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Blake's POV

Serena didn't show up to class after what I said.

I looked for her all over school. I even went to her classes to check if she was there but she wasn't so I did what I did not want to do at all.

"Miss Cassidy.." Tristan said making the rest of Serena's friends turn to look at me, a little shocked that I approached them.

I didn't smile or anything because I still don't trust them nor am I okay with them knowing about Serena and I but I want to know if my girl is okay.

"Did you see Serena?" I asked them, placing my hands in my pockets "um no. I've been texting her to see where she is but she hasn't answered yet" Elise answered since all of them seem to sense my horrible energy.

I'm guessing she told them that if I find out about them knowing, it won't be a very nice thing.

I nodded at what she said "are you guys... gonna break up?" One of her other friends asked. I took a deep breathe and looked away from them "is her dad home right now?" I asked them "no. He stays at work till like five"

I didn't answer and just walked away. I went towards one of the teachers I know "listen I have to leave, something urgent came up so can you find someone to take over my class?" I asked him and he nodded "of course. Hope everything goes well with you"

"Thank you" I even left my bag and everything. I only had my keys and phone but that's all I need for now. I can take the rest later.

I drove towards her house and parked in her driveway. Her car was here.

I got out of the car and started ringing the bell. She took long so I just started knocking on the door. I was worried. If she opens the door looking like she was crying, my heart is going to break.

The door opened and I was met by a sad looking Serena. Her eyes were sparkling, her nose was a little red and she was wearing my hoodie.

"Come in" she said sniffing. I stepped into her house and she closed the door then locked it. I followed her towards the living room and we sat down next to each other.

"Don't you have a class to teach?" She asked me as she sat on the edge with her hands resting on her lap as she played around with her rings nervously.

She hasn't looked me straight in the eyes for more than a second ever since I got here.

"Doesn't matter. You have classes to attend, you can't just leave" she kept looking down at her lap "sorry. I just wasn't feeling good" no sassy attitude, no up and down look, no rolling eyes, no eye contact, no aggressive gum chewing. Just a sad voice and a sad face. I broke Serena.

"What I said was a bit too much" I spoke up "I did something stupid, you were right" she said, moving her hair away from her face.

I sighed "At least look at me" she refused to look at me so I slowly reached over to her face, held her chin and made her look at me.

She looked at me through her lashes, giving me the most innocent sad look ever. I gently caressed her chin "I shouldn't have said what I said, even if you did something wrong. I should've been calm and more considerate of what I said. I was too harsh"

"But you meant it" she said with tears gathering in her eyes. I thought about it for a little "I did but I could've worded it better. The last thing I want is for you to be this upset because of me"

She looked down and stayed quiet. I took her hand and placed it over the left side of my chest, right over my pulse as I kept my hand over hers.

"Can you feel how fast my heart is beating right now?" I asked her making her look into my eyes again "this time it's not because I'm looking at the most beautiful ever.." I said making her smile a little "..it's because for the past hour, I've been thinking about how my life would be if I didn't fix this"

"I'm terrified of losing you, Serena" her eyebrows relaxed and she moved her hand up to rest it on the side of my neck "I love you" I admitted making her eyes light up.

I don't care if she says it back.

I just want her to know that I love her and that I'm not going to let something like this ruin what we have.

Serena is everything I have ever wanted. She has made my life so much better by simply existing and being her amazing self.

She leaned in and kissed my lips "I love you too" she said, with her face still close to mine "so you're not mad at me anymore?" She asked moving closer to me and resting her head on the back of the couch while still facing me.

"I'm a little pissed but it already happened. I can't change it so there is no point in being mad anymore" I'm still pissed off at the fact that she told them but when I look at her beautiful innocent eyes, I can't be mad anymore.

Trying to have a more peaceful and positive mindset will be a bit hard but I'll do anything for her.

She feels guilty about it, she knows she was wrong so it's okay. I don't have to make her more upset than she already is.

"You sure?" I hummed and pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly.

She curled up into a ball, placing her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around my stomach. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"My brother and his girlfriend are coming tomorrow" I said after a bit. She looked up at me with sad eyes "but I want make up sex" and she's back.

I laughed a little at what she said "we'll have make up sex, don't worry" she smiled a little and looked down at my lips "right now?" She asked.

"Fuck no. I can't even get hard from how nervous I am because I'm in your house. Your huge scary dad can barge in at any moment"

She laughed and put her head back on my chest "either way, I just wanna cuddle right now"

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