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 "There are two things I hate. Waiting and being rushed." Yusuke moped like a child. "And what do you know, that's all I have been doing lately."

"Well Yusuke, important people like Koenma are always quite busy."

He scoffed at Botan's reasoning before turning away.

It had been two weeks since the fire incident Yusuke had been nothing but impatient. He wanted to be done with this revival business, but it seemed like Koenma had other plans.

"Hah, those guys just like to keep you waiting to make you think they're important," Yusuke grumbled.

He finally got his chance to get back to the living, he was so close. But now he had to wait weeks for an answer? Absolutely ridiculous.

"Seriously," Yusuke went on. "How busy a toddler can be?"

"I thought we agreed you would stop calling me that."

Yusuke jumped and spun around. "Koenma!"

"Yo!" Koenma waved casually.

As soon as Yusuke recovered from the shock, he was ready to throw hands. "Don't sneak up on me, it really pisses me off-!"

Botan quickly clinched Yusuke in a headlock and slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Hey, Koenma sir," Botan laughed nervously. "Yusuke was just wondering when would it be a good time to bring him back to life."

"Ah yes about that matter, it seems we are going to have to rush. "

At the words, Yusuke stopped struggling and Botan let go of him.

"Come with me!" Koenma flew over to Yusuke, grabbed him by the hand, and sped away like a flash of lightning.


In the living room, Atsuko was sitting in a comfortable chair, drinking away. Occasionally she'd throw a glance at her son's body and the phone, then immediately go back to her drink.

"Nice pad, my mother must have had good fire insurance." Yusuke examined his new residence, then went into his room where his body was resting. He then walked out for a moment just to check the other doors in the small hall.

One of them must be Miss Harpy's room.

Yusuke flew back to Botan and Koenma. "So, are we going to put me back in my body now?"

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now