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A/N.: If anyone curious, this is a story line based and inspired on events that occured in the manga version of YYH. 



The arm of the wooden training dummy circled a full 360 till the hand of the fighter blocked it.


More punches and kicks were hurled at the training dummy that kept their arms revolving back and forth. Of course, the girl before it was not the one backing down from its assaults.


She kept on pushing. One slap after another punch.

There was no better driving force than the boiling rage that streamed through within the veins of an Urameshi...



Her breathing went deep and heavy as her weary eyes stared at her feet, then the dummy that her fist had knocked over. Her rage and frustration quickly faded to dismay. That's when the realization struck, and she hissed in response.


She lifted her quivering hands and all she saw was deep purple and red. Forcing back the discomfort from her face, she quickly scurried to the restroom nearby and turned on the water to clean her wounds or at least ease up the pain. It was troublesome, to say the least, but better than nothing.

But then she suddenly felt her hands becoming frigid.

Too cold for comfort.

Miyuki opened her eyes, and there she saw that familiar blueish-white rays surrounding her hands.

"NO!" She jerked right away from the sink and tried to shake off the glowing water that clung to her like gloves.

"Stop it!"

It was no use.

"Stop it. Stop it! STOP IT!"

Eventually, the strange glow died down. The layer of water melted off, and Miyuki stared at her completely healed hands.

First with horror, then a familiar bitterness that made her hands clench.

"God...damn it!"

But even with all that rage inside, Miyuki's legs gave out. She leaned against the wall for support, but quickly realized it was worthless. She slid to the ground, heart pounding and fists shaking as she pressed them on the side of her head, and closed her eyes tight.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now