while taking breathes in between sentences to make this more believable.

I'm trying so hard not to stutter too so he doesn't think I'm lying.

"..I saw her crying so I asked her if everything was okay and she told me that she couldn't visit him the past few days since her car was in the garage and she's worried that he thinks she doesn't care about what happened to him since you know.. siblings bully each other and fight all the time" I said making him smile a little bit at the last part.

I think it's working.

"So I asked her if there is anything I can do. She asked me if I can buy her flowers for him and a few of his favorite snacks so she can make it before the visiting time is over. I couldn't say no to her"

Please believe this.

The room went quiet for a bit. I can hear my heart beating in my chest and feel it in my entire body. I'm going to pass out if it stays this quiet.

"Elise you shouldn't have come to school today. You should be with your brother" the principal said making my shoulders relax.

Elise adjusted herself in her seat and cleared her throat "I have a test today. I can't miss it" she said which is so convenient for our situation.

"It's okay. I can talk to your teacher and have them move it to another day" Elise smiled at him and visibly relaxed when he believed my lie "my dad can't come take me since he already went there so it's okay, Miss Cassidy really made things easier for me"

"I'm sorry about your brother and all of this unnecessary trouble. You can go back to your class"

Elise stood up to leave the office "there is no way you believe that" Hudson spoke up.

"I do believe it" the principal said as Hudson stood up "she's fucking lying" he raised his voice as he pointed at me.

"I don't think anyone can make up a story this good" I said making the principal nod in agreement with me "you need to stop causing trouble for Miss Cassidy or I'm going to suspend you and don't argue with me. Leave my office"

Hudson stormed out of the office and the principal sat down again "I am so sorry about all of this. I can see why it looked suspicious but you were doing such a nice thing. You are truly a good person"

I'm so sorry for the countless times I lied to you and took advantage of how nice you are.

"Thank you sir. I try to be"

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