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 Yusuke was once above the clouds as he looked at his golden egg. "You know, it'd be really embarrassing to get eaten by something that came out of an egg this tiny."

On cue, Botan floated into his vision. "Well Yusuke, if you do some good deeds, you won't have to worry."

"Please, I hate people who call themselves do-gooders. They say they care, but they always care for themselves."

"Everything's half empty with you isn't it, Yusuke?" Botan scolded. "How can you even think like that after what happened two days ago?"

"You mean when my sister and Keiko decided to have a death wish again?" Yusuke glared up at Botan.

He'd seen the whole saga. Every excruciating minute of it, and to say he was pissed was an understatement.

Those thugs almost...and Miyuki could've...

It was dire enough that Keiko had gotten herself in danger, but Miyuki had all but thrown herself into the flames as well. And along with fury, the helplessness had been unbearable.

"They were trying to help," Botan pointed.

"They almost got themselves killed for the gazillionth time!"

"Well, if you keep up this crummy attitude you will never get your life back."

Yusuke growled and started tossing the egg into the air before catching it. "That toddler Koenma has got me by the balls and he knows it. He is just another idiot that's abusing his power-."

Botan slapped her hand to his mouth and looked around nervously. "You've got to watch that tongue Yusuke."

"Who cares, we're alone!" Yusuke snorted.

"We don't know that for sure." Botan expressed. "Koenma is probably sending investigators to check on how you're doing."

"Investigators?" Yusuke got a bit concerned. "What do they look like?"

Right on cue, thunder burst into the air. The clouds in the sky suddenly turned darker, but white lightning flashed them. The clouds began to form a hole in the sky and out of it, a bright orb began to flicker out and around the sky.

"They look like that." Botan stuttered as that small ball of blue light was heading right towards them.

"Like what?" Yusuke was now trembling with anxiety. Just what kind of Spiritual Creature did Koenma send down to him?

Eventually, the orb stopped before him, and it radiated a bright glow that almost blinded him and the Grim Reaper next to him.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora