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Serena's POV

"I said I wanted to talk to you"

I rolled my eyes at what Miss Cassidy said and continued making my way towards the door "I have a class. Thanks for the offer though" the door slammed shut just seconds before I stepped out of the class.

"You could've quite literally killed me" I said looking at Miss Cassidy who towered over me with her hand still resting on the door "when I say I wanna talk to you, you listen"

"Yes mistress" I said making myself laugh but she definitely didn't laugh "you're unbelievable" she said shaking her head in disbelief as she stood straight up and stared intensely into my eyes.

Is she intimidating? Fuck yeah and I'm a person that rarely gets intimidated but she is scary. Not going to show that she intimidates me though.

"I know for a fact that you and I are not going to get along whatsoever so I'm not even gonna try with you" she said getting straight to the point.

I pouted my lips and placed my hand on her shoulder "that is very kind of you" she took a deep breathe and stayed quiet, crossing her arms and I think I got the hint.

"You're no fun" I said pulling my hand back since apparently she does not want me to touch her.

First time anyone has ever disliked my touch but okay.

"Don't ever think I'm here to have fun, Miss Lennon. I'm giving you another chance to try and show me that you're not a student that should be on my bad side"

Her face is so perfectly made, it's insane.

"Your bad side, that's cute.." I said tilting my head to the side as I smiled at her while she was keeping a straight face "..but I'm good"

I left the classroom and headed to my next class.


"Miss Cassidy is so hot though" Diane said as we sat at our regular table in the cafeteria "she doesn't like me" I commented, keeping my focus on the food in front of me.

"When has a teacher ever liked you Serena?" Tristan asked fully serious "fair"

Teachers don't like me.

Why? I don't know. I'm not that rude.

I can have a bit of an attitude but it's because we're at school and I don't sleep well so of course I'm going to be grumpy.

And what? Should I be kissing the teachers' asses or something? If they're nice then I'm going to be nice, I'm not that much of a bitch.

"The bitch is coming" Elise said and we all groaned knowing exactly who she means.

"Hey guys" we all looked at Carina who welcomed herself to our table.

Yeah no.

She knows we don't like her and she's acting like we're on good terms which we aren't.

"Hey Carina" Diane said forcing a smile on her face.

Carina fucked Diane over but Diane is still being the nice pure human being she is? Could never be me.

I'm here to be the rude one that stands up for her friends when they don't do it themselves.

I know Diane is just pure and doesn't want to have bad blood with anyone but when someone messes with one of my girls, I'll hold a grudge forever.

"The new physics teacher is so hot. Do any of you have her?" I do but I am not going to participate in a conversation with Carina. Fuck this bitch.

Forbidden // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now